rack.git  about / heads / tags
a modular Ruby webserver interface
tree 8a42bd0c5bff1b0ab9e239af4217f73502fdf747
$ git ls-tree -l HEAD:lib/rack	# shows similar output on the CLI

	size	name
d	-	auth/
d	-	backports/
 	958	body_proxy.rb
 	4376	builder.rb
 	1370	cascade.rb
 	1615	chunked.rb
 	2337	commonlogger.rb
 	2555	conditionalget.rb
 	379	config.rb
 	840	content_length.rb
 	670	content_type.rb
 	4703	deflater.rb
 	4296	directory.rb
 	2160	etag.rb
 	3689	file.rb
 	3320	handler.rb
d	-	handler/
 	484	head.rb
 	29024	lint.rb
 	2019	lobster.rb
 	601	lock.rb
 	357	logger.rb
 	972	methodoverride.rb
 	31630	mime.rb
 	5812	mock.rb
 	1168	multipart.rb
d	-	multipart/
 	951	nulllogger.rb
 	1775	recursive.rb
 	3042	reloader.rb
 	12753	request.rb
 	4434	response.rb
 	3264	rewindable_input.rb
 	744	runtime.rb
 	5308	sendfile.rb
 	11061	server.rb
d	-	session/
 	11980	showexceptions.rb
 	3540	showstatus.rb
 	4982	static.rb
 	670	tempfile_reaper.rb
 	2521	urlmap.rb
 	20776	utils.rb
d	-	utils/
Tree objects belong to commits or other tree objects.  Trees may
reference blobs, sub-trees, or (rarely) commits of submodules.

Path names are stored in tree objects, but trees do not know
their own path name.  A tree's path name comes from their parent tree,
or it is the root tree referenced by a commit object.  Thus, this web UI
relies on the `b=' URI parameter as a hint to display the path name.
git clone https://yhbt.net/rack.git