# -*- encoding: binary -*- # :enddoc: require 'socket' module Unicorn module SocketHelper include Socket::Constants # :stopdoc: # internal interface, only used by Rainbows!/Zbatery DEFAULTS = { # The semantics for TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT changed in Linux 2.6.32+ # with commit d1b99ba41d6c5aa1ed2fc634323449dd656899e9 # This change shouldn't affect Unicorn users behind nginx (a # value of 1 remains an optimization), but Rainbows! users may # want to use a higher value on Linux 2.6.32+ to protect against # denial-of-service attacks :tcp_defer_accept => 1, # FreeBSD, we need to override this to 'dataready' when we # eventually get HTTPS support :accept_filter => 'httpready', } #:startdoc: # configure platform-specific options (only tested on Linux 2.6 so far) case RUBY_PLATFORM when /linux/ # from /usr/include/linux/tcp.h TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT = 9 unless defined?(TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT) # do not send out partial frames (Linux) TCP_CORK = 3 unless defined?(TCP_CORK) when /freebsd/ # do not send out partial frames (FreeBSD) TCP_NOPUSH = 4 unless defined?(TCP_NOPUSH) def accf_arg(af_name) [ af_name, nil ].pack('a16a240') end if defined?(SO_ACCEPTFILTER) end def set_tcp_sockopt(sock, opt) # highly portable, but off by default because we don't do keepalive if defined?(TCP_NODELAY) && ! (val = opt[:tcp_nodelay]).nil? sock.setsockopt(IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, val ? 1 : 0) end unless (val = opt[:tcp_nopush]).nil? val = val ? 1 : 0 if defined?(TCP_CORK) # Linux sock.setsockopt(IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_CORK, val) elsif defined?(TCP_NOPUSH) # TCP_NOPUSH is untested (FreeBSD) sock.setsockopt(IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NOPUSH, val) end end # No good reason to ever have deferred accepts off # (except maybe benchmarking) if defined?(TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT) # this differs from nginx, since nginx doesn't allow us to # configure the the timeout... tmp = DEFAULTS.merge(opt) seconds = tmp[:tcp_defer_accept] seconds = DEFAULTS[:tcp_defer_accept] if seconds == true seconds = 0 unless seconds # nil/false means disable this sock.setsockopt(SOL_TCP, TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT, seconds) elsif respond_to?(:accf_arg) tmp = DEFAULTS.merge(opt) if name = tmp[:accept_filter] begin sock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_ACCEPTFILTER, accf_arg(name)) rescue => e logger.error("#{sock_name(sock)} " \ "failed to set accept_filter=#{name} (#{e.inspect})") end end end end def set_server_sockopt(sock, opt) opt ||= {} TCPSocket === sock and set_tcp_sockopt(sock, opt) if opt[:rcvbuf] || opt[:sndbuf] log_buffer_sizes(sock, "before: ") sock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, opt[:rcvbuf]) if opt[:rcvbuf] sock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, opt[:sndbuf]) if opt[:sndbuf] log_buffer_sizes(sock, " after: ") end sock.listen(opt[:backlog] || 1024) rescue => e logger.error "error setting socket options: #{e.inspect}" logger.error e.backtrace.join("\n") end def log_buffer_sizes(sock, pfx = '') rcvbuf = sock.getsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF).unpack('i') sndbuf = sock.getsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF).unpack('i') logger.info "#{pfx}#{sock_name(sock)} rcvbuf=#{rcvbuf} sndbuf=#{sndbuf}" end # creates a new server, socket. address may be a HOST:PORT or # an absolute path to a UNIX socket. address can even be a Socket # object in which case it is immediately returned def bind_listen(address = '', opt = {}) return address unless String === address sock = if address[0] == ?/ if File.exist?(address) if File.socket?(address) begin UNIXSocket.new(address).close # fall through, try to bind(2) and fail with EADDRINUSE # (or succeed from a small race condition we can't sanely avoid). rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED logger.info "unlinking existing socket=#{address}" File.unlink(address) end else raise ArgumentError, "socket=#{address} specified but it is not a socket!" end end old_umask = File.umask(opt[:umask] || 0) begin UNIXServer.new(address) ensure File.umask(old_umask) end elsif address =~ /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+):(\d+)$/ TCPServer.new($1, $2.to_i) else raise ArgumentError, "Don't know how to bind: #{address}" end set_server_sockopt(sock, opt) sock end # Returns the configuration name of a socket as a string. sock may # be a string value, in which case it is returned as-is # Warning: TCP sockets may not always return the name given to it. def sock_name(sock) case sock when String then sock when UNIXServer Socket.unpack_sockaddr_un(sock.getsockname) when TCPServer Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(sock.getsockname).reverse!.join(':') when Socket begin Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(sock.getsockname).reverse!.join(':') rescue ArgumentError Socket.unpack_sockaddr_un(sock.getsockname) end else raise ArgumentError, "Unhandled class #{sock.class}: #{sock.inspect}" end end module_function :sock_name # casts a given Socket to be a TCPServer or UNIXServer def server_cast(sock) begin Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(sock.getsockname) TCPServer.for_fd(sock.fileno) rescue ArgumentError UNIXServer.for_fd(sock.fileno) end end end # module SocketHelper end # module Unicorn