# -*- encoding: binary -*- # :enddoc: # TODO: handle large responses without having it all in memory module Rainbows::ReverseProxy::EventMachine class Backend < EM::Connection include Rainbows::ReverseProxy::EvClient # provides receive_data # +addr+ is a packed sockaddr, so it can be either a UNIX or TCP socket def initialize(env) @env = env @rbuf = "" @parser = Kcar::Parser.new @response = @body = nil @headers = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new end # prevents us from sending too much at once and OOM-ing on large uploads def stream_input(input) if buf = input.read(16384) send_data buf EM.next_tick { stream_input(input) } end end def on_write_complete if @input buf = @input.read(16384, @junk) and return write(buf) @input = nil end end def unbind @env['async.callback'].call(@response || Rainbows::ReverseProxy::E502) end end UpstreamSocket = Rainbows::ReverseProxy::UpstreamSocket def call(env) input = prepare_input!(env) io = UpstreamSocket.start(pick_upstream(env)) sock = EM.attach(io, Backend, env) sock.send_data(build_headers(env, input)) sock.stream_input(input) if input throw :async end end