rack.git  about / heads / tags
a modular Ruby webserver interface
$ git log --pretty=format:'%h %s (%cs)%d' 1.4.2 --
15c03653 Bump to 1.4.2 (2013-01-06)
	(tag: 1.4.2)
43602229 Update README based on master (2013-01-06)
dc9b22f2 Fix parsing performance for unquoted filenames (2013-01-04)
1e39a909 Fix parsing multiple ranges (2013-01-04)
68351146 .woff now has an official mime type! (2013-01-04)
9a98b449 Do not fail on cookies that are not URI escaped (2013-01-04)
0df26743 Add a note in KNOWN-ISSUES regarding ECMA escape (2013-01-04)
853e025c Refactor spec_cascade and spec_head (2013-01-04)
379a9183 Rack::Response now conforms to body.close SPEC (2013-01-04)
4637a699 Rack::Head now conforms to body.close SPEC (2013-01-04)
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  misattribute fix misattributed entries in CHANGELOG (2022-12-24)
  chunk        chunked: remove deprecation warning (2022-09-01)
  no-unicorn   README.rdoc: remove incorrect URL for unicorn (2019-12-15)
  webrick-devdep webrick: remove concurrent-ruby dev dependency (2017-12-29)
  logger-time  common_logger: rely on monotonic clock (2017-06-29)
  deflater     deflater: reduce live Time objects (2017-06-29)
  rfc7231-sec6.3.6-205 Revert "Add 205 Reset Content to the list of statuses without a message body" (2016-12-14)
  no-deflate   deflater: remove "deflate" encoding support (2016-07-26)
  webrick-header-each webrick: detect partial hijack without hash headers (2016-05-12)
  lint-case-sens lint: clarify "rack.hijack" case-sensitivity in response (2016-05-12)

# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
1.6.11       tagging 1.6.11 (2018-11-05) tar.gz
2.0.6        tagging 2.0.6 (2018-11-05) tar.gz
1.6.10       Bump version for release (2018-04-23) tar.gz
2.0.5        Bump version for release (2018-04-23) tar.gz
1.6.9        1.6.9 (2018-02-28) tar.gz
2.0.4        Bumping version (2018-01-31) tar.gz
1.6.8        tagging 1.6.8 (2017-05-16) tar.gz
2.0.3        Bump version for release (2017-05-15) tar.gz
1.6.7        Bump rack version for release (2017-05-15) tar.gz
2.0.2        Bump Rack version for release (2017-05-08) tar.gz

git clone https://yhbt.net/rack.git