pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/cip/linux-cip.git  about / heads / tags
Civil Infrastructure Platform stable kernel branches
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  linux-4.4.y-cip-rt Mark this as 4.4.302-cip87-rt49 release. It contains changes from v4.4-st52, and is up-to-date with 4.19.313-rc1. (2024-05-13)
  linux-4.4.y-cip-rt-rebase Mark this as 4.4.302-cip87-rt49 (-rebase) release. (2024-05-12)
  b-4.4-st52-rt49 Linux 4.4.302-rt232 REBASE (2024-05-12)
  linux-4.4.y-st-rt Merge branch 'linux-4.4.y-st' into linux-4.4.y-st-rt (2024-05-12)
  linux-5.10.y-cip-rebase CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip47 after merge from stable (2024-05-09)
  linux-5.10.y-cip CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip47 after merge from stable (2024-05-09)
  linux-4.4.y-cip-rebase CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip87 after merge from cip/linux-4.4.y-st tree (2024-05-08)
  linux-4.4.y-cip CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip87 after merge from cip/linux-4.4.y-st tree (2024-05-08)
  linux-4.4.y-st Update localversion-st, tree is up-to-date with 4.19.313-rc1. (2024-05-08)
  linux-6.1.y-cip-rt-rebase Mark this as 6.1.90-cip20-rt11 (rt30) (-rebase) release. (2024-05-07)
  linux-6.1.y-cip-rt Mark this as 6.1.90-cip20-rt11 (rt30) release. (2024-05-07)
  heads/linux-6.1.y-cip-rebase CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip20 after merge from stable (2024-05-07)
  linux-6.1.y-cip CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip20 after merge from stable (2024-05-07)
  linux-4.4.y-st-rc doc: update KNOWN-BUGS file (2024-05-03)
  linux-4.19.y-cip-rebase CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip109 after merge from stable (2024-04-25)
  linux-4.19.y-cip CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip109 after merge from stable (2024-04-25)
  linux-5.10.y-cip-rt-rebase Mark this as 5.10.214-cip46-rt19 (rt106) (-rebase) release. (2024-04-19)
  linux-5.10.y-cip-rt Mark this as 5.10.214-cip46-rt19 (rt106) release. (2024-04-19)
  b-4.4-st50-rt48 Linux 4.4.302-rt232 REBASE (2024-03-18)
  linux-4.19.y-cip-rt-rebase Mark this as 4.19.306-cip107-rt35 (rt132) (-rebase) release. (2024-03-01)
  linux-4.19.y-cip-rt Mark this as 4.19.306-cip107-rt35 (rt132) release. (2024-03-01)
  b-4.4-st48-rt47 Linux 4.4.302-rt232 REBASE (2024-01-03)
  b-4.4-st45-rt46 Linux 4.4.302-rt232 REBASE (2023-10-19)
  b-4.4-st43-rt45 Linux 4.4.302-rt232 REBASE (2023-08-16)
  linux-4.4.y-st-rt-rebase Linux 4.4.302-rt232 REBASE (2022-03-30)
  linux-4.4.y  Linux 4.4.260 (2021-03-07)
  linux-4.19.y Linux 4.19.132 (2020-07-09)
* master       CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip28 after Renesas patches (2018-09-12)

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