# -*- encoding: binary -*- # :enddoc: module Rainbows::Revactor::Client::Methods if IO.method_defined?(:trysendfile) def write_body_file(body, range) body, client = body_to_io(body), @client sock = @client.instance_variable_get(:@_io) pfx = Revactor::TCP::Socket === client ? :tcp : :unix write_complete = T[:"#{pfx}_write_complete", client] closed = T[:"#{pfx}_closed", client] offset, count = range ? range : [ 0, body.stat.size ] case n = sock.trysendfile(body, offset, count) when Integer offset += n return if 0 == (count -= n) when :wait_writable # The @_write_buffer is empty at this point, trigger the # on_readable method which in turn triggers on_write_complete # even though nothing was written client.controller = Actor.current client.__send__(:enable_write_watcher) Actor.receive do |filter| filter.when(write_complete) {} filter.when(closed) { raise Errno::EPIPE } end else # nil return end while true ensure close_if_private(body) end end def handle_error(e) Revactor::TCP::ReadError === e or super end def write_response(status, headers, body, alive) super(status, headers, body, alive) alive && @ts and @hp.buf << @ts.leftover end def self.included(klass) klass.__send__ :alias_method, :write_body_stream, :write_body_each end end