# ==> /etc/systemd/system/unicorn@.service <== # Since SIGUSR2 upgrades do not work under systemd, this service file # allows starting two simultaneous services during upgrade time # (e.g. unicorn@1 unicorn@2) with the intention that they take # turns running in-between upgrades. This should allow upgrading # without downtime. [Unit] Description = unicorn Rack application server %i Wants = unicorn.socket After = unicorn.socket [Service] # bundler users must use the "--keep-file-descriptors" switch, here: # ExecStart = bundle exec --keep-file-descriptors unicorn -c ... ExecStart = /usr/bin/unicorn -c /path/to/unicorn.conf.rb /path/to/config.ru Sockets = unicorn.socket KillSignal = SIGQUIT User = nobody Group = nogroup ExecReload = /bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID # This is based on the Unicorn::Configurator#timeout directive, # adding a few seconds for scheduling differences: TimeoutStopSec = 62 # Only kill the master process, it may be harmful to signal # workers via default "control-group" setting since some # Ruby extensions and applications misbehave on interrupts KillMode = process [Install] WantedBy = multi-user.target