summary refs log tree commit
DateCommit message (Expand)
2013-04-21Prevent signals from being sent to pid 0
2013-04-20Merge pull request #546 from spastorino/tiny_refactor
2013-04-20Use respond_to?
2013-04-20Merge pull request #515 from autohaus24/fix_invalid_characters_in_multipart_u...
2013-04-20Merge pull request #545 from spastorino/travis_failures_on_20
2013-04-20fix invalid characters in multipart uploads
2013-04-19Do not allow failures in Travis when using Ruby 2.0
2013-04-19correct Request#port for lighttpd2 proxy case
2013-04-17Merge pull request #542 from snyff/patch-2
2013-04-15Merge pull request #541 from crx/status_code_cleanup
2013-04-15Update md5.rb
2013-04-14Remove unassigned HTTP status codes
2013-04-13Merge pull request #540 from vipulnsward/fix_some_typos
2013-04-13Merge pull request #539 from vipulnsward/cleanup_tests
2013-04-13cleanup tests for unused variables
2013-04-13fix typos
2013-04-12Merge pull request #537 from vipulnsward/remove_loop
2013-04-12remove extra loop, variable initialization
2013-04-12Merge pull request #538 from basvodde/master
2013-04-12Merge pull request #535 from oscardelben/fix_env_typo
2013-04-12Removed the comment that is the default as it doesn't seem to be the...
2013-03-30Don't rely on ENV. Fixes #532
2013-03-29Merge pull request #533 from dahakawang/master
2013-03-29add test for WEBrick partial hijack
2013-03-28add partial rack hijack support for WEBrick
2013-02-27Determine the default value for Host, based on the environment.
2013-02-09Rack::Handler::Thin: default the host to localhost in development mode.
2013-02-09Rack::Handler::Mongrel: default the host to localhost in development mode.
2013-02-09Rack::Handler::WEBrick: default the host to localhost in development mode.
2013-02-09Default host to localhost when in development mode.
2013-02-09Merge pull request #513 from spastorino/mime_match_conditionals
2013-02-09Refactor Rack::Mime.match? conditionals to make them a bit cleaner
2013-02-07Master is now 1.6-ish, as it has removals
2013-02-07Bump version number 1.5.2
2013-02-07Add release notes for todays releases
2013-02-07Add release notes for todays releases
2013-02-07Prevent symlink path traversals
2013-02-07Prevent symlink path traversals
2013-02-07Stop overwriting existing pidfiles.
2013-02-07Use secure_compare for hmac comparison
2013-02-07Add secure_compare to Rack::Utils
2013-02-07Ensure binary modes are used in tests, for Windows
2013-02-07Fix a bug where host matching occurs out of order
2013-02-07Add JSON cookie coder. To be default after 1.6+
2013-02-07add license information to gemspec
2013-02-07Fix reference link
2013-02-07Document Rack::Deflater
2013-02-07Request#trusted_proxy? no longer accepts lines
2013-02-07Add find and set methods to Session object
2013-02-07Use secure_compare for hmac comparison