pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/jwessel/kgdb.git  about / heads / tags
kgdb/kdb development tree
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  kgdb-next    kdb: print real address of pointers instead of hashed addresses (2018-10-01)
  for_linus    kdb: Remove unhandled ssb command (2013-03-02)
* master       Merge branch 'v4l_for_linus' of git:// (2012-10-12)
  lines_for_locations_3_6 kallsyms,modules: add module_address_line_lookup() to kallsyms_line_loc_lookup() (2012-08-28)
  lines_for_locations kallsyms,modules: add module_address_line_lookup() to kallsyms_line_loc_lookup() (2012-04-20)
  kms-merge    kgdb,docs: Update the kgdb docs to include kms (2010-08-05)
  kgdb_2.6.34  debug_core,kdb: fix kgdb_connected bit set in the wrong place (2010-07-22)
  dbg-early-merge echi-dbgp: Add kernel debugger support for the usb debug port (2010-05-20)
  kdb-merge    kdb,debug_core: Allow the debug core to receive a panic notification (2010-05-20)
  kdb-early    echi-dbgp: Add kernel debugger support for the usb debug port (2010-02-11)
  kgdb_2.6.30  Add ability to unoptimize module compiles (2009-07-22)
  kgdb_2.6.29  Add ability to unoptimize module compiles (2009-07-22)
  kgdb_2.6.28  Add ability to unoptimize module compiles (2009-07-22)
  kgdb_2.6.27  kgdb: Implement kgdb over ethernet with NET_POLL (2008-10-13)
  kgdb_2.6.26  kgdb: call touch_softlockup_watchdog on resume (2008-10-06)
  kgdb_2.6.25  kgdb: kgdboc console poll hooks for mpsc uart (2008-04-14)
  kgdb_2.6.24  kgdb: kgdboc console poll hooks for mpsc uart (2008-03-28)
  kgdb_2.6.23  xmon_or_kgdb.patch Subject: [PATCH] Turn off xmon if kgdb is active on ppc and powerpc (2007-10-11)
  kgdb_2.6.22-rc6 mips64_pt_regs_padding.patch Subject: [PATCH] pad pt_regs on MIPS64 for function arguments in an exception (2007-06-26)
  heads/kgdb_2.6.21 mips64_pt_regs_padding.patch Subject: [PATCH] pad pt_regs on MIPS64 for function arguments in an exception (2007-06-13)

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