# -*- encoding: binary -*- $stderr.sync = $stdout.sync = true require "test/unit" require "time" require "date" require "stringio" require "tempfile" require "rack" require "clogger" # used to test subclasses class FooString < String end class TestClogger < Test::Unit::TestCase include Clogger::Format def setup @tz = ENV["TZ"] @nginx_fmt = "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z" @req = { "REQUEST_METHOD" => "GET", "HTTP_VERSION" => "HTTP/1.0", "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => 'echo and socat \o/', "PATH_INFO" => "/hello", "QUERY_STRING" => "goodbye=true", "rack.errors" => $stderr, "rack.input" => File.open('/dev/null', 'rb'), "REMOTE_ADDR" => 'home', } end def teardown ENV["TZ"] = @tz end def test_init_basic Clogger.new(lambda { |env| [ 0, {}, [] ] }) end def test_init_noargs assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Clogger.new } end def test_clogger_sym_format app = lambda { |env| [ 0, {}, [] ] } tmp = Clogger.new app, :format => :Rack_1_0, :logger => $stderr end def test_init_stderr cl = Clogger.new(lambda { |env| [ 0, {}, [] ] }, :logger => $stderr) assert_kind_of(Integer, cl.fileno) assert_equal $stderr.fileno, cl.fileno end def test_init_stringio cl = Clogger.new(lambda { |env| [ 0, {}, [] ] }, :logger => StringIO.new) assert_nil cl.fileno end def test_write_stringio start = DateTime.now - 1 str = StringIO.new cl = Clogger.new(lambda { |env| [ "302 Found", {}, [] ] }, :logger => str) status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert_equal("302 Found", status) assert_equal({}, headers) body.each { |part| assert false } body.close str = str.string r = %r{\Ahome - - \[[^\]]+\] "GET /hello\?goodbye=true HTTP/1.0" 302 -\n\z} assert_match r, str %r{\[([^\]]+)\]} =~ str tmp = nil assert_nothing_raised { tmp = DateTime.strptime($1, "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z") } assert tmp >= start assert tmp <= DateTime.now end def test_clen_stringio start = DateTime.now - 1 str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [ 301, {'Content-Length' => '5'}, ['abcde'] ] } format = Common.dup assert format.gsub!(/response_length/, 'sent_http_content_length') cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => format) status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert_equal(301, status) assert_equal({'Content-Length' => '5'}, headers) body.each { |part| assert_equal('abcde', part) } str = str.string r = %r{\Ahome - - \[[^\]]+\] "GET /hello\?goodbye=true HTTP/1.0" 301 5\n\z} assert_match r, str %r{\[([^\]]+)\]} =~ str tmp = nil assert_nothing_raised { tmp = DateTime.strptime($1, "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z") } assert tmp >= start assert tmp <= DateTime.now end def test_compile_ambiguous cl = Clogger.new(nil, :logger => $stderr) ary = nil cl.instance_eval { ary = compile_format( '$remote_addr $$$$pid' \ "\n") } expect = [ [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "REMOTE_ADDR" ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, " " ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "$$$" ], [ Clogger::OP_SPECIAL, Clogger::SPECIAL_VARS[:pid] ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "\n" ], ] assert_equal expect, ary end def test_compile_auto_newline cl = Clogger.new(nil, :logger => $stderr) ary = nil cl.instance_eval { ary = compile_format('$remote_addr $request') } expect = [ [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "REMOTE_ADDR" ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, " " ], [ Clogger::OP_SPECIAL, Clogger::SPECIAL_VARS[:request] ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "\n" ], ] assert_equal expect, ary end def test_big_log str = StringIO.new fmt = '$remote_addr $pid $remote_user [$time_local] ' \ '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' \ '"$http_user_agent" "$http_cookie" $request_time $http_host' app = lambda { |env| [ 302, {}, [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => fmt) cookie = "foo=bar#{'f' * 256}".freeze req = { 'HTTP_HOST' => 'example.com:12345', 'HTTP_COOKIE' => cookie, } req = @req.merge(req) body = cl.call(req).last body.each { |part| part } body.close str = str.string assert(str.size > 128) assert_match %r["echo and socat \\o/" "#{cookie}" \d+\.\d{3}], str assert_match %r["#{cookie}" \d+\.\d{3} example\.com:12345\n\z], str end def test_compile cl = Clogger.new(nil, :logger => $stderr) ary = nil cl.instance_eval { ary = compile_format( '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] ' \ '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' \ '"$http_user_agent" "$http_cookie" $request_time ' \ '$env{rack.url_scheme}' \ "\n") } expect = [ [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "REMOTE_ADDR" ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, " - " ], [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "REMOTE_USER" ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, " [" ], [ Clogger::OP_SPECIAL, Clogger::SPECIAL_VARS[:time_local] ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "] \"" ], [ Clogger::OP_SPECIAL, Clogger::SPECIAL_VARS[:request] ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "\" "], [ Clogger::OP_SPECIAL, Clogger::SPECIAL_VARS[:status] ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, " "], [ Clogger::OP_SPECIAL, Clogger::SPECIAL_VARS[:body_bytes_sent] ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, " \"" ], [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "HTTP_REFERER" ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "\" \"" ], [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "HTTP_USER_AGENT" ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "\" \"" ], [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "HTTP_COOKIE" ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "\" " ], [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST_TIME, '%d.%03d', 1000 ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, " " ], [ Clogger::OP_REQUEST, "rack.url_scheme" ], [ Clogger::OP_LITERAL, "\n" ], ] assert_equal expect, ary end def test_eval current = Thread.current.to_s str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [ 302, {}, [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => "-$e{Thread.current}-\n") status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert_equal "-#{current}-\n", str.string end def test_pid str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [ 302, {}, [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => "[$pid]\n") status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert_equal "[#$$]\n", str.string end def test_rack_xff str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [ 302, {}, [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => "$ip") req = @req.merge("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" => '') status, headers, body = cl.call(req) assert_equal "\n", str.string str.rewind str.truncate(0) status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert_equal "home\n", str.string str.rewind str.truncate(0) end def test_rack_1_0 start = DateTime.now - 1 str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'0'}, %w(a b c)] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => Rack_1_0) status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) tmp = [] body.each { |s| tmp << s } body.close assert_equal %w(a b c), tmp str = str.string assert_match %r[" 200 3 \d+\.\d{4}\n\z], str tmp = nil %r{\[(\d+/\w+/\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+)\]} =~ str assert $1 assert_nothing_raised { tmp = DateTime.strptime($1, "%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S") } assert tmp >= start assert tmp <= DateTime.now end def test_msec str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$msec') a = Time.now.to_f - 0.001 status, header, bodies = cl.call(@req) assert_match %r(\A\d+\.\d{3}\n\z), str.string b = Time.now.to_f + 0.001 logged = str.string.to_f assert logged >= a, "#{logged} >= #{a}" assert logged <= b, "#{logged} <= #{b}" end def test_usec str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$usec') a = Time.now.to_f - 0.000001 status, header, bodies = cl.call(@req) assert_match %r(\A\d+\.\d{6}\n\z), str.string b = Time.now.to_f + 0.000001 logged = str.string.to_f assert logged >= a, "#{logged} >= #{a}" assert logged <= b, "#{logged} <= #{b}" end def test_time_0 str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$time{0}') a = Time.now.to_f - 1 status, header, bodies = cl.call(@req) assert_match %r(\A\d+\n\z), str.string b = Time.now.to_f + 1 logged = str.string.to_f assert logged >= a, "#{logged} >= #{a}" assert logged <= b, "#{logged} <= #{b}" end def test_time_1 str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$time{1}') a = Time.now.to_f - 0.5 status, header, bodies = cl.call(@req) assert_match %r(\A\d+\.\d\n\z), str.string b = Time.now.to_f + 0.5 logged = str.string.to_f assert logged >= a, "#{logged} >= #{a}" assert logged <= b, "#{logged} <= #{b}" end def test_request_length str = StringIO.new input = StringIO.new('.....') app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$request_length') status, header, bodies = cl.call(@req.merge('rack.input' => input)) assert_equal "5\n", str.string end def test_response_length_0 str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$response_length') status, header, bodies = cl.call(@req) bodies.each { |part| part } bodies.close assert_equal "-\n", str.string end def test_combined start = DateTime.now - 1 str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'3'}, %w(a b c)] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => Combined) status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) tmp = [] body.each { |s| tmp << s } body.close assert_equal %w(a b c), tmp str = str.string assert_match %r[" 200 3 "-" "echo and socat \\o/"\n\z], str tmp = nil %r{\[(\d+/\w+/\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+ .+)\]} =~ str assert $1 assert_nothing_raised { tmp = DateTime.strptime($1, "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z") } assert tmp >= start assert tmp <= DateTime.now end def test_rack_errors_fallback err = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'3'}, %w(a b c)] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :format => '$pid') req = @req.merge('rack.errors' => err) status, headers, body = cl.call(req) assert_equal "#$$\n", err.string end def test_body_close s_body = StringIO.new(%w(a b c).join("\n")) app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'5'}, s_body] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => [], :format => '$pid') status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert ! s_body.closed? assert_nothing_raised { body.close } assert s_body.closed? end def test_escape str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'5'}, [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$http_user_agent "$request"') bad = { 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => '"asdf"', 'QUERY_STRING' => 'sdf=bar"', 'PATH_INFO' => '/"<>"', } status, headers, body = cl.call(@req.merge(bad)) expect = '\x22asdf\x22 "GET /\x22<>\x22?sdf=bar\x22 HTTP/1.0"' << "\n" assert_equal expect, str.string end # rack allows repeated headers with "\n": # { 'Set-Cookie' => "a\nb" } => # Set-Cookie: a # Set-Cookie: b def test_escape_header_newlines str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [302, { 'Set-Cookie' => "a\nb" }, [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$sent_http_set_cookie') cl.call(@req) assert_equal "a\\x0Ab\n", str.string end def test_request_uri_fallback str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$request_uri') status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert_equal "/hello?goodbye=true\n", str.string end def test_request_uri_set str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$request_uri') status, headers, body = cl.call(@req.merge("REQUEST_URI" => '/zzz')) assert_equal "/zzz\n", str.string end def test_cookies str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| req = Rack::Request.new(env).cookies [ 302, {}, [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :format => '$cookie_foo $cookie_quux', :logger => str) req = @req.merge('HTTP_COOKIE' => "foo=bar;quux=h&m") status, headers, body = cl.call(req) assert_equal "bar h&m\n", str.string end def test_bogus_app_response str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| 302 } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str) assert_raise(TypeError) { cl.call(@req) } str = str.string e = Regexp.quote " \"GET /hello?goodbye=true HTTP/1.0\" 500 -" assert_match %r{#{e}$}m, str end def test_broken_header_response str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], []] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$sent_http_set_cookie') assert_nothing_raised { cl.call(@req) } end def test_subclass_hash str = StringIO.new req = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new(@req) app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], []] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => Rack_1_0) assert_nothing_raised { cl.call(req).last.each {}.close } assert str.size > 0 end def test_subclassed_string_req str = StringIO.new req = {} @req.each { |key,value| req[FooString.new(key)] = value.kind_of?(String) ? FooString.new(value) : value } app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], []] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => Rack_1_0) assert_nothing_raised { cl.call(req).last.each {}.close } assert str.size > 0 end def test_subclassed_string_in_body str = StringIO.new body = "hello" r = nil app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], [FooString.new(body)]] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$body_bytes_sent') assert_nothing_raised { cl.call(@req).last.each { |x| r = x }.close } assert str.size > 0 assert_equal body.size.to_s << "\n", str.string assert_equal r, body assert r.object_id != body.object_id end def test_http_09_request str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], []] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$request') req = @req.dup req.delete 'HTTP_VERSION' cl.call(req) assert_equal "GET /hello?goodbye=true\n", str.string end def test_request_method_only str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], []] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$request_method') cl.call(@req) assert_equal "GET\n", str.string end def test_content_length_null str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], []] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$content_length') cl.call(@req) assert_equal "-\n", str.string end def test_content_length_set str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], []] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$content_length') cl.call(@req.merge('CONTENT_LENGTH' => '5')) assert_equal "5\n", str.string end def test_http_content_type_fallback str = StringIO.new app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], []] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => str, :format => '$http_content_type') cl.call(@req.merge('CONTENT_TYPE' => 'text/plain')) assert_equal "text/plain\n", str.string end def test_clogger_synced io = StringIO.new logger = Struct.new(:sync, :io).new(false, io) assert ! logger.sync def logger.<<(str) io << str end app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], []] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => logger) assert logger.sync end def test_clogger_unsyncable logger = '' assert ! logger.respond_to?('sync=') app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], []] } assert_nothing_raised { Clogger.new(app, :logger => logger) } end def test_clogger_no_ORS s = '' app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], []] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s, :format => "$request", :ORS => "") cl.call(@req) assert_equal "GET /hello?goodbye=true HTTP/1.0", s end def test_clogger_weird_ORS s = '' app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], []] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s, :format => "<$request", :ORS => ">") cl.call(@req) assert_equal "", s end def test_clogger_body_not_closeable s = '' app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], []] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s) status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert_nil body.close end def test_clogger_response_frozen response = [ 200, { "AAAA" => "AAAA"}.freeze, [].freeze ].freeze s = StringIO.new("") app = Rack::Builder.new do use Clogger, :logger => s, :format => "$request_time $http_host" run lambda { |env| response } end assert_nothing_raised do 3.times do resp = app.call(@req) assert ! resp.frozen? resp.last.each { |x| } end end end def test_clogger_body_close_return_value s = '' body = [] def body.close :foo end app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], body ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s) status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert_equal :foo, body.close end def test_clogger_auto_reentrant_true s = '' body = [] app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], body ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s, :format => "$request_time") @req['rack.multithread'] = true status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert cl.reentrant? end def test_clogger_auto_reentrant_false s = '' body = [] app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], body ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s, :format => "$request_time") @req['rack.multithread'] = false status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert ! cl.reentrant? end def test_clogger_auto_reentrant_forced_true s = '' body = [] app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], body ] } o = { :logger => s, :format => "$request_time", :reentrant => true } cl = Clogger.new(app, o) @req['rack.multithread'] = false status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert cl.reentrant? end def test_clogger_auto_reentrant_forced_false s = '' body = [] app = lambda { |env| [302, [ %w(a) ], body ] } o = { :logger => s, :format => "$request_time", :reentrant => false } cl = Clogger.new(app, o) @req['rack.multithread'] = true status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert ! cl.reentrant? end def test_invalid_status s = [] body = [] app = lambda { |env| [ env["force.status"], [ %w(a b) ], body ] } o = { :logger => s, :format => "$status" } cl = Clogger.new(app, o) status, headers, body = cl.call(@req.merge("force.status" => -1)) assert_equal -1, status assert_equal "-\n", s.last status, headers, body = cl.call(@req.merge("force.status" => 1000)) assert_equal 1000, status assert_equal "-\n", s.last u64_max = 0xffffffffffffffff status, headers, body = cl.call(@req.merge("force.status" => u64_max)) assert_equal u64_max, status assert_equal "-\n", s.last end # so we don't care about the portability of this test # if it doesn't leak on Linux, it won't leak anywhere else # unless your C compiler or platform is otherwise broken LINUX_PROC_PID_STATUS = "/proc/self/status" def test_memory_leak app = lambda { |env| [ 0, {}, [] ] } clogger = Clogger.new(app, :logger => $stderr) match_rss = /^VmRSS:\s+(\d+)/ if File.read(LINUX_PROC_PID_STATUS) =~ match_rss before = $1.to_i 1000000.times { clogger.dup } File.read(LINUX_PROC_PID_STATUS) =~ match_rss after = $1.to_i diff = after - before assert(diff < 10000, "memory grew more than 10M: #{diff}") end end if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ && File.readable?(LINUX_PROC_PID_STATUS) def test_path_open_file tmp = Tempfile.new('test_clogger') app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } app = Clogger.new(app, :format => '$status', :path => tmp.path) assert_kind_of Integer, app.fileno assert app.fileno != tmp.fileno status, headers, body = app.call(@req) assert_equal "200\n", tmp.read end def test_path_logger_conflict tmp = Tempfile.new('test_clogger') app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [] ] } assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Clogger.new(app, :logger=> $stderr, :path => tmp.path) } end def test_request_time s = [] app = lambda { |env| sleep(0.1) ; [302, [], [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s, :format => "$request_time") status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert_nothing_raised { body.each { |x| } ; body.close } assert s[-1].to_f >= 0.100 assert s[-1].to_f <= 0.110 end def test_insanely_long_time_format s = [] app = lambda { |env| [200, [], [] ] } fmt = '%Y' * 100 expect = Time.now.utc.strftime(fmt) << "\n" assert_equal 100 * 4 + 1, expect.size cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s, :format => "$time_utc{#{fmt}}") status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert_equal expect, s[0] end def test_time_utc s = [] app = lambda { |env| [200, [], [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s, :format => "$time_utc") status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert %r!\A\d+/\w+/\d{4}:\d\d:\d\d:\d\d \+0000\n\z! =~ s[0], s.inspect end def test_time_iso8601 s = [] app = lambda { |env| [200, [], [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s, :format => "$time_iso8601") status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) t = Time.parse(s[0]) assert_equal t.iso8601, s[0].strip end def test_time_iso8601_pst8pdt ENV["TZ"] = "PST8PDT" s = [] app = lambda { |env| [200, [], [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s, :format => "$time_iso8601") status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) t = Time.parse(s[0]) assert_equal t.iso8601, s[0].strip end def test_time_iso8601_utc ENV["TZ"] = "UTC" s = [] app = lambda { |env| [200, [], [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s, :format => "$time_iso8601") status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) t = Time.parse(s[0]) assert_equal t.iso8601, s[0].strip end def test_time_local s = [] app = lambda { |env| [200, [], [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s, :format => "$time_local") status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) t = DateTime.strptime(s[0].strip, @nginx_fmt) assert_equal t.strftime(@nginx_fmt), s[0].strip end def test_time_local_pst8pdt orig = ENV["TZ"] ENV["TZ"] = "PST8PDT" s = [] app = lambda { |env| [200, [], [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s, :format => "$time_local") status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) t = DateTime.strptime(s[0].strip, @nginx_fmt) assert_equal t.strftime(@nginx_fmt), s[0].strip end def test_time_local_utc ENV["TZ"] = "UTC" s = [] app = lambda { |env| [200, [], [] ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s, :format => "$time_local") status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) t = DateTime.strptime(s[0].strip, @nginx_fmt) assert_equal t.strftime(@nginx_fmt), s[0].strip end def test_method_missing s = [] body = [] def body.foo_bar(foo) [ foo.to_s ] end def body.noargs :hello end def body.omg(&block) yield :PONIES end app = lambda { |env| [200, [], body ] } cl = Clogger.new(app, :logger => s, :format => '$body_bytes_sent') status, headers, body = cl.call(@req) assert_nothing_raised do body.each { |x| s << x } body.close end assert_equal "0\n", s[0], s.inspect assert_kind_of Clogger, body assert_equal %w(1), body.foo_bar(1) assert_equal :hello, body.noargs body.omg { |x| s << x } assert_equal :PONIES, s[1] assert_equal 2, s.size end end