# -*- encoding: binary -*- module Rainbows module Fiber # A partially complete IO wrapper, this exports an IO.select()-able # #to_io method and gives users the illusion of a synchronous # interface that yields away from the current Fiber whenever # the underlying IO object cannot read or write class IO < Struct.new(:to_io, :f) include Rainbows::ByteSlice # :stopdoc: LOCALHOST = Unicorn::HttpRequest::LOCALHOST # needed to write errors with def write_nonblock(buf) to_io.write_nonblock(buf) end # enough for Rainbows.addr def peeraddr to_io.respond_to?(:peeraddr) ? to_io.peeraddr : [ LOCALHOST ] end # for wrapping output response bodies def each(&block) if buf = readpartial(16384) yield buf yield buf while readpartial(16384, buf) end rescue EOFError self end def close fileno = to_io.fileno RD[fileno] = WR[fileno] = nil to_io.close unless to_io.closed? end def closed? to_io.closed? end def wait_readable fileno = to_io.fileno RD[fileno] = self ::Fiber.yield RD[fileno] = nil end def wait_writable fileno = to_io.fileno WR[fileno] = self ::Fiber.yield WR[fileno] = nil end def write(buf) begin (w = to_io.write_nonblock(buf)) == buf.bytesize and return buf = byte_slice(buf, w..-1) rescue Errno::EAGAIN wait_writable retry end while true end # used for reading headers (respecting keepalive_timeout) def read_timeout expire = nil begin to_io.read_nonblock(16384) rescue Errno::EAGAIN return if expire && expire < Time.now expire ||= Time.now + G.kato wait_readable retry end end def readpartial(length, buf = "") begin to_io.read_nonblock(length, buf) rescue Errno::EAGAIN wait_readable retry end end end end end