kgio.git  about / heads / tags
kinder, gentler I/O for Ruby
$ git log --pretty=format:'%h %s (%cs)%d' v1.0.0 --
e4d204c kgio 1.0.0 - initial release (2010-09-28)
	(tag: v1.0.0)
8984b95 doc: TODO update (2010-09-28)
2c64a1f read/write: account for buffer changes during wait (2010-09-28)
f2ea991 tests: fix broken monster trywrite test (2010-09-28)
7abc0eb test_tcp*read_write: use blocking kgio_accept in setup (2010-09-27)
95d2eae set blocking flag before blocking IO#read (2010-09-27)
0806cac tess: ensure buffer is cleared on failures (2010-09-27)
50b86bf more documentation (2010-09-27)
5123d66 avoid initiating syscalls before rb_io_wait_* (2010-09-27)
6c818b0 add kgio_tryaccept, kgio_accept _really_ blocks (2010-09-27)

$ git cat-file blob v1.0.0:README
= kgio - kinder, gentler I/O for Ruby

kgio provides non-blocking I/O methods for Ruby without raising
exceptions on EAGAIN and EINPROGRESS.  It is intended for use with the
Unicorn and Rainbows! Rack servers, but may be used by other

== Features

* Can avoid expensive exceptions on common EAGAIN/EINPROGRESS errors,
  returning Kgio::WaitReadable or Kgio::WaitWritable instead.
  These exceptions got more expensive to hit under Ruby 1.9.2
  (but should be fixed in Ruby 1.9.3 to 1.9.1 performance levels)

* Returns the unwritten portion of the string on partial writes,
  making it ideal for buffering unwritten data.

* May be assigned Kgio.wait_writable= and Kgio.wait_readable=
  methods to allow socket/pipe objects to make custom callbacks
  (such as adding the file descriptor to a poll set and yielding
  the current Fiber).

* Uses
  on new GNU/Linux systems to avoid unnecessary fcntl() calls

* Uses MSG_DONTWAIT on GNU/Linux to further avoid unnecessary fcntl() calls

* Compatible with existing Ruby IO objects and Ruby threading.

== Install

The library consists of a C extension so you'll need a C compiler
and Ruby development libraries/headers.

You may download the tarball from the Mongrel project page on Rubyforge
and run setup.rb after unpacking it:

You may also install it via RubyGems on Gemcutter:

  gem install kgio

You can get the latest source via git from the following locations
(these versions may not be stable):

  git:// (mirror)

You may browse the code from the web and download the latest snapshot
tarballs here:

* (cgit)
* (gitweb)

See the HACKING guide on how to contribute and build prerelease gems
from git.

== Contact

All feedback (bug reports, user/development dicussion, patches, pull
requests) go to the mailing list/newsgroup.  See the ISSUES document for
information on the
{Unicorn mailing list}[].

For the latest on kgio releases, you may check our NEWS page (and
subscribe to our Atom feed).

# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
* master       drop remaining 1.8 and fragile autopush code paths (2023-09-10)
  rbx-wip      split read_write.c into {read,write,writev}.c (2013-11-21)
  2.4-stable   kgio 2.4.2 - OpenSolaris build fix (2011-06-14)

# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
v2.11.4      kgio 2.11.4 (2021-05-25) tar.gz
v2.11.3      kgio 2.11.3 (2020-01-08) tar.gz
v2.11.2      kgio 2.11.2 - fix Ruby 2.5 compatibility for accept_class (2018-01-30) tar.gz
v2.11.1      kgio 2.11.1 - fix Ruby 2.5.0dev compatibility (2017-12-15) tar.gz
v2.11.0      kgio 2.11.0 - reverting 2.10.0 breakage (2016-12-16) tar.gz
v2.10.0      kgio 2.10.0 - slimming down... (2015-09-06) tar.gz
v2.9.3       kgio 2.9.3 - minor cleanups and fixes (2015-01-12) tar.gz
v2.9.2       kgio 2.9.2 - avoid deprecated/removed function (2014-02-15) tar.gz
v2.9.1       kgio 2.9.1 - various Ruby 1.8.7 fixes (2014-02-05) tar.gz
v2.9.0       kgio 2.9.0 - cleanups, bug fixes, minor improvements (2014-02-04) tar.gz

# associated public inboxes:
# (number on the left is used for dev purposes)

git clone git://
git clone