= Frequently Asked Questions about \Rainbows! === Why is \Rainbows! a separate project from Unicorn? \Rainbows is for the odd, corner-case requests that Unicorn is poorly suited for. More scalable concurrency models introduce additional complexity that Unicorn users and developers are uncomfortable with for the common cases. === What complexity? Threads/events/actors are easy to work with! Good for you. Some of us depend on libraries incompatible with those models, or are just too lazy to deal with them for the majority of requests we service. === Isn't "rainbows" a branch of Unicorn? That functionality is now in the Revactor model of \Rainbows! === What happened to the "gossamer" branch of Unicorn? It became the ThreadPool model of \Rainbows! === Which concurrency model should I use? It depends on your application, libraries, Ruby stack and use cases. That's why we support as many concurrency model as we can. Each model has their own strengths and weaknesses in terms of maturity, ease-of-debugging, compatibility, performance, and memory usage. === Should I put \Rainbows! behind nginx to serve slow clients? It is optional. You can still use nginx to route certain requests to Unicorn and others to \Rainbows! nginx will always outperform \Rainbows! in both pure reverse proxy applications and for serving static files, but \Rainbows! is for hosting applications that are more easily-implemented in Ruby than C. === Should I use \Rainbows! to serve static files? It depends on the size and amount of static files you're serving. If you're serving a lot of static files (especially large ones), then by all means use nginx. If not, then \Rainbows! is likely a "good enough" solution even if nginx will always outperform it in raw throughput. === How do I support SSL? If you need a streaming "rack.input" to do upload processing within your Rack application, then {stunnel}[http://stunnel.org/] is required. Otherwise, nginx is a perfectly good reverse proxy. Refer to the {Unicorn FAQ}[http://unicorn.bogomips.org/FAQ.html] on how to ensure redirects go to "https://" URLs. === Is there a "rainbows_rails" command like there is "unicorn_rails"? No. "unicorn_rails" was written primarily to support older versions of Rails. Since \Rainbows! is designed for newer applications based on Rack, it can just use a "config.ru" file like other Rack frameworks and applications. For Rails 3.x, you should already have a config.ru file and "rainbows(1)" will work out-of-the-box like "rackup(1)". Rails 3 will support RACK_ENV as set by "rainbows(1)", so you won't need to set RAILS_ENV. For Rails 2.3.x, the following config.ru will work for you: ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= ENV["RACK_ENV"] require "config/environment" use Rails::Rack::Static run ActionController::Dispatcher.new For older versions of Rails, the following config.ru will work: ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= ENV["RACK_ENV"] require 'config/boot' require 'config/environment' require 'unicorn/app/old_rails' require 'unicorn/app/old_rails/static' # not needed with Unicorn 0.95+ use Unicorn::App::OldRails::Static run Unicorn::App::OldRails.new One thing to watch out for is that RAILS_ENV will not be set in the environment for you, thus we set it to match RACK_ENV.