#!/bin/sh . ./test-lib.sh case $model in Base) ;; *) exit 0 ;; # don't waste cycles on trivial stuff :P esac t_plan 6 "ServerToken Rack middleware test for $model" t_begin "configure and start" && { rtmpfiles curl_out curl_err rainbows_setup rainbows -D t9002.ru -c $unicorn_config rainbows_wait_start } t_begin "hit with curl" && { curl -sSfiI http://$listen/ > $curl_out 2> $curl_err } t_begin "kill server" && { kill $rainbows_pid } t_begin "no errors in curl stderr" && { test ! -s $curl_err } t_begin "no errors in Rainbows! stderr" && { check_stderr } t_begin "Server: token added" && { grep Server: $curl_out } t_done