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authorEric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>2010-07-22 05:42:16 +0000
committerEric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>2010-07-22 09:09:37 +0000
commit416d3a0f868571319a2b29b0034d2dba68e4d5b3 (patch)
tree081bdbdcce23063667c707212ceda45bbc322675 /t
parent015daa81f26afc59d1da857b8bbedfb80eb532b1 (diff)
The FileStreamer class of EventMachine (and by extension
NeverBlock) unfortunately doesn't handle this.  It's possible
to do with Revactor (since it uses Rev under the covers),
but we'll support what we can easily for now.
Diffstat (limited to 't')
2 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/t0022-copy_stream-byte-range.sh b/t/t0022-copy_stream-byte-range.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dd71893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t0022-copy_stream-byte-range.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+. ./test-lib.sh
+test -r random_blob || die "random_blob required, run with 'make $0'"
+case $RUBY_VERSION in
+1.9.*) ;;
+        t_info "skipping $T since it can't IO.copy_stream"
+        exit 0
+        ;;
+case $model in
+ThreadSpawn|WriterThreadSpawn|ThreadPool|WriterThreadPool|Base) ;;
+        t_info "skipping $T since it doesn't use IO.copy_stream"
+        exit 0
+        ;;
+t_plan 11 "IO.copy_stream byte range response for $model"
+t_begin "setup and startup" && {
+        rtmpfiles out err
+        rainbows_setup $model
+        # can't load Rack::Lint here since it clobbers body#to_path
+        rainbows -E none -D large-file-response.ru -c $unicorn_config
+        rainbows_wait_start
+        random_blob_size=$(wc -c < random_blob)
+        rb_1=$(( $random_blob_size - 1 ))
+        range_head=-r-365
+        range_tail=-r155-
+        range_mid=-r200-300
+        range_n1=-r0-$rb_1
+        range_n2=-r0-$(($rb_1 - 1))
+        range_1b_head=-r0-0
+        range_1b_tail=-r$rb_1-$rb_1
+        range_1b_mid=-r200-200
+        range_all=-r0-$random_blob_size
+        url=http://$listen/random_blob
+check_content_range () {
+        # Content-Range: bytes #{offset}-#{offset+count-1}/#{clen}
+        awk -F/ -v E=0 -v size=$random_blob_size '
+        $2 == size && /^< Content-Range: bytes [0-9]+-[0-9]+\// {
+                split($1, a, /-/);
+                if (a[1] < size) {
+                        E = 0;
+                        exit(0);
+                }
+        }
+        END { exit(E) }
+        ' < $err
+t_begin "read random blob sha1s" && {
+        sha1_head=$(curl -sSff $range_head file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_tail=$(curl -sSff $range_tail file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_mid=$(curl -sSff $range_mid file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_n1=$(curl -sSff $range_n1 file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_n2=$(curl -sSff $range_n2 file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_1b_head=$(curl -sSff $range_1b_head file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_1b_tail=$(curl -sSff $range_1b_tail file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_1b_mid=$(curl -sSff $range_1b_mid file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_all=$(rsha1 < random_blob)
+        echo "$sha1_all=$sha1_n1"
+t_begin "normal full request matches" && {
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        test x"$sha1_all" = x"$sha1"
+        grep 'Content-Range:' $err && die "Content-Range unexpected"
+        grep 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' $err || die "200 response expected"
+t_begin "crazy offset goes over" && {
+        range_insane=-r$(($random_blob_size * 2))-$(($random_blob_size * 4))
+        curl -vsS 2>$err $range_insane $url
+        grep 'HTTP/1\.[01] 416 ' $err || die "expected 416 error"
+t_begin "full request matches with explicit ranges" && {
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err $range_all -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_all" = x"$sha1"
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err $range_n1 -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_all" = x"$sha1"
+        range_over=-r0-$(($random_blob_size * 2))
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err $range_over -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_all" = x"$sha1"
+t_begin "no fence post errors" && {
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err $range_n2 -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_n2" = x"$sha1"
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err $range_1b_head -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_1b_head" = x"$sha1"
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err $range_1b_tail -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_1b_tail" = x"$sha1"
+        sha1="$(curl -v 2>$err $range_1b_mid -sSf $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_1b_mid" = x"$sha1"
+t_begin "head range matches" && {
+        sha1="$(curl -sSfv $range_head $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_head" = x"$sha1"
+t_begin "tail range matches" && {
+        sha1="$(curl -sSf $range_tail $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_tail" = x"$sha1"
+t_begin "mid range matches" && {
+        sha1="$(curl -sSf $range_mid $url | rsha1)"
+        check_content_range
+        test x"$sha1_mid" = x"$sha1"
+t_begin "shutdown server" && {
+        kill -QUIT $rainbows_pid
+t_begin "check stderr" && check_stderr
diff --git a/t/t0023-sendfile-byte-range.sh b/t/t0023-sendfile-byte-range.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..63fceee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t0023-sendfile-byte-range.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+. ./test-lib.sh
+test -r random_blob || die "random_blob required, run with 'make $0'"
+case $RUBY_ENGINE in
+ruby) ;;
+        t_info "skipping $T since it can't load the sendfile gem, yet"
+        exit 0
+        ;;
+case $model in
+        t_info "skipping $T since it's not compatible with $model"
+        exit 0
+        ;;
+*) ;;
+t_plan 7 "sendfile byte range response for $model"
+t_begin "setup and startup" && {
+        rtmpfiles out err
+        rainbows_setup $model
+        echo 'require "sendfile"' >> $unicorn_config
+        echo 'def (::IO).copy_stream(*x); abort "NO"; end' >> $unicorn_config
+        # can't load Rack::Lint here since it clobbers body#to_path
+        rainbows -E none -D large-file-response.ru -c $unicorn_config
+        rainbows_wait_start
+        range_head=-r-365
+        range_tail=-r155-
+        range_mid=-r200-300
+t_begin "read random blob sha1s" && {
+        sha1_head=$(curl -sSf $range_head file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_tail=$(curl -sSf $range_tail file://random_blob | rsha1)
+        sha1_mid=$(curl -sSf $range_mid file://random_blob | rsha1)
+t_begin "head range matches" && {
+        sha1="$(curl -sSv $range_head http://$listen/random_blob | rsha1)"
+        test x"$sha1_head" = x"$sha1"
+t_begin "tail range matches" && {
+        sha1="$(curl -sS $range_tail http://$listen/random_blob | rsha1)"
+        test x"$sha1_tail" = x"$sha1"
+t_begin "mid range matches" && {
+        sha1="$(curl -sS $range_mid http://$listen/random_blob | rsha1)"
+        test x"$sha1_mid" = x"$sha1"
+t_begin "shutdown server" && {
+        kill -QUIT $rainbows_pid
+t_begin "check stderr" && check_stderr