# frozen_string_literal: false # This benchmark is the simplest test of the I/O facilities in # unicorn. It is meant to return a fixed-sized blob to test # the performance of things in Unicorn, _NOT_ the app. # # Adjusting this benchmark is done via the "bs" (byte size) and "count" # environment variables. "count" designates the count of elements of # "bs" length in the Rack response body. The defaults are bs=4096, count=1 # to return one 4096-byte chunk. bs = ENV['bs'] ? ENV['bs'].to_i : 4096 count = ENV['count'] ? ENV['count'].to_i : 1 slice = (' ' * bs).freeze body = (1..count).map { slice }.freeze hdr = { 'Content-Length' => (bs * count).to_s.freeze, 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'.freeze }.freeze response = [ 200, hdr, body ].freeze run(lambda { |env| response })