Hi Shawn, On 1/8/21 11:49 AM, Shawn Nock wrote: > https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/libs/ell/ell.git/commit/?id=e129cb4cd2270f308c1564e75859672643dd902b > > I cannot find any discussion of the removal on the mailing list archive and as far as I can tell the patch wasn't sent to the list before commit. The commit says that there are no users. We use the plugin functionality. Indeed, there was no mailing list announcement. In retrospect, we should have done so. Note that we have not made any API/ABI stability promises as yet, so ell is still a moving target. We have had no real reason to do so as we were not aware of any ell users outside of the core projects that we support (iwd, bluez, mptcpd, etc). We have been wanting to make this particular change for a while. The catalyst for the decision were reports of build issues on certain linkers with iwd/ell. Since we were about to make a release, instead of adding hot-fixes, which were objected to by some developers, we decided to take the whole thing out. This was done after consulting with all known users of ell on IRC. > > I can, of course, maintain this functionality separately. Plugin functionality is a fairly common pattern and while the current implementation isn't particularly nice, I did enjoy not having to re-implement it. As you point out, the current implementation wasn't that hot, and there were no users among the core projects that we support. If you want to add this back in, then it probably should be made into its own mini-library. Something like 'ell-plugin'; any users would have to explicitly opt-in to use it rather than it being a part of the core ell library. Regards, -Denis