Hi, I converted my old conf file using config_converter.py but there is no Nvme section in the json file output. When I run nvmf_tgt I get these errors. [2021-01-11 20:41:39.448690] json_config.c: 392:app_json_config_load_subsystem_config_entry: *DEBUG*: params: { "allow_duplicated_isid": false, "default_time2retain": 20, "mutual_chap": false, "max_connections_per_session": 2, "nop_timeout": 60, "disable_chap": false, "require_chap": false, "node_base": "iqn.2016-06.io.spdk", "chap_group": 0, "max_sessions": 128, "immediate_data": true, "error_recovery_level": 0, "nop_in_interval": 30, "default_time2wait": 2, "max_queue_depth": 64, "first_burst_length": 8192 } [2021-01-11 20:41:39.793791] jsonrpc_client.c: 95:jsonrpc_parse_response: *DEBUG*: JSON string is : {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"error":{"code":-32601,"message":"Method not found"}} [2021-01-11 20:41:39.793809] json_config.c: 219:rpc_client_poller: *ERROR*: error response: { "code": -32601, "message": "Method not found" } [2021-01-11 20:41:39.794297] json_config.c: 135:app_json_config_load_done: *DEBUG*: Config load finished with rc -22 Not sure why there is an iscsi_set_options method in my json. This is the nvme section in the conf file: [Nvme] TransportId "trtype:PCIe traddr:0007:01:00.0" Nvme0 HotplugEnable Yes HotplugPollRate 1000000 And my json is below. Is there something missing in it? { "subsystems": [ { "subsystem": "accel", "config": null }, { "subsystem": "interface", "config": null }, { "subsystem": "net_framework", "config": null }, { "subsystem": "bdev", "config": [ { "params": { "bdev_io_pool_size": 65536, "bdev_io_cache_size": 256 }, "method": "bdev_set_options" }, { "params": { "retry_count": 4, "timeout_us": 0, "nvme_adminq_poll_period_us": 1000000, "action_on_timeout": "none", "nvme_ioq_poll_period_us": 0 }, "method": "bdev_nvme_set_options" }, { "params": { "enable": true, "period_us": 100000 }, "method": "bdev_nvme_set_hotplug" } ] }, { "subsystem": "scsi", "config": null }, { "subsystem": "nvmf", "config": [ { "params": { "acceptor_poll_rate": 10000 }, "method": "nvmf_set_config" }, { "params": { "max_subsystems": 1024 }, "method": "nvmf_set_max_subsystems" }, { "params": { "nqn": "nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode0", "allow_any_host": true, "serial_number": "SPDK00000000000001", "model_number": "SPDK bdev Controller" }, "method": "nvmf_create_subsystem" }, { "params": { "listen_address": { "trtype": "RDMA", "adrfam": "IPv4", "trsvcid": "1023", "traddr": "" }, "nqn": "nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode0" }, "method": "nvmf_subsystem_add_listener" }, { "params": { "namespace": { "nsid": 1, "bdev_name": "Nvme0n1" }, "nqn": "nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode0" }, "method": "nvmf_subsystem_add_ns" } ] }, { "subsystem": "nbd", "config": [] }, { "subsystem": "vhost", "config": [] }, { "subsystem": "iscsi", "config": [ { "method": "iscsi_set_options", "params": { "allow_duplicated_isid": false, "default_time2retain": 20, "mutual_chap": false, "max_connections_per_session": 2, "nop_timeout": 60, "disable_chap": false, "require_chap": false, "node_base": "iqn.2016-06.io.spdk", "chap_group": 0, "max_sessions": 128, "immediate_data": true, "error_recovery_level": 0, "nop_in_interval": 30, "default_time2wait": 2, "max_queue_depth": 64, "first_burst_length": 8192 } } ] } ] }