# -*- encoding: binary -*- # :enddoc: module Rainbows module Fiber # a self-sufficient Queue implementation for Fiber-based concurrency # models. This requires no external scheduler, so it may be used with # Revactor as well as FiberSpawn and FiberPool. class Queue < Struct.new(:queue, :waiters) def initialize(queue = [], waiters = []) # move elements of the Queue into an Array if queue.class.name == "Queue" queue = queue.length.times.map { queue.pop } end super queue, waiters end def shift # ah the joys of not having to deal with race conditions if queue.empty? waiters << ::Fiber.current ::Fiber.yield end queue.shift end def <<(obj) queue << obj blocked = waiters.shift and blocked.resume queue # not quite 100% compatible but no-one's looking :> end end end end