require 'unicorn' require 'revactor' # :stopdoc: module Unicorn # People get the impression that we're a big bad, old-school # Unix server and then we start talking about Rainbows... class Rainbows < HttpServer DEFAULTS = HttpRequest::DEFAULTS.merge({ # we need to observe many of the rules for thread-safety with Revactor "rack.multithread" => true, "SERVER_SOFTWARE" => "Unicorn Rainbows! #{Const::UNICORN_VERSION}", }) SKIP = HttpResponse::SKIP CODES = HttpResponse::CODES # once a client is accepted, it is processed in its entirety here # in 3 easy steps: read request, call app, write app response def process_client(client) env = { Const::REMOTE_ADDR => client.remote_addr } hp = buf = while ! hp.headers(env, buf) buf << end env[Const::RACK_INPUT] = 0 == hp.content_length ? HttpRequest::NULL_IO :, env, hp, buf) response = if 100 == response.first.to_i client.write(Const::EXPECT_100_RESPONSE) env.delete(Const::HTTP_EXPECT) response = end HttpResponse.write(client, response) # if we get any error, try to write something back to the client # assuming we haven't closed the socket, but don't get hung up # if the socket is already closed or broken. We'll always ensure # the socket is closed at the end of this function rescue EOFError,Errno::ECONNRESET,Errno::EPIPE,Errno::EINVAL,Errno::EBADF emergency_response(client, Const::ERROR_500_RESPONSE) rescue HttpParserError # try to tell the client they're bad emergency_response(client, Const::ERROR_400_RESPONSE) rescue Object => e emergency_response(client, Const::ERROR_500_RESPONSE) logger.error "Read error: #{e.inspect}" logger.error e.backtrace.join("\n") end # runs inside each forked worker, this sits around and waits # for connections and doesn't die until the parent dies (or is # given a INT, QUIT, or TERM signal) def worker_loop(worker) ppid = master_pid init_worker_process(worker) alive = worker.tmp # tmp is our lifeline to the master process ready = Revactor::TCP.listen(LISTENERS.first, nil) Actor.current.trap_exit = true trap(:USR1) { reopen_worker_logs( } trap(:QUIT) { alive = false; LISTENERS.each { |s| s.close rescue nil } } [:TERM, :INT].each { |sig| trap(sig) { exit!(0) } } # instant shutdown "worker=#{} ready" begin Actor.spawn(ready.accept) { |s| process_client(s) } ppid == Process.ppid or alive = false alive.chmod(t = 0) rescue Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::ECONNABORTED rescue Object => e if alive logger.error "Unhandled listen loop exception #{e.inspect}." logger.error e.backtrace.join("\n") end end while alive end def murder_lazy_workers end private # write a response without caring if it went out or not # This is in the case of untrappable errors def emergency_response(client, response_str) client.instance_eval { @_io.write_nonblock(response_str) rescue nil } client.close rescue nil end end end if $0 == __FILE__ app = lambda { |env| if /\A100-continue\z/i =~ env['HTTP_EXPECT'] header = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'Content-Length' => '0' } return [ 100, header, [] ] end digest = input = env['rack.input'] buf = Unicorn::Z.dup while buf =, buf) digest.update(buf) end [ 200, { 'X-SHA1' => digest.hexdigest }, [ env.inspect << "\n" ] ] } options = { :listeners => %w(, }, options).start.join end