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From: Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>
To: unicorn list <mongrel-unicorn@rubyforge.org>
Subject: Re: Working directory and config.ru
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 09:58:12 +0000	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <20100610095812.GA8546@dcvr.yhbt.net> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <20100609180431.GA8027@dcvr.yhbt.net>

Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net> wrote:
> Pierre Baillet <oct@fotonauts.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I naively expected unicorn to honor the working_directory
> > configuration directive before attempting to locate the config.ru but
> > this does not seem to be the case. Is this behavior wanted ? From the
> > code, I can guess that the configuration file parsing is done much
> > later  than the current config.ru location attempt.
> Hi Pierre,
> Oops, definitely not wanted behavior.  Unicorn should honor
> working_directory with regard to config.ru.  I'll start working
> on a fix shortly, thanks for the report!

I just pushed the following out with a few other cleanups.

Maintaining Rainbows!/Zbatery compatibility was a bit costly in terms of

Overall, my initial hesitation to support "working_directory" last year
was validated by the complexity of maintaining relative path
compatibility across the board.

I'm very glad for the integration test suite (stolen from Rainbows!)
which allows me to write tests in my "native" language :>

There'll be more tests coming when I'm more awake (and I'm actually
developing a real Rack application which will be public Real Soon
Now(TM), but more targeted at Rainbows!/Zbatery :)

>From 4accf4449390c649bce0b1c9d84314d65fd41f8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 08:47:10 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] respect "working_directory" wrt config.ru

Since we added support for the "working_directory" parameter, it
often became unclear where/when certain paths would be bound.

There are some extremely nasty dependencies and ordering issues
when doing this.  It's all pretty fragile, but works for now
and we even have a full integration test to keep it working.

I plan on cleaning this up 2.x.x to be less offensive to look
at (Rainbows! and Zbatery are a bit tied to this at the moment).

Thanks to Pierre Baillet for reporting this.

ref: http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimKb7JARr_69nfVrJLvMZH3Gvs1o_KwZFLKfuxy@mail.gmail.com
 bin/unicorn                  |    5 +---
 bin/unicorn_rails            |   17 +++++++++---
 lib/unicorn.rb               |    7 ++---
 lib/unicorn/configurator.rb  |   56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/unicorn/launcher.rb      |    5 ++-
 t/t0003-working_directory.sh |   53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 t/t0003-working_directory.sh

diff --git a/bin/unicorn b/bin/unicorn
index beece97..2cc10b1 100755
--- a/bin/unicorn
+++ b/bin/unicorn
@@ -107,10 +107,7 @@ opts = OptionParser.new("", 24, '  ') do |opts|
   opts.parse! ARGV
-ru = ARGV[0] || "config.ru"
-abort "configuration file #{ru} not found" unless File.exist?(ru)
-app = Unicorn.builder(ru, opts)
+app = Unicorn.builder(ARGV[0] || 'config.ru', opts)
 options[:listeners] << "#{host}:#{port}" if set_listener
 if $DEBUG
diff --git a/bin/unicorn_rails b/bin/unicorn_rails
index 2f88bc1..e9cac00 100755
--- a/bin/unicorn_rails
+++ b/bin/unicorn_rails
@@ -107,8 +107,6 @@ opts = OptionParser.new("", 24, '  ') do |opts|
   opts.parse! ARGV
-ru = ARGV[0] || (File.exist?('config.ru') ? 'config.ru' : nil)
 def rails_dispatcher
   if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 3 && ::File.exist?('config/application.rb')
     if ::File.read('config/application.rb') =~ /^module\s+([\w:]+)\s*$/
@@ -127,9 +125,20 @@ def rails_dispatcher
   result || abort("Unable to locate the application dispatcher class")
-def rails_builder(daemonize)
+def rails_builder(ru, opts, daemonize)
+  return Unicorn.builder(ru, opts) if ru
+  # allow Configurator to parse cli switches embedded in the ru file
+  Unicorn::Configurator::RACKUP.update(:file => :rails, :optparse => opts)
   # this lambda won't run until after forking if preload_app is false
+  # this runs after config file reloading
   lambda do ||
+    # Rails 3 includes a config.ru, use it if we find it after
+    # working_directory is bound.
+    ::File.exist?('config.ru') and
+      return Unicorn.builder('config.ru', opts).call
     # Load Rails and (possibly) the private version of Rack it bundles.
       require ::File.expand_path('config/boot')
@@ -179,7 +188,7 @@ def rails_builder(daemonize)
-app = ru ? Unicorn.builder(ru, opts) : rails_builder(daemonize)
+app = rails_builder(ARGV[0], opts, daemonize)
 options[:listeners] << "#{host}:#{port}" if set_listener
 if $DEBUG
diff --git a/lib/unicorn.rb b/lib/unicorn.rb
index c026236..a7b0646 100644
--- a/lib/unicorn.rb
+++ b/lib/unicorn.rb
@@ -33,11 +33,10 @@ module Unicorn
     # Unicorn config).  The returned lambda will be called when it is
     # time to build the app.
     def builder(ru, opts)
-      if ru =~ /\.ru\z/
-        # parse embedded command-line options in config.ru comments
-        /^#\\(.*)/ =~ File.read(ru) and opts.parse!($1.split(/\s+/))
-      end
+      # allow Configurator to parse cli switches embedded in the ru file
+      Unicorn::Configurator::RACKUP.update(:file => ru, :optparse => opts)
+      # always called after config file parsing, may be called after forking
       lambda do ||
         inner_app = case ru
         when /\.ru$/
diff --git a/lib/unicorn/configurator.rb b/lib/unicorn/configurator.rb
index e4305c2..0716e64 100644
--- a/lib/unicorn/configurator.rb
+++ b/lib/unicorn/configurator.rb
@@ -13,6 +13,12 @@ module Unicorn
   # nginx is also available at
   # http://unicorn.bogomips.org/examples/nginx.conf
   class Configurator < Struct.new(:set, :config_file, :after_reload)
+    # :stopdoc:
+    # used to stash stuff for deferred processing of cli options in
+    # config.ru after "working_directory" is bound.  Do not rely on
+    # this being around later on...
+    RACKUP = {}
+    # :startdoc:
     # Default settings for Unicorn
     DEFAULTS = {
@@ -51,6 +57,8 @@ module Unicorn
     def reload #:nodoc:
       instance_eval(File.read(config_file), config_file) if config_file
+      parse_rackup_file
       # working_directory binds immediately (easier error checking that way),
       # now ensure any paths we changed are correctly set.
       [ :pid, :stderr_path, :stdout_path ].each do |var|
@@ -66,6 +74,9 @@ module Unicorn
     def commit!(server, options = {}) #:nodoc:
       skip = options[:skip] || []
+      if ready_pipe = RACKUP.delete(:ready_pipe)
+        server.ready_pipe = ready_pipe
+      end
       set.each do |key, value|
         value == :unset and next
         skip.include?(key) and next
@@ -411,5 +422,50 @@ module Unicorn
       set[var] = my_proc
+    # this is called _after_ working_directory is bound.  This only
+    # parses the embedded switches in .ru files
+    # (for "rackup" compatibility)
+    def parse_rackup_file # :nodoc:
+      ru = RACKUP[:file] or return # we only return here in unit tests
+      # :rails means use (old) Rails autodetect
+      if ru == :rails
+        File.readable?('config.ru') or return
+        ru = 'config.ru'
+      end
+      File.readable?(ru) or
+        raise ArgumentError, "rackup file (#{ru}) not readable"
+      # it could be a .rb file, too, we don't parse those manually
+      ru =~ /\.ru\z/ or return
+      /^#\\(.*)/ =~ File.read(ru) or return
+      warn "ru cli opts: #{$1}"
+      RACKUP[:optparse].parse!($1.split(/\s+/))
+      # XXX ugly as hell, WILL FIX in 2.x (along with Rainbows!/Zbatery)
+      host, port, set_listener, options, daemonize =
+                      eval("[ host, port, set_listener, options, daemonize ]",
+                           TOPLEVEL_BINDING)
+      warn [ :host, :port, :set_listener, :options, :daemonize ].inspect
+      warn [ ru, host, port, set_listener, options, daemonize ].inspect
+      # XXX duplicate code from bin/unicorn{,_rails}
+      set[:listeners] << "#{host}:#{port}" if set_listener
+      if daemonize
+        # unicorn_rails wants a default pid path, (not plain 'unicorn')
+        if ru == :rails
+          spid = set[:pid]
+          pid('tmp/pids/unicorn.pid') if spid.nil? || spid == :unset
+        end
+        unless RACKUP[:daemonized]
+          Unicorn::Launcher.daemonize!(options)
+          RACKUP[:ready_pipe] = options.delete(:ready_pipe)
+        end
+      end
+    end
diff --git a/lib/unicorn/launcher.rb b/lib/unicorn/launcher.rb
index 5ab04c7..7f3ffa6 100644
--- a/lib/unicorn/launcher.rb
+++ b/lib/unicorn/launcher.rb
@@ -56,8 +56,9 @@ class Unicorn::Launcher
     # $stderr/$stderr can/will be redirected separately in the Unicorn config
-    Unicorn::Configurator::DEFAULTS[:stderr_path] = "/dev/null"
-    Unicorn::Configurator::DEFAULTS[:stdout_path] = "/dev/null"
+    Unicorn::Configurator::DEFAULTS[:stderr_path] ||= "/dev/null"
+    Unicorn::Configurator::DEFAULTS[:stdout_path] ||= "/dev/null"
+    Unicorn::Configurator::RACKUP[:daemonized] = true
diff --git a/t/t0003-working_directory.sh b/t/t0003-working_directory.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3faa6c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t0003-working_directory.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+. ./test-lib.sh
+t_plan 4 "config.ru inside alt working_directory"
+t_begin "setup and start" && {
+	unicorn_setup
+	rtmpfiles unicorn_config_tmp
+	rm -rf $t_pfx.app
+	mkdir $t_pfx.app
+	port=$(expr $listen : '[^:]*:\([0-9]\+\)')
+	host=$(expr $listen : '\([^:]*\):[0-9]\+')
+	cat > $t_pfx.app/config.ru <<EOF
+#\--daemonize --host $host --port $port
+use Rack::ContentLength
+use Rack::ContentType, "text/plain"
+run lambda { |env| [ 200, {}, [ "#{\$master_ppid}\\n" ] ] }
+	# we have --host/--port in config.ru instead
+	grep -v ^listen $unicorn_config > $unicorn_config_tmp
+	# the whole point of this exercise
+	echo "working_directory '$t_pfx.app'" >> $unicorn_config_tmp
+	# allows ppid to be 1 in before_fork
+	echo "preload_app true" >> $unicorn_config_tmp
+	cat >> $unicorn_config_tmp <<\EOF
+before_fork do |server,worker|
+  $master_ppid = Process.ppid # should be zero to detect daemonization
+	mv $unicorn_config_tmp $unicorn_config
+	# rely on --daemonize switch, no & or -D
+	unicorn -c $unicorn_config
+	unicorn_wait_start
+t_begin "hit with curl" && {
+	body=$(curl -sSf http://$listen/)
+t_begin "killing succeeds" && {
+	kill $unicorn_pid
+t_begin "response body ppid == 1 (daemonized)" && {
+	test "$body" -eq 1

Eric Wong (7):
      launcher: get rid of backwards compatibility code
      isolate: don't run isolate in parallel
      Rakefile: only try rake-compiler if VERSION is defined
      Rakefile: isolate to rbx directory
      tests: set NO_PROXY when running tests
      unicorn_rails: use Kernel#warn instead of $stderr.puts
      respect "working_directory" wrt config.ru

Eric Wong
Unicorn mailing list - mongrel-unicorn@rubyforge.org
Do not quote signatures (like this one) or top post when replying

      reply	other threads:[~2010-06-10  9:58 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 3+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2010-06-09 12:58 Working directory and config.ru Pierre Baillet
2010-06-09 18:04 ` Eric Wong
2010-06-10  9:58   ` Eric Wong [this message]

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