pub/scm/bluetooth/bluez-hcidump.git  about / heads / tags
Bluetooth packet analyzer
# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
2.5          Release 2.5 (2012-11-30) tar.gz
2.4          Release 2.4 (2012-04-20) tar.gz
2.3          Release 2.3 (2012-03-01) tar.gz
2.2          Release 2.2 (2011-12-22) tar.gz
2.1          Release 2.1 (2011-06-13) tar.gz
2.0          Release 2.0 (2011-01-27) tar.gz
1.42         Update changelog and bump version number (2008-06-15) tar.gz
1.41         Update changelog and bump version number (2008-02-01) tar.gz
1.40         Update changelog and bump version number (2007-08-09) tar.gz
1.39         Update changelog and bump version number (2007-07-28) tar.gz
1.38         Update changelog and bump version number (2007-07-27) tar.gz
1.37         Update changelog and bump version number (2007-06-24) tar.gz
1.36         Update changelog and bump version number (2007-06-16) tar.gz
1.35         Update changelog and bump version number (2007-05-09) tar.gz
1.34         Update copyright information (2007-02-18) tar.gz
1.33         Update changelog and bump version number (2006-10-21) tar.gz
1.32         Update changelog and bump version number (2006-08-23) tar.gz
1.31         Update changelog and bump version number (2006-06-10) tar.gz
1.30         Update changelog and bump version number (2006-02-15) tar.gz
1.29         Update changelog and bump version number (2006-01-08) tar.gz
1.28         Update changelog and bump version number (2005-12-11) tar.gz
1.27         Update changelog and bump version number (2005-11-01) tar.gz
1.26         Update changelog and bump version number (2005-10-04) tar.gz
1.25         Update changelog and bump version number (2005-08-28) tar.gz
1.24         Update changelog and bump version number (2005-07-18) tar.gz
1.23         Update changelog and bump version number (2005-07-04) tar.gz
1.22         Update changelog and bump version number (2005-06-16) tar.gz
1.21         Update changelog and bump version number (2005-05-17) tar.gz
1.20         Update changelog and bump version number (2005-04-19) tar.gz
1.19         Update changelog and bump version number (2005-03-26) tar.gz
1.18         Update changelog and bump version number (2005-02-11) tar.gz
1.17         Update changelog and bump version number (2005-02-05) tar.gz
1.16         Update changelog and bump version number (2004-12-03) tar.gz
1.15         Update changelog and bump version number (2004-11-25) tar.gz
1.14         Update changelog and bump version number (2004-11-17) tar.gz
1.13         Require BlueZ library version 2.11 (2004-11-12) tar.gz
1.12         Update changelog and bump version number (2004-09-22) tar.gz
1.11         Update changelog and bump version number (2004-08-27) tar.gz
1.10         Update changelog and bump version number (2004-07-25) tar.gz
1.9          Update changelog and bump version number (2004-06-17) tar.gz
1.8          Update changelog and bump version number (2004-03-22) tar.gz
1.7          Bump version number to 1.7 (2004-03-03) tar.gz
1.6          Bump version number to 1.6 (2004-02-24) tar.gz
1.2          Add RPM spec file. Configure fixes. (2002-12-21) tar.gz
1.4          Bump version number. (2002-11-24) tar.gz
1.3          Update (2002-06-24) tar.gz
1.1          Typo fix. (2002-02-07) tar.gz
1.0          Update. (2001-11-15) tar.gz
0.2          PSM tracking fix. (2001-08-21) tar.gz
0.1          Initial import (2001-08-02) tar.gz

git clone