summary refs log tree commit
DateCommit message (Expand)
2014-07-14Record Tempfiles from multipart form data in env[rack.tempfiles]
2014-07-14chunked: do not chunk on pre-HTTP/1.0 clients
2014-07-14builder: avoid to_app on every request when using map
2014-07-14README: update to add yahns to the list of servers
2014-07-14ParameterTypeError for parse_nested_query
2014-07-13remove incorrect comment in PR 706
2014-07-13Simplify default middleware construction.
2014-07-13Give @middleware a more semantic name.
2014-07-13Fix URI parsing on 1.8.7, also address perf
2014-07-13Fix cycle tests on 1.8.7
2014-07-13Fix showexceptions specs on 1.8. Need travis back.
2014-07-13Merge pull request #705 from stevehodgkiss/fix_ip_spoofing_vulnerability
2014-07-13Gracefully handle cycles in parameters
2014-07-13correct typo and refactor tests for coverage
2014-07-13Flip to best_q_match, so we provide html to */*
2014-07-13Undo template refactoring
2014-07-13Restore public API
2014-07-13ShowExceptions minor refactoring
2014-07-13ShowException only serves HTML Accept header contains text/html
2014-07-13Do not truncate POST data on `;`, closes #543
2014-07-11Prevent IP spoofing via X-Forwarded-For and Client-IP headers
2014-07-08use RFC 2396 URI parser in the mock object
2014-07-08Fixed stray return
2014-07-06Merge pull request #675 from keithduncan/fix-clean-path-for-slash
2014-07-06Rack::Utils#best_q_match returns nil with no match
2014-07-06Rename clean slash only test
2014-07-05Merge pull request #646 from KitaitiMakoto/close-body-when-fresh
2014-07-05Merge pull request #648 from ArtemPyanykh/lint-doc-formatting
2014-07-05Merge pull request #659 from jodosha/utils-best_q_match-respect-content-type
2014-07-05Merge pull request #660 from graysonwright/better_lobster_flip
2014-07-05Merge pull request #667 from mattkasa/feature/add_rfc2324_status_code
2014-07-05Monkey patch to fix WEBrick chunking semantics.
2014-07-05Merge pull request #708 from lengarvey/fix_uri_encoding_ruby_220_rfc3986
2014-07-05Merge pull request #709 from davidcelis/patch-1
2014-06-30Fix AccessLog documentation typo
2014-06-28Fix spec_request on ruby-trunk (2.2.0dev)
2014-06-23Merge pull request #700 from espadrine/patch-1
2014-06-19Readme: Use an SVG badge.
2014-06-16Fixed build_nested_query to handle empty arrays and hashes
2014-06-12max-age settings forces Set-Cookie parameter
2014-05-20Move ["POST"] to a constant
2014-05-19Merge pull request #687 from dwilkie/master
2014-05-17Refactor methodoverride to make it easier to inherit and extend
2014-05-14add support for application/json content type requests
2014-04-14Proxy body if it is fresh enough
2014-04-10Fix `clean_path_info` for paths with only a slash
2014-03-24request.scheme supports multiple x-http-forwarded-proto values
2014-03-07Add helper method for 418
2014-03-07Add support for RFC2324 status code