rainbows.git  about / heads / tags
Unicorn for sleepy apps and slow clients
tree 8082e257899c077695c17ec56ba7678b0aff613f
$ git ls-tree -l v0.91.0:t	# shows similar output on the CLI

	size	name
 	49	.gitignore
 	2892	GNUmakefile
 	1400	README
 	383	async-response-no-autochunk.ru
 	244	async-response.ru
d	-	async_examples/
 	280	async_sinatra.ru
d	-	bin/
 	602	content-md5.ru
d	-	cramp/
 	104	env.ru
 	110	env_rack_env.ru
 	312	fork-sleep.ru
 	321	heartbeat-timeout.ru
 	382	large-file-response.ru
 	4501	my-tap-lib.sh
 	492	sha1-random-size.ru
 	453	sha1.ru
 	104	simple-http_Base.ru
 	238	simple-http_EventMachine.ru
 	271	simple-http_EventMachineDefer.ru
 	250	simple-http_FiberPool.ru
 	251	simple-http_FiberSpawn.ru
 	263	simple-http_NeverBlock.ru
 	229	simple-http_Rev.ru
 	239	simple-http_RevFiberSpawn.ru
 	231	simple-http_RevThreadPool.ru
 	232	simple-http_RevThreadSpawn.ru
 	245	simple-http_Revactor.ru
 	242	simple-http_ThreadPool.ru
 	243	simple-http_ThreadSpawn.ru
 	290	sleep.ru
x	2990	t0000-simple-http.sh
 	104	t0000.ru
x	2343	t0001-unix-http.sh
x	660	t0002-graceful.sh
x	586	t0002-parser-error.sh
x	2183	t0003-reopen-logs.sh
x	1451	t0004-heartbeat-timeout.sh
x	1821	t0005-large-file-response.sh
x	896	t0006-process-rack-env.sh
x	1115	t0007-worker-follows-master-to-death.sh
x	3158	t0008-ensure-usable-after-limit.sh
x	1111	t0009-broken-app.sh
 	286	t0009.ru
x	766	t0010-keepalive-timeout-effective.sh
x	1024	t0011-close-on-exec-set.sh
x	797	t0012-spurious-wakeups-quiet.sh
x	1022	t0013-reload-bad-config.sh
x	1000	t0014-config-conflict.sh
x	1319	t0100-rack-input-hammer.sh
x	1872	t0101-rack-input-trailer.sh
x	780	t0102-rack-input-short.sh
x	1329	t0200-async-response.sh
x	79	t0201-async-response-no-autochunk.sh
x	1327	t0300-async_sinatra.sh
x	1151	t0400-em-async-app.sh
x	1472	t0401-em-async-tailer.sh
x	1730	t0500-cramp-streaming.sh
x	995	t9000-rack-app-pool.sh
 	220	t9000.ru
 	3167	test-lib.sh
 	301	worker-follows-master-to-death.ru
Tree objects belong to commits or other tree objects.  Trees may
reference blobs, sub-trees, or (rarely) commits of submodules.

Path names are stored in tree objects, but trees do not know
their own path name.  A tree's path name comes from their parent tree,
or it is the root tree referenced by a commit object.  Thus, this web UI
relies on the `b=' URI parameter as a hint to display the path name.
git clone https://yhbt.net/rainbows.git