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path: root/GNUmakefile
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authorEric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>2009-02-20 20:54:58 -0800
committerEric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>2009-02-21 04:41:17 -0800
commita19e220a9e000b730da92b9d9b5f76e6c7cc2ee1 (patch)
tree9a98b56158ce66c73c7bce67116d877812fba0a8 /GNUmakefile
parent7c396fbd05d01ee5cb1c92def09049db3a3cec9f (diff)
Add a install-test for doing a mock install with private http11
and bin/unicorn and appropriate PATH/RUBYLIB env.

Also add a normal install target so we can just type
"make install" and just be done with a regular
installation (and it'll revert files if using git).

I use the following local.mk to augment my GNUmakefile.  It
allows me to run "make -j full-test" and run both 1.8 and 1.9
tests in parallel.

--------------------------- 8< -------------------------
DLEXT := so
rack_ver := 0.9.1

ifeq ($(r19),)
  ruby := $(HOME)/bin/ruby
  RUBYLIB := $(HOME)/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rack-$(rack_ver)/lib
  export PATH := $(HOME)/ruby-1.9/bin:$(PATH)
  ruby := $(HOME)/ruby-1.9/bin/ruby
  RUBYLIB := $(HOME)/ruby-1.9/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rack-$(rack_ver)/lib

SHELL := /bin/bash -e -o pipefail

full-test: test-18 test-19
	$(MAKE) test 2>&1 | sed -u -e 's!^!1.8 !'
	$(MAKE) test r19=1 2>&1 | sed -u -e 's!^!1.9 !'
--------------------------- 8< -------------------------
Diffstat (limited to 'GNUmakefile')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile
index 25f7527..dfb33ff 100644
--- a/GNUmakefile
+++ b/GNUmakefile
@@ -1,51 +1,104 @@
 # use GNU Make to run tests in parallel, and without depending on Rubygems
 all:: test
+ruby = ruby
 -include local.mk
+ruby_bin := $(shell which $(ruby))
 ifeq ($(DLEXT),) # "so" for Linux
-  DLEXT := $(shell ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config::CONFIG["DLEXT"]')
+  DLEXT := $(shell $(ruby) -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config::CONFIG["DLEXT"]')
+ifeq ($(RUBY_VERSION),)
+  RUBY_VERSION := $(shell $(ruby) -e 'puts RUBY_VERSION')
-slow_tests := test/unit/test_server.rb
-awk_slow := awk '/def test_/{print FILENAME"--"$$2".n"}'
-T := $(filter-out $(slow_tests),$(wildcard test/unit/test*.rb))
-T_n := $(shell $(awk_slow) $(slow_tests))
-t_log := $(subst .rb,.log,$(T)) $(subst .n,.log,$(T_n))
-test: $(T) $(T_n)
-        @cat $(t_log) | ruby test/aggregate.rb
-        @$(RM) $(t_log)
+# dunno how to implement this as concisely in Ruby, and hell, I love awk
+awk_slow := awk '/def test_/{print FILENAME"--"$$2".n"}' 2>/dev/null
-        @$(MAKE) $(shell $(awk_slow) $@)
-%.n: arg = $(subst .n,,$(subst --, -n ,$@))
-%.n: name = $(subst .n,,$(subst --, ,$@))
-%.n: t = $(subst .n,.log,$@)
-%.n: lib/http11.$(DLEXT)
-        @echo '**** $(name) ****'; ruby -I lib $(arg) $(TEST_OPTS) >$(t)+ 2>&1
-        @mv $(t)+ $(t)
-$(T): t = $(subst .rb,.log,$@)
-$(T): lib/http11.$(DLEXT)
-        @echo '**** $@ ****'; ruby -I lib $@ $(TEST_OPTS) > $(t)+ 2>&1
-        @mv $(t)+ $(t)
+slow_tests := test/unit/test_server.rb test/exec/test_exec.rb
+log_suffix = .$(RUBY_VERSION).log
+T := $(filter-out $(slow_tests),$(wildcard test/*/test*.rb))
+T_n := $(shell $(awk_slow) $(slow_tests))
+T_log := $(subst .rb,$(log_suffix),$(T))
+T_n_log := $(subst .n,$(log_suffix),$(T_n))
+test_prefix = $(CURDIR)/test/install-$(RUBY_VERSION)
 http11_deps := $(addprefix ext/http11/, \
                  ext_help.h http11.c http11_parser.c http11_parser.h \
-                 http11_parser.rl http11_parser_common.rl \
-                 Makefile)
+                 http11_parser.rl http11_parser_common.rl)
+inst_deps := $(wildcard bin/*) $(wildcard lib/*.rb) \
+  $(wildcard lib/*/*.rb) $(http11_deps)
 ext/http11/http11_parser.c: ext/http11/http11_parser.rl
         cd $(@D) && ragel $(<F) -C -G2 -o $(@F)
 ext/http11/Makefile: ext/http11/extconf.rb
-        cd $(@D) && ruby $(<F)
-ext/http11/http11.$(DLEXT): $(http11_deps)
+        cd $(@D) && $(ruby) $(<F)
+ext/http11/http11.$(DLEXT): $(http11_deps) ext/http11/Makefile
         $(MAKE) -C $(@D)
 lib/http11.$(DLEXT): ext/http11/http11.$(DLEXT)
         @mkdir -p lib
         install -m644 $< $@
+http11: lib/http11.$(DLEXT)
+$(test_prefix)/.stamp: $(inst_deps)
+        $(MAKE) clean-http11
+        $(MAKE) install-test
+        > $@
+        mkdir -p $(test_prefix)/.ccache
+        tar c bin ext lib GNUmakefile | (cd $(test_prefix) && tar x)
+        $(MAKE) -C $(test_prefix) http11 shebang
+# this is only intended to be run within $(test_prefix)
+shebang: bin/unicorn
+        $(ruby) -i -p -e '$$_.gsub!(%r{^#!.*$$},"#!$(ruby_bin)")' $<
+t_log := $(T_log) $(T_n_log)
+test: $(T) $(T_n)
+        @cat $(t_log) | $(ruby) test/aggregate.rb
+        @$(RM) $(t_log)
+slow-tests: $(slow_tests)
+        @$(MAKE) $(shell $(awk_slow) $@)
+run_test = @echo '*** $(arg) ***'; \
+  setsid $(ruby) $(arg) $(TEST_OPTS) >$(t) 2>&1 || \
+  (cat >&2 < $(t); exit 1)
+%.n: arg = $(subst .n,,$(subst --, -n ,$@))
+%.n: t = $(subst .n,$(log_suffix),$@)
+%.n: export PATH := $(test_prefix)/bin:$(PATH)
+%.n: export RUBYLIB := $(test_prefix)/lib:$(RUBYLIB)
+%.n: $(test_prefix)/.stamp
+        $(run_test)
+$(T): arg = $@
+$(T): t = $(subst .rb,$(log_suffix),$@)
+$(T): export PATH := $(test_prefix)/bin:$(PATH)
+$(T): export RUBYLIB := $(test_prefix)/lib:$(RUBYLIB)
+$(T): $(test_prefix)/.stamp
+        $(run_test)
+install: bin/unicorn
+        $(prep_setup_rb)
+        git diff --quiet $<
+        $(ruby) setup.rb all
+        git checkout $<
+        $(prep_setup_rb)
         -$(MAKE) -C ext/http11 clean
         $(RM) ext/http11/Makefile lib/http11.$(DLEXT)
+setup_rb_files := .config InstalledFiles
+prep_setup_rb := @-$(RM) $(setup_rb_files);$(MAKE) -C ext/http11 clean
+clean: clean-http11
+        $(RM) $(setup_rb_files)
+        $(RM) $(t_log)
+        $(RM) -r $(test_prefix)
         git ls-files > $@+
         cmp $@+ $@ || mv $@+ $@