pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/konrad/mm.git  about / heads / tags
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  linux-next   include/linux/cleancache.h: Clean up code (2016-01-27)
  stable/for-linus-4.5 include/linux/cleancache.h: Clean up code (2016-01-27)
  stable/for-jens-4.5 xen/blkfront: Fix crash if backend doesn't follow the right states. (2016-01-04)
  stable/for-linus-3.10 cleancache: Fix bug in the documentation. (2013-05-28)
  stable/for-greg-3.10 zcache/zbud: Add incremental accessory counters (2013-03-04)
  devel/for-linus-3.9 staging: zcache: enable zcache to be built/loaded as a module (2013-02-15)
  stable/for-greg-3.9 zcache/zbud: Fix __init mismatch (2013-02-15)
  devel/zcache.cleanup.v2.5 zcache/zbud: Fix __init mismatch (2013-02-13)
  devel/module.loading.v2.4 squash in (2013-02-05)
  devel/zcache.v3 zcache: Coalesce all debug under CONFIG_ZCACHE2_DEBUG (2012-11-03)
  stable/for-linus-3.7 frontswap: support exclusive gets if tmem backend is capable (2012-09-21)
  stable/for-linus-3.6 mm/frontswap: fix uninit'ed variable warning (2012-08-13)
  devel/pvtime.v1.1 xen/time: s/jump_label_inc/static_key_slow_inc/ (2012-07-23)
* master       Linux 3.5 (2012-07-21)
  testing      Merge branch 'stable/for-linus-3.6' into testing (2012-06-19)
  devel/trace.v3 mm: frontswap: remove unneeded headers (2012-06-10)
  stable/frontswap.v16 frontswap: s/put_page/store/g s/get_page/load (2012-05-15)
  stable/frontswap.v15.squashed frontswap: s/put_page/store/g s/get_page/load (2012-04-19)
  stable/frontswap.v15 zcache: Move out of staging in mm/ (2012-04-19)
  stable/frontswap.v14 MAINTAINER: Add myself for the frontswap API (2012-04-16)
  stable/frontswap.v13 mm: frontswap: adapt to security_vm_enough_memory change (2012-03-27)
  stable/cleancache.v13 mm: cleancache: Use __read_mostly as appropiate. (2012-01-23)
  devel/cleancache.v12 mm: cleancache: Use __read_mostly as appropiate. (2012-01-12)
  devel/frontswap.v12 mm: cleancache: Use __read_mostly as appropiate. (2012-01-12)
  devel/cleancache.v11 Merge branch 'frontswap-v11' of git:// into devel/cleancache.v11 (2011-11-14)

git clone