pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/iwlwifi/linux-firmware.git  about / heads / tags
iwlwifi linux-firmware tree - for linux-firmware
# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
iwlwifi-fw-2024-04-17 core87 (2024-04-17) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2024-03-10 update 9000-family firmwares to core85-89 (2024-03-10) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2023-12-21 update gl FW for core80-165 release (2023-12-21) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2023-11-16-fixed Fixed firmware and PNVM signatures (2023-11-16) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2023-11-15-fixed A fix for the new firmwares - the original commit had signing issues. (2023-11-15) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2023-11-15 Core83-55 firmware release * update legacy firmware (cc/Qu/QuZ) * update new devices firmware (so/ty/gl/ma) (2023-11-15) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2023-10-12 iwlwifi firmware for So with HR radio (2023-10-12) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2023-09-27 add FWs for new GL and MA device types with multiple RF modules GL and MA HWs with Gf/Gf4/Hr radio modules. (2023-09-27) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2023-09-21 iwlwifi firmware from core81-65 release (2023-09-21) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2023-06-29 Update iwlwifi firmwares according to core80-39 release (2023-06-29) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2023-03-30 iwlwifi firmware update from core78-32 release. (2023-03-30) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2023-03-13 Firmware updates for So device based on core69 and core72 (2023-03-13) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2023-03-12 Firmware fixes for core69 and core72 (2023-03-12) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2023-03-06 Update Ty firmwares with the recent fixes. (2023-03-06) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2023-01-09 Firmware updates for iwlwifi: (2023-01-09) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2023-01-04 Firmware updates for iwlwifi: * updates for 9000-family * add new firmwares (ty/so) from release core75-47 * update cc/Qu/QuZ firmwares from core76-35 * add new FWs (ty/so) from core76-35 (2023-01-04) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2022-11-08 add new FWs from core74_pv-60 release (2022-11-08) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2022-10-26 iwlwifi: add core69 FW and update PNVM binaries from core74 (2022-10-26) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2022-13-10 iwlwifi: update 9000-family firmwares to core72-129 and iwlwifi: add new FWs from core72-129 release (2022-10-13) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2022-06-09 Update and add iwlwifi firmware binaries for release Core70-87 (2022-06-09) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2022-03-03-v2 Update and add iwlwifi firmware binaries for release Core68-60 (2022-03-08) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2022-03-03 Update and add iwlwifi firmware binaries for release Core68-60 (2022-03-03) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2022-01-11 Update and add iwlwifi firmware binaries for release Core63-136 (2022-01-11) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2022-01-10-v2 Update and add iwlwifi firmware binaries for release Core66-88 (2022-01-10) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2022-01-10 Update and add iwlwifi firmware binaries for release Core66-88 (2022-01-10) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2021-11-01 Update and add iwlwifi firmware binaries for release Core64-96. (2021-11-01) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2021-09-14-v2 Add iwlwifi firmware binaries for So with Gf, Hr and Jf. (2021-09-16) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2021-09-14 Add iwlwifi firmware binaries for So with Gf, Hr and Jf. (2021-09-14) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2021-09-02 Revert accidentally released untested binaries (2021-09-02) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2021-08-31 Add iwlwifi firmwares for so-a0-gf-a0. (2021-08-31) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2021-07-19 iwlwifi: add ty firmware from Core63-43 (2021-07-19) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2021-05-12 Update iwllwifi firmwaresto Core60-51 (2021-05-12) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2021-03-05-v3 Update iwlwifi firmwares to Core59-66 (2021-03-10) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2021-03-05-v2 Update iwlwifi firmwares to Core59-66 (2021-03-09) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2021-03-05 Update iwlwifi firmwares to Core59-66 (2021-03-05) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2020-10-14 Update iwlwifi firmwares to Core56-54 (2020-10-14) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2020-05-19 Update iwlwifi firmwares to Core50-70 and Core52-81 (2020-05-19) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2019-08-23 Update iwlwifi firmwares to Core45-152 (2019-08-23) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2019-07-20 iwlwifi: update a bunch of FW binaries (2019-07-20) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2019-06-20 iwlwifi firmware updates (2019-06-20) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2019-05-03 updates for -46.ucode for 9260, 9000 and 22260 (2019-05-03) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2018-12-30 updates for -43.ucode for 9260 and 9000 (2018-12-30) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2018-12-16 * update -36.ucode for 8000 series with latest fixes * update -41.ucode for 9000 series * add new -43.ucode for 9000 series (2018-12-16) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2018-10-03 iwlwifi: updata all currently supported FWs (2018-10-03) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2018-04-06 iwlwifi: updata all currently supported FWs (2018-04-06) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2018-03-02 iwlwifi: update FWs for 9000 series (2018-03-02) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2017-11-15 iwlwifi: add new FWs for 9000 series and update other ones (2017-11-15) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2017-11-03 iwlwifi: add new FW for 9000 series and update other ones (2017-11-03) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2017-10-13 Update firmwares for 3160, 3168, 7260, 7265D, 8000C and 8265 (2017-11-03) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2017-06-27 Update and add new firmwares for 3168, 7265D, 8000C and 8265 (2017-06-27) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2017-05-10 Update firmware for 3168 (2017-05-11) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2017-02-03 * update -17 firmware binaries for iwlwifi devices 3260, 7260 and 7265 * update -22 firmware binaries for iwlwifi devices 7265D, 8000C and 8265 * add -27 firmware binaries for iwlwifi devices 3168, 7265D, 8000C and 8265 (2017-02-03) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2016-07-10 Release -21.ucode for 7265D and up Release -17.ucode for 7260 / 7265 and 3160 (2016-07-10) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2016-03-09 This includes -21.ucode for the following devices:  * 7265D  * 3165  * 8260  * 3168 (new device)  * 8265 (new device) (2016-03-10) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2015-12-21 fix by replacing iwlwifi-7265D-10.ucode by iwlwifi-7265-10.ucode (2015-12-21) tar.gz
iwlwifi-fw-2015-11-18 deliver -16.ucode (2015-11-18) tar.gz

git clone