# -*- encoding: binary -*- # frozen_string_literal: false # :stopdoc: # This class is used by Raindrops::Middleware to proxy application # response bodies. There should be no need to use it directly. class Raindrops::Middleware::Proxy def initialize(body, stats) @body, @stats = body, stats end # yield to the Rack server here for writing def each @body.each { |x| yield x } end # the Rack server should call this after #each (usually ensure-d) def close @stats.decr_writing @body.close if @body.respond_to?(:close) end # Some Rack servers can optimize response processing if it responds # to +to_path+ via the sendfile(2) system call, we proxy +to_path+ # to the underlying body if possible. def to_path @body.to_path end # Rack servers use +respond_to?+ to check for the presence of +close+ # and +to_path+ methods. def respond_to?(m, include_all = false) m = m.to_sym :close == m || @body.respond_to?(m, include_all) end # Avoid breaking users of non-standard extensions (e.g. #body) # Rack::BodyProxy does the same. def method_missing(*args, &block) @body.__send__(*args, &block) end end