mall.git  about / heads / tags
access the mallinfo(3) and mallopt(3) functions from Ruby
$ git log --pretty=format:'%h %s (%cs)%d' v1.0.1 --
9d980ac mall 1.0.1 - packaging fixes (2011-02-06)
	(tag: v1.0.1)
8d51627 fix this to include generated extra files (2011-02-06)
d13411c gemspec: no lib/ dir for rdoc, just ext (2011-02-06)
34cc3bd gemspec: update mailing list (2011-02-06)
29a8ef4 mall 1.0.0 - glibc-specific extras! (2011-02-06)
	(tag: v1.0.0)
3b9f517 doc: update README (2011-02-06)
d0fd5ea Mall.dump_stats flushes stderr before and after (2011-02-06)
fa1889a doc: many rdoc updates (2011-02-06)
2cf2333 lib/ may not exist for doc target (2011-02-06)
6d8fbb4 unnecessary global variable (2011-02-06)

$ git cat-file blob v1.0.1:README
= Mall - access malloc tuning/reporting functions + glibc extras

This library provides access to the SysV mallinfo(3) and mallopt(3)
functions as well as (optionally) several glibc-specific malloc_*()
functions.  Mall.opt, Mall.trim and Mall.xml are the most interesting.

Constants and functionality are defined at build time, so changing
your malloc implementation may require rebuilding and reinstalling
this library.

== Requirements

* A malloc implementation supporting mallinfo(3) and/or mallopt(3),
  the ptmalloc-family of allocators used by glibc is recommended
  and the only tested implementation.

== Install

  gem install mall


The source code is available via git:


cgit repository viewer:

* (cgit)

== Contact

All feedback (bug reports, user/development dicussion, patches, pull
requests) go to the mailing list: {}[]

# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
* master       pkg: various updates and URL change (2020-02-21)

# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
v1.0.2       mall 1.0.2 - fix packaging, harder (2011-02-06) tar.gz
v1.0.1       mall 1.0.1 - packaging fixes (2011-02-06) tar.gz
v1.0.0       mall 1.0.0 - glibc-specific extras! (2011-02-06) tar.gz
v0.0.1       mall 0.0.1 (2009-06-09) tar.gz

git clone