require 'rubygems' require 'echoe'"mongrel") do |p| p.summary = "A small fast HTTP library and server for Rack applications." = "Evan Weaver" = "" p.clean_pattern = ['ext/http11/*.{bundle,so,o,obj,pdb,lib,def,exp}', 'lib/*.{bundle,so,o,obj,pdb,lib,def,exp}', 'ext/http11/Makefile', 'pkg', 'lib/*.bundle', '*.gem', 'site/output', '.config', 'lib/http11.jar', 'ext/http11_java/classes', 'coverage', 'test_*.log', 'log', 'doc'] p.url = "" p.rdoc_pattern = ['README', 'LICENSE', 'CONTRIBUTORS', 'CHANGELOG', 'COPYING', 'lib/**/*.rb', 'doc/**/*.rdoc'] p.docs_host = '' p.ignore_pattern = /^(pkg|site|projects|doc|log)|CVS|\.log/ p.extension_pattern = nil p.dependencies = ['daemons', 'rack'] p.certificate_chain = case (ENV['USER'] || ENV['USERNAME']).downcase when 'eweaver' ['~/p/configuration/gem_certificates/mongrel/mongrel-public_cert.pem', '~/p/configuration/gem_certificates/evan_weaver-mongrel-public_cert.pem'] when 'luislavena', 'luis' ['~/projects/gem_certificates/mongrel-public_cert.pem', '~/projects/gem_certificates/luislavena-mongrel-public_cert.pem'] end p.need_tar_gz = false p.need_tgz = true unless or p.extension_pattern = ["ext/**/extconf.rb"] end p.eval = proc do if self.files += ['lib/'] self.platform = Gem::Platform::CURRENT elsif self.files += ['lib/http11.jar'] self.platform = 'jruby' # XXX Is this right? else add_dependency('daemons', '>= 1.0.3') end end end #### Ragel builder desc "Rebuild the Ragel sources" task :ragel do Dir.chdir "ext/http11" do target = "http11_parser.c" File.unlink target if File.exist? target sh "ragel http11_parser.rl -C -G2 -o #{target}" raise "Failed to build C source" unless File.exist? target end Dir.chdir "ext/http11" do target = "../../ext/http11_java/org/jruby/mongrel/" File.unlink target if File.exist? target sh "ragel http11_parser.rl -J -o #{target}" raise "Failed to build Java source" unless File.exist? target end end #### Pre-compiled extensions for alternative platforms def move_extensions Dir["ext/**/*.#{Config::CONFIG['DLEXT']}"].each { |file| mv file, "lib/" } end def java_classpath_arg # A myriad of ways to discover the JRuby classpath classpath = begin require 'java' # Already running in a JRuby JVM Java::java.lang.System.getProperty('java.class.path') rescue LoadError ENV['JRUBY_PARENT_CLASSPATH'] || ENV['JRUBY_HOME'] && FileList["#{ENV['JRUBY_HOME']}/lib/*.jar"].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end classpath ? "-cp #{classpath}" : "" end if filename = "lib/" file filename do Dir.chdir("ext/http11") do ruby "extconf.rb" system(Platform.make) end move_extensions end task :compile => [filename] elsif # Avoid JRuby in-process launching problem begin require 'jruby' JRuby.runtime.instance_config.run_ruby_in_process = false rescue LoadError end filename = "lib/http11.jar" file filename do build_dir = "ext/http11_java/classes" mkdir_p build_dir sources = FileList['ext/http11_java/**/*.java'].join(' ') sh "javac -target 1.4 -source 1.4 -d #{build_dir} #{java_classpath_arg} #{sources}" sh "jar cf lib/http11.jar -C #{build_dir} ." move_extensions end task :compile => [filename] end