/** * Copyright (c) 2009 Eric Wong (all bugs are Eric's fault) * Copyright (c) 2005 Zed A. Shaw * You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Ruby. */ #include "ruby.h" #include "ext_help.h" #include #include #include #include "common_field_optimization.h" #include "global_variables.h" #include "c_util.h" #define UH_FL_CHUNKED 0x1 #define UH_FL_HASBODY 0x2 #define UH_FL_INBODY 0x4 #define UH_FL_HASTRAILER 0x8 #define UH_FL_INTRAILER 0x10 #define UH_FL_INCHUNK 0x20 #define UH_FL_KAMETHOD 0x40 #define UH_FL_KAVERSION 0x80 #define UH_FL_KEEPALIVE (UH_FL_KAMETHOD | UH_FL_KAVERSION) struct http_parser { int cs; /* Ragel internal state */ unsigned int flags; size_t mark; union { /* these 3 fields don't nest */ size_t field; size_t query; size_t offset; } start; union { size_t field_len; /* only used during header processing */ size_t dest_offset; /* only used during body processing */ } s; union { off_t content; off_t chunk; } len; }; static void finalize_header(VALUE req); #define REMAINING (unsigned long)(pe - p) #define LEN(AT, FPC) (FPC - buffer - hp->AT) #define MARK(M,FPC) (hp->M = (FPC) - buffer) #define PTR_TO(F) (buffer + hp->F) #define STR_NEW(M,FPC) rb_str_new(PTR_TO(M), LEN(M, FPC)) static void request_method(struct http_parser *hp, VALUE req, const char *ptr, size_t len) { VALUE v; if (CONST_MEM_EQ("GET", ptr, len)) { hp->flags |= UH_FL_KAMETHOD; v = g_GET; } else if (CONST_MEM_EQ("HEAD", ptr, len)) { hp->flags |= UH_FL_KAMETHOD; v = g_HEAD; } else { v = rb_str_new(ptr, len); } rb_hash_aset(req, g_request_method, v); } static void http_version(struct http_parser *hp, VALUE req, const char *ptr, size_t len) { VALUE v; if (CONST_MEM_EQ("HTTP/1.1", ptr, len)) { hp->flags |= UH_FL_KAVERSION; v = g_http_11; } else { v = rb_str_new(ptr, len); } rb_hash_aset(req, g_http_version, v); } static void invalid_if_trailer(int flags) { if (flags & UH_FL_INTRAILER) rb_raise(eHttpParserError, "invalid Trailer"); } static void write_value(VALUE req, struct http_parser *hp, const char *buffer, const char *p) { VALUE f = find_common_field(PTR_TO(start.field), hp->s.field_len); VALUE v; VALUE e; VALIDATE_MAX_LENGTH(LEN(mark, p), FIELD_VALUE); v = STR_NEW(mark, p); if (f == Qnil) { VALIDATE_MAX_LENGTH(hp->s.field_len, FIELD_NAME); f = uncommon_field(PTR_TO(start.field), hp->s.field_len); } else if (f == g_http_connection) { if (hp->flags & UH_FL_KAMETHOD) { if (STR_CSTR_CASE_EQ(v, "keep-alive")) hp->flags |= UH_FL_KAVERSION; else if (STR_CSTR_CASE_EQ(v, "close")) hp->flags &= ~UH_FL_KEEPALIVE; } } else if (f == g_content_length) { hp->len.content = parse_length(RSTRING_PTR(v), RSTRING_LEN(v)); if (hp->len.content < 0) rb_raise(eHttpParserError, "invalid Content-Length"); hp->flags |= UH_FL_HASBODY; invalid_if_trailer(hp->flags); } else if (f == g_http_transfer_encoding) { if (STR_CSTR_CASE_EQ(v, "chunked")) hp->flags |= UH_FL_CHUNKED | UH_FL_HASBODY; invalid_if_trailer(hp->flags); } else if (f == g_http_trailer) { hp->flags |= UH_FL_HASTRAILER; invalid_if_trailer(hp->flags); } e = rb_hash_aref(req, f); if (e == Qnil) { rb_hash_aset(req, f, v); } else if (f != g_http_host) { /* full URLs in REQUEST_URI take precedence for the Host: header */ rb_str_buf_cat(e, ",", 1); rb_str_buf_append(e, v); } } /** Machine **/ %%{ machine http_parser; action mark {MARK(mark, fpc); } action start_field { MARK(start.field, fpc); } action snake_upcase_field { snake_upcase_char((char *)fpc); } action downcase_char { downcase_char((char *)fpc); } action write_field { hp->s.field_len = LEN(start.field, fpc); } action start_value { MARK(mark, fpc); } action write_value { write_value(req, hp, buffer, fpc); } action request_method { request_method(hp, req, PTR_TO(mark), LEN(mark, fpc)); } action scheme { rb_hash_aset(req, g_rack_url_scheme, STR_NEW(mark, fpc)); } action host { rb_hash_aset(req, g_http_host, STR_NEW(mark, fpc)); } action request_uri { size_t len = LEN(mark, fpc); VALUE str; VALIDATE_MAX_LENGTH(len, REQUEST_URI); str = rb_hash_aset(req, g_request_uri, STR_NEW(mark, fpc)); /* * "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1\r\n" is a valid request, but we can't have '*' * in REQUEST_PATH or PATH_INFO or else Rack::Lint will complain */ if (STR_CSTR_EQ(str, "*")) { str = rb_str_new(NULL, 0); rb_hash_aset(req, g_path_info, str); rb_hash_aset(req, g_request_path, str); } } action fragment { VALIDATE_MAX_LENGTH(LEN(mark, fpc), FRAGMENT); rb_hash_aset(req, g_fragment, STR_NEW(mark, fpc)); } action start_query {MARK(start.query, fpc); } action query_string { VALIDATE_MAX_LENGTH(LEN(start.query, fpc), QUERY_STRING); rb_hash_aset(req, g_query_string, STR_NEW(start.query, fpc)); } action http_version { http_version(hp, req, PTR_TO(mark), LEN(mark, fpc)); } action request_path { VALUE val; size_t len = LEN(mark, fpc); VALIDATE_MAX_LENGTH(len, REQUEST_PATH); val = rb_hash_aset(req, g_request_path, STR_NEW(mark, fpc)); /* rack says PATH_INFO must start with "/" or be empty */ if (!STR_CSTR_EQ(val, "*")) rb_hash_aset(req, g_path_info, val); } action add_to_chunk_size { hp->len.chunk = step_incr(hp->len.chunk, fc, 16); if (hp->len.chunk < 0) rb_raise(eHttpParserError, "invalid chunk size"); } action header_done { finalize_header(req); cs = http_parser_first_final; if (hp->flags & UH_FL_HASBODY) { hp->flags |= UH_FL_INBODY; if (hp->flags & UH_FL_CHUNKED) cs = http_parser_en_ChunkedBody; } else { assert(!(hp->flags & UH_FL_CHUNKED)); } /* * go back to Ruby so we can call the Rack application, we'll reenter * the parser iff the body needs to be processed. */ goto post_exec; } action end_trailers { cs = http_parser_first_final; goto post_exec; } action end_chunked_body { if (hp->flags & UH_FL_HASTRAILER) { hp->flags |= UH_FL_INTRAILER; cs = http_parser_en_Trailers; } else { cs = http_parser_first_final; } ++p; goto post_exec; } action skip_chunk_data { skip_chunk_data_hack: { size_t nr = MIN(hp->len.chunk, REMAINING); memcpy(RSTRING_PTR(req) + hp->s.dest_offset, fpc, nr); hp->s.dest_offset += nr; hp->len.chunk -= nr; p += nr; assert(hp->len.chunk >= 0); if (hp->len.chunk > REMAINING) { hp->flags |= UH_FL_INCHUNK; goto post_exec; } else { fhold; fgoto chunk_end; } }} include unicorn_http_common "unicorn_http_common.rl"; }%% /** Data **/ %% write data; static void http_parser_init(struct http_parser *hp) { int cs = 0; memset(hp, 0, sizeof(struct http_parser)); %% write init; hp->cs = cs; } /** exec **/ static void http_parser_execute(struct http_parser *hp, VALUE req, const char *buffer, size_t len) { const char *p, *pe; int cs = hp->cs; size_t off = hp->start.offset; if (cs == http_parser_first_final) return; assert(off <= len && "offset past end of buffer"); p = buffer+off; pe = buffer+len; assert(pe - p == len - off && "pointers aren't same distance"); if (hp->flags & UH_FL_INCHUNK) { hp->flags &= ~(UH_FL_INCHUNK); goto skip_chunk_data_hack; } %% write exec; post_exec: /* "_out:" also goes here */ if (hp->cs != http_parser_error) hp->cs = cs; hp->start.offset = p - buffer; assert(p <= pe && "buffer overflow after parsing execute"); assert(hp->start.offset <= len && "start.offset longer than length"); } static struct http_parser *data_get(VALUE self) { struct http_parser *hp; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct http_parser, hp); assert(hp); return hp; } static void finalize_header(VALUE req) { VALUE temp = rb_hash_aref(req, g_rack_url_scheme); VALUE server_name = g_localhost; VALUE server_port = g_port_80; /* set rack.url_scheme to "https" or "http", no others are allowed by Rack */ if (temp == Qnil) { temp = rb_hash_aref(req, g_http_x_forwarded_proto); if (temp != Qnil && STR_CSTR_EQ(temp, "https")) server_port = g_port_443; else temp = g_http; rb_hash_aset(req, g_rack_url_scheme, temp); } else if (STR_CSTR_EQ(temp, "https")) { server_port = g_port_443; } /* parse and set the SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT variables */ temp = rb_hash_aref(req, g_http_host); if (temp != Qnil) { char *colon = memchr(RSTRING_PTR(temp), ':', RSTRING_LEN(temp)); if (colon) { long port_start = colon - RSTRING_PTR(temp) + 1; server_name = rb_str_substr(temp, 0, colon - RSTRING_PTR(temp)); if ((RSTRING_LEN(temp) - port_start) > 0) server_port = rb_str_substr(temp, port_start, RSTRING_LEN(temp)); } else { server_name = temp; } } rb_hash_aset(req, g_server_name, server_name); rb_hash_aset(req, g_server_port, server_port); rb_hash_aset(req, g_server_protocol, g_http_11); /* rack requires QUERY_STRING */ if (rb_hash_aref(req, g_query_string) == Qnil) rb_hash_aset(req, g_query_string, rb_str_new(NULL, 0)); } static VALUE HttpParser_alloc(VALUE klass) { struct http_parser *hp; return Data_Make_Struct(klass, struct http_parser, NULL, NULL, hp); } /** * call-seq: * parser.new -> parser * * Creates a new parser. */ static VALUE HttpParser_init(VALUE self) { http_parser_init(data_get(self)); return self; } /** * call-seq: * parser.reset -> nil * * Resets the parser to it's initial state so that you can reuse it * rather than making new ones. */ static VALUE HttpParser_reset(VALUE self) { http_parser_init(data_get(self)); return Qnil; } static void advance_str(VALUE str, off_t nr) { long len = RSTRING_LEN(str); if (len == 0) return; assert(nr <= len); len -= nr; if (len > 0) /* unlikely, len is usually 0 */ memmove(RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_PTR(str) + nr, len); rb_str_set_len(str, len); } static VALUE HttpParser_content_length(VALUE self) { struct http_parser *hp = data_get(self); return (hp->flags & UH_FL_CHUNKED) ? Qnil : OFFT2NUM(hp->len.content); } /** * call-seq: * parser.headers(req, data) -> req or nil * parser.trailers(req, data) -> req or nil * * Takes a Hash and a String of data, parses the String of data filling * in the Hash returning the Hash if parsing is finished, nil otherwise * When returning the req Hash, it may modify data to point to where * body processing should begin * * Raises HttpParserError if there are parsing errors */ static VALUE HttpParser_headers(VALUE self, VALUE req, VALUE data) { struct http_parser *hp = data_get(self); http_parser_execute(hp, req, RSTRING_PTR(data), RSTRING_LEN(data)); VALIDATE_MAX_LENGTH(hp->start.offset, HEADER); if (hp->cs == http_parser_first_final || hp->cs == http_parser_en_ChunkedBody) { advance_str(data, hp->start.offset + 1); hp->start.offset = 0; return req; } if (hp->cs == http_parser_error) rb_raise(eHttpParserError, "Invalid HTTP format, parsing fails."); return Qnil; } static int chunked_eof(struct http_parser *hp) { return ((hp->cs == http_parser_first_final) || (hp->flags & UH_FL_INTRAILER)); } static VALUE HttpParser_body_eof(VALUE self) { struct http_parser *hp = data_get(self); if (hp->flags & UH_FL_CHUNKED) return chunked_eof(hp) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; return hp->len.content == 0 ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE HttpParser_keepalive(VALUE self) { struct http_parser *hp = data_get(self); return (hp->flags & UH_FL_KEEPALIVE) == UH_FL_KEEPALIVE ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /** * call-seq: * parser.filter_body(buf, data) -> nil/data * * Takes a String of +data+, will modify data if dechunking is done. * Returns +nil+ if there is more data left to process. Returns * +data+ if body processing is complete. When returning +data+, * it may modify +data+ so the start of the string points to where * the body ended so that trailer processing can begin. * * Raises HttpParserError if there are dechunking errors * Basically this is a glorified memcpy(3) that copies +data+ * into +buf+ while filtering it through the dechunker. */ static VALUE HttpParser_filter_body(VALUE self, VALUE buf, VALUE data) { struct http_parser *hp = data_get(self); char *dptr = RSTRING_PTR(data); long dlen = RSTRING_LEN(data); StringValue(buf); rb_str_resize(buf, dlen); /* we can never copy more than dlen bytes */ OBJ_TAINT(buf); /* keep weirdo $SAFE users happy */ if (hp->flags & UH_FL_CHUNKED) { if (chunked_eof(hp)) goto end_of_body; hp->s.dest_offset = 0; http_parser_execute(hp, buf, dptr, dlen); if (hp->cs == http_parser_error) rb_raise(eHttpParserError, "Invalid HTTP format, parsing fails."); assert(hp->s.dest_offset <= hp->start.offset); advance_str(data, hp->start.offset); rb_str_set_len(buf, hp->s.dest_offset); if (RSTRING_LEN(buf) == 0 && chunked_eof(hp)) { assert(hp->len.chunk == 0); } else { data = Qnil; } } else { /* no need to enter the Ragel machine for unchunked transfers */ assert(hp->len.content >= 0); if (hp->len.content > 0) { long nr = MIN(dlen, hp->len.content); memcpy(RSTRING_PTR(buf), dptr, nr); hp->len.content -= nr; if (hp->len.content == 0) hp->cs = http_parser_first_final; advance_str(data, nr); rb_str_set_len(buf, nr); data = Qnil; } } end_of_body: hp->start.offset = 0; /* for trailer parsing */ return data; } #define SET_GLOBAL(var,str) do { \ var = find_common_field(str, sizeof(str) - 1); \ assert(var != Qnil); \ } while (0) void Init_unicorn_http(void) { init_globals(); rb_define_alloc_func(cHttpParser, HttpParser_alloc); rb_define_method(cHttpParser, "initialize", HttpParser_init,0); rb_define_method(cHttpParser, "reset", HttpParser_reset,0); rb_define_method(cHttpParser, "headers", HttpParser_headers, 2); rb_define_method(cHttpParser, "filter_body", HttpParser_filter_body, 2); rb_define_method(cHttpParser, "trailers", HttpParser_headers, 2); rb_define_method(cHttpParser, "content_length", HttpParser_content_length, 0); rb_define_method(cHttpParser, "body_eof?", HttpParser_body_eof, 0); rb_define_method(cHttpParser, "keepalive?", HttpParser_keepalive, 0); /* * The maximum size a single chunk when using chunked transfer encoding. * This is only a theoretical maximum used to detect errors in clients, * it is highly unlikely to encounter clients that send more than * several kilobytes at once. */ rb_define_const(cHttpParser, "CHUNK_MAX", OFFT2NUM(UH_OFF_T_MAX)); /* * The maximum size of the body as specified by Content-Length. * This is only a theoretical maximum, the actual limit is subject * to the limits of the file system used for +Dir::tmpdir+ */ rb_define_const(cHttpParser, "LENGTH_MAX", OFFT2NUM(UH_OFF_T_MAX)); init_common_fields(); SET_GLOBAL(g_http_host, "HOST"); SET_GLOBAL(g_http_trailer, "TRAILER"); SET_GLOBAL(g_http_transfer_encoding, "TRANSFER_ENCODING"); SET_GLOBAL(g_content_length, "CONTENT_LENGTH"); SET_GLOBAL(g_http_connection, "CONNECTION"); } #undef SET_GLOBAL