# -*- encoding: binary -*- # :enddoc: module Rainbows::Const RAINBOWS_VERSION = '3.0.0' include Unicorn::Const RACK_DEFAULTS = Unicorn::HttpRequest::DEFAULTS.update({ "SERVER_SOFTWARE" => "Rainbows! #{RAINBOWS_VERSION}", # using the Rev model, we'll automatically chunk pipe and socket objects # if they're the response body. Unset by default. # "rainbows.autochunk" => false, }) # client IO object that supports reading and writing directly # without filtering it through the HTTP chunk parser. # Maybe we can get this renamed to "rack.io" if it becomes part # of the official spec, but for now it is "hack.io" CLIENT_IO = "hack.io".freeze ERROR_413_RESPONSE = "HTTP/1.1 413 Request Entity Too Large\r\n\r\n" ERROR_416_RESPONSE = "HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable\r\n\r\n" RACK_INPUT = Unicorn::HttpRequest::RACK_INPUT REMOTE_ADDR = Unicorn::HttpRequest::REMOTE_ADDR end