# Copyright (c) 2009 Eric Wong require 'test/test_helper' do_test = true $unicorn_bin = ENV['UNICORN_TEST_BIN'] || "unicorn" redirect_test_io do do_test = system($unicorn_bin, '-v') end unless do_test warn "#{$unicorn_bin} not found in PATH=#{ENV['PATH']}, " \ "skipping this test" end unless try_require('rack') warn "Unable to load Rack, skipping this test" do_test = false end class ExecTest < Test::Unit::TestCase trap(:QUIT, 'IGNORE') HI = <<-EOS use Rack::ContentLength run proc { |env| [ 200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' }, [ "HI\\n" ] ] } EOS HELLO = <<-EOS class Hello def call(env) [ 200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' }, [ "HI\\n" ] ] end end EOS COMMON_TMP = Tempfile.new('unicorn_tmp') unless defined?(COMMON_TMP) HEAVY_CFG = <<-EOS worker_processes 4 timeout 30 logger Logger.new('#{COMMON_TMP.path}') before_fork do |server, worker| server.logger.info "before_fork: worker=\#{worker.nr}" end EOS def setup @pwd = Dir.pwd @tmpfile = Tempfile.new('unicorn_exec_test') @tmpdir = @tmpfile.path @tmpfile.close! Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir) Dir.chdir(@tmpdir) @addr = ENV['UNICORN_TEST_ADDR'] || '' @port = unused_port(@addr) @sockets = [] @start_pid = $$ end def teardown return if @start_pid != $$ Dir.chdir(@pwd) FileUtils.rmtree(@tmpdir) @sockets.each { |path| File.unlink(path) rescue nil } loop do Process.kill('-QUIT', 0) begin Process.waitpid(-1, Process::WNOHANG) or break rescue Errno::ECHILD break end end end def test_basic File.open("config.ru", "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HI) } pid = fork do redirect_test_io { exec($unicorn_bin, "-l", "#{@addr}:#{@port}") } end results = retry_hit(["http://#{@addr}:#{@port}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class assert_shutdown(pid) end def test_help redirect_test_io do assert(system($unicorn_bin, "-h"), "help text returns true") end assert_equal 0, File.stat("test_stderr.#$$.log").size assert_not_equal 0, File.stat("test_stdout.#$$.log").size lines = File.readlines("test_stdout.#$$.log") # Be considerate of the on-call technician working from their # mobile phone or netbook on a slow connection :) assert lines.size <= 24, "help height fits in an ANSI terminal window" lines.each do |line| assert line.size <= 80, "help width fits in an ANSI terminal window" end end def test_broken_reexec_config File.open("config.ru", "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HI) } pid_file = "#{@tmpdir}/test.pid" old_file = "#{pid_file}.oldbin" ucfg = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_config') ucfg.syswrite("listen %(#@addr:#@port)\n") ucfg.syswrite("pid %(#{pid_file})\n") ucfg.syswrite("logger Logger.new(%(#{@tmpdir}/log))\n") pid = xfork do redirect_test_io do exec($unicorn_bin, "-D", "-l#{@addr}:#{@port}", "-c#{ucfg.path}") end end results = retry_hit(["http://#{@addr}:#{@port}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class wait_for_file(pid_file) Process.waitpid(pid) Process.kill(:USR2, File.read(pid_file).to_i) wait_for_file(old_file) wait_for_file(pid_file) old_pid = File.read(old_file).to_i Process.kill(:QUIT, old_pid) wait_for_death(old_pid) ucfg.syswrite("timeout %(#{pid_file})\n") # introduce a bug current_pid = File.read(pid_file).to_i Process.kill(:USR2, current_pid) # wait for pid_file to restore itself tries = DEFAULT_TRIES begin while current_pid != File.read(pid_file).to_i sleep(DEFAULT_RES) and (tries -= 1) > 0 end rescue Errno::ENOENT (sleep(DEFAULT_RES) and (tries -= 1) > 0) and retry end assert_equal current_pid, File.read(pid_file).to_i tries = DEFAULT_TRIES while File.exist?(old_file) (sleep(DEFAULT_RES) and (tries -= 1) > 0) or break end assert ! File.exist?(old_file), "oldbin=#{old_file} gone" port2 = unused_port(@addr) # fix the bug ucfg.sysseek(0) ucfg.truncate(0) ucfg.syswrite("listen %(#@addr:#@port)\n") ucfg.syswrite("listen %(#@addr:#{port2})\n") ucfg.syswrite("pid %(#{pid_file})\n") assert_nothing_raised { Process.kill(:USR2, current_pid) } wait_for_file(old_file) wait_for_file(pid_file) new_pid = File.read(pid_file).to_i assert_not_equal current_pid, new_pid assert_equal current_pid, File.read(old_file).to_i results = retry_hit(["http://#{@addr}:#{@port}/", "http://#{@addr}:#{port2}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class assert_equal String, results[1].class assert_nothing_raised do Process.kill(:QUIT, current_pid) Process.kill(:QUIT, new_pid) end end def test_broken_reexec_ru File.open("config.ru", "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HI) } pid_file = "#{@tmpdir}/test.pid" old_file = "#{pid_file}.oldbin" ucfg = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_config') ucfg.syswrite("pid %(#{pid_file})\n") ucfg.syswrite("logger Logger.new(%(#{@tmpdir}/log))\n") pid = xfork do redirect_test_io do exec($unicorn_bin, "-D", "-l#{@addr}:#{@port}", "-c#{ucfg.path}") end end results = retry_hit(["http://#{@addr}:#{@port}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class wait_for_file(pid_file) Process.waitpid(pid) Process.kill(:USR2, File.read(pid_file).to_i) wait_for_file(old_file) wait_for_file(pid_file) old_pid = File.read(old_file).to_i Process.kill(:QUIT, old_pid) wait_for_death(old_pid) File.unlink("config.ru") # break reloading current_pid = File.read(pid_file).to_i Process.kill(:USR2, current_pid) # wait for pid_file to restore itself tries = DEFAULT_TRIES begin while current_pid != File.read(pid_file).to_i sleep(DEFAULT_RES) and (tries -= 1) > 0 end rescue Errno::ENOENT (sleep(DEFAULT_RES) and (tries -= 1) > 0) and retry end tries = DEFAULT_TRIES while File.exist?(old_file) (sleep(DEFAULT_RES) and (tries -= 1) > 0) or break end assert ! File.exist?(old_file), "oldbin=#{old_file} gone" assert_equal current_pid, File.read(pid_file).to_i # fix the bug File.open("config.ru", "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HI) } assert_nothing_raised { Process.kill(:USR2, current_pid) } wait_for_file(old_file) wait_for_file(pid_file) new_pid = File.read(pid_file).to_i assert_not_equal current_pid, new_pid assert_equal current_pid, File.read(old_file).to_i results = retry_hit(["http://#{@addr}:#{@port}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class assert_nothing_raised do Process.kill(:QUIT, current_pid) Process.kill(:QUIT, new_pid) end end def test_unicorn_config_listener_swap port_cli = unused_port File.open("config.ru", "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HI) } ucfg = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_config') ucfg.syswrite("listen '#@addr:#@port'\n") pid = xfork do redirect_test_io do exec($unicorn_bin, "-c#{ucfg.path}", "-l#@addr:#{port_cli}") end end results = retry_hit(["http://#@addr:#{port_cli}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class results = retry_hit(["http://#@addr:#@port/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class port2 = unused_port(@addr) ucfg.sysseek(0) ucfg.truncate(0) ucfg.syswrite("listen '#@addr:#{port2}'\n") Process.kill(:HUP, pid) results = retry_hit(["http://#@addr:#{port2}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class results = retry_hit(["http://#@addr:#{port_cli}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class assert_nothing_raised do reuse = TCPServer.new(@addr, @port) reuse.close end assert_shutdown(pid) end def test_unicorn_config_listen_with_options File.open("config.ru", "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HI) } ucfg = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_config') ucfg.syswrite("listen '#{@addr}:#{@port}', :backlog => 512,\n") ucfg.syswrite(" :rcvbuf => 4096,\n") ucfg.syswrite(" :sndbuf => 4096\n") pid = xfork do redirect_test_io { exec($unicorn_bin, "-c#{ucfg.path}") } end results = retry_hit(["http://#{@addr}:#{@port}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class assert_shutdown(pid) end def test_unicorn_config_per_worker_listen port2 = unused_port pid_spit = 'use Rack::ContentLength;' \ 'run proc { |e| [ 200, {"Content-Type"=>"text/plain"}, ["#$$\\n"] ] }' File.open("config.ru", "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(pid_spit) } tmp = Tempfile.new('test.socket') File.unlink(tmp.path) ucfg = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_config') ucfg.syswrite("listen '#@addr:#@port'\n") ucfg.syswrite("before_fork { |s,w|\n") ucfg.syswrite(" s.listen('#{tmp.path}', :backlog => 5, :sndbuf => 8192)\n") ucfg.syswrite(" s.listen('#@addr:#{port2}', :rcvbuf => 8192)\n") ucfg.syswrite("\n}\n") pid = xfork do redirect_test_io { exec($unicorn_bin, "-c#{ucfg.path}") } end results = retry_hit(["http://#{@addr}:#{@port}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class worker_pid = results[0].to_i assert_not_equal pid, worker_pid s = UNIXSocket.new(tmp.path) s.syswrite("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") results = '' loop { results << s.sysread(4096) } rescue nil assert_nothing_raised { s.close } assert_equal worker_pid, results.split(/\r\n/).last.to_i results = hit(["http://#@addr:#{port2}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class assert_equal worker_pid, results[0].to_i assert_shutdown(pid) end def test_unicorn_config_listen_augments_cli port2 = unused_port(@addr) File.open("config.ru", "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HI) } ucfg = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_config') ucfg.syswrite("listen '#{@addr}:#{@port}'\n") pid = xfork do redirect_test_io do exec($unicorn_bin, "-c#{ucfg.path}", "-l#{@addr}:#{port2}") end end uris = [@port, port2].map { |i| "http://#{@addr}:#{i}/" } results = retry_hit(uris) assert_equal results.size, uris.size assert_equal String, results[0].class assert_equal String, results[1].class assert_shutdown(pid) end def test_weird_config_settings File.open("config.ru", "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HI) } ucfg = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_config') ucfg.syswrite(HEAVY_CFG) pid = xfork do redirect_test_io do exec($unicorn_bin, "-c#{ucfg.path}", "-l#{@addr}:#{@port}") end end results = retry_hit(["http://#{@addr}:#{@port}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class wait_master_ready(COMMON_TMP.path) wait_workers_ready(COMMON_TMP.path, 4) bf = File.readlines(COMMON_TMP.path).grep(/\bbefore_fork: worker=/) assert_equal 4, bf.size rotate = Tempfile.new('unicorn_rotate') assert_nothing_raised do File.rename(COMMON_TMP.path, rotate.path) Process.kill(:USR1, pid) end wait_for_file(COMMON_TMP.path) assert File.exist?(COMMON_TMP.path), "#{COMMON_TMP.path} exists" # USR1 should've been passed to all workers tries = DEFAULT_TRIES log = File.readlines(rotate.path) while (tries -= 1) > 0 && log.grep(/rotating logs\.\.\./).size < 5 sleep DEFAULT_RES log = File.readlines(rotate.path) end assert_equal 5, log.grep(/rotating logs\.\.\./).size assert_equal 0, log.grep(/done rotating logs/).size tries = DEFAULT_TRIES log = File.readlines(COMMON_TMP.path) while (tries -= 1) > 0 && log.grep(/done rotating logs/).size < 5 sleep DEFAULT_RES log = File.readlines(COMMON_TMP.path) end assert_equal 5, log.grep(/done rotating logs/).size assert_equal 0, log.grep(/rotating logs\.\.\./).size assert_nothing_raised { Process.kill(:QUIT, pid) } status = nil assert_nothing_raised { pid, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) } assert status.success?, "exited successfully" end def test_read_embedded_cli_switches File.open("config.ru", "wb") do |fp| fp.syswrite("#\\ -p #{@port} -o #{@addr}\n") fp.syswrite(HI) end pid = fork { redirect_test_io { exec($unicorn_bin) } } results = retry_hit(["http://#{@addr}:#{@port}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class assert_shutdown(pid) end def test_config_ru_alt_path config_path = "#{@tmpdir}/foo.ru" File.open(config_path, "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HI) } pid = fork do redirect_test_io do Dir.chdir("/") exec($unicorn_bin, "-l#{@addr}:#{@port}", config_path) end end results = retry_hit(["http://#{@addr}:#{@port}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class assert_shutdown(pid) end def test_load_module libdir = "#{@tmpdir}/lib" FileUtils.mkpath([ libdir ]) config_path = "#{libdir}/hello.rb" File.open(config_path, "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HELLO) } pid = fork do redirect_test_io do Dir.chdir("/") exec($unicorn_bin, "-l#{@addr}:#{@port}", config_path) end end results = retry_hit(["http://#{@addr}:#{@port}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class assert_shutdown(pid) end def test_reexec File.open("config.ru", "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HI) } pid_file = "#{@tmpdir}/test.pid" pid = fork do redirect_test_io do exec($unicorn_bin, "-l#{@addr}:#{@port}", "-P#{pid_file}") end end reexec_basic_test(pid, pid_file) end def test_reexec_alt_config config_file = "#{@tmpdir}/foo.ru" File.open(config_file, "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HI) } pid_file = "#{@tmpdir}/test.pid" pid = fork do redirect_test_io do exec($unicorn_bin, "-l#{@addr}:#{@port}", "-P#{pid_file}", config_file) end end reexec_basic_test(pid, pid_file) end def test_socket_unlinked_restore results = nil sock = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_sock') sock_path = sock.path sock.close! ucfg = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_config') ucfg.syswrite("listen \"#{sock_path}\"\n") File.open("config.ru", "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HI) } pid = xfork { redirect_test_io { exec($unicorn_bin, "-c#{ucfg.path}") } } wait_for_file(sock_path) assert File.socket?(sock_path) assert_nothing_raised do sock = UNIXSocket.new(sock_path) sock.syswrite("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") results = sock.sysread(4096) end assert_equal String, results.class assert_nothing_raised do File.unlink(sock_path) Process.kill(:HUP, pid) end wait_for_file(sock_path) assert File.socket?(sock_path) assert_nothing_raised do sock = UNIXSocket.new(sock_path) sock.syswrite("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") results = sock.sysread(4096) end assert_equal String, results.class end def test_unicorn_config_file pid_file = "#{@tmpdir}/test.pid" sock = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_sock') sock_path = sock.path sock.close! @sockets << sock_path log = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_log') ucfg = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_config') ucfg.syswrite("listen \"#{sock_path}\"\n") ucfg.syswrite("pid \"#{pid_file}\"\n") ucfg.syswrite("logger Logger.new('#{log.path}')\n") ucfg.close File.open("config.ru", "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HI) } pid = xfork do redirect_test_io do exec($unicorn_bin, "-l#{@addr}:#{@port}", "-P#{pid_file}", "-c#{ucfg.path}") end end results = retry_hit(["http://#{@addr}:#{@port}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class wait_master_ready(log.path) assert File.exist?(pid_file), "pid_file created" assert_equal pid, File.read(pid_file).to_i assert File.socket?(sock_path), "socket created" assert_nothing_raised do sock = UNIXSocket.new(sock_path) sock.syswrite("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") results = sock.sysread(4096) end assert_equal String, results.class # try reloading the config sock = Tempfile.new('new_test_sock') new_sock_path = sock.path @sockets << new_sock_path sock.close! new_log = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_log') new_log.sync = true assert_equal 0, new_log.size assert_nothing_raised do ucfg = File.open(ucfg.path, "wb") ucfg.syswrite("listen \"#{sock_path}\"\n") ucfg.syswrite("listen \"#{new_sock_path}\"\n") ucfg.syswrite("pid \"#{pid_file}\"\n") ucfg.syswrite("logger Logger.new('#{new_log.path}')\n") ucfg.close Process.kill(:HUP, pid) end wait_for_file(new_sock_path) assert File.socket?(new_sock_path), "socket exists" @sockets.each do |path| assert_nothing_raised do sock = UNIXSocket.new(path) sock.syswrite("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") results = sock.sysread(4096) end assert_equal String, results.class end assert_not_equal 0, new_log.size reexec_usr2_quit_test(pid, pid_file) end def test_daemonize_reexec pid_file = "#{@tmpdir}/test.pid" log = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_log') ucfg = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_config') ucfg.syswrite("pid \"#{pid_file}\"\n") ucfg.syswrite("logger Logger.new('#{log.path}')\n") ucfg.close File.open("config.ru", "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HI) } pid = xfork do redirect_test_io do exec($unicorn_bin, "-D", "-l#{@addr}:#{@port}", "-c#{ucfg.path}") end end results = retry_hit(["http://#{@addr}:#{@port}/"]) assert_equal String, results[0].class wait_for_file(pid_file) new_pid = File.read(pid_file).to_i assert_not_equal pid, new_pid pid, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) assert status.success?, "original process exited successfully" assert_nothing_raised { Process.kill(0, new_pid) } reexec_usr2_quit_test(new_pid, pid_file) end def test_reexec_fd_leak unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ # Solaris may work, too, but I forget... warn "FD leak test only works on Linux at the moment" return end pid_file = "#{@tmpdir}/test.pid" log = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_log') log.sync = true ucfg = Tempfile.new('unicorn_test_config') ucfg.syswrite("pid \"#{pid_file}\"\n") ucfg.syswrite("logger Logger.new('#{log.path}')\n") ucfg.syswrite("stderr_path '#{log.path}'\n") ucfg.syswrite("stdout_path '#{log.path}'\n") ucfg.close File.open("config.ru", "wb") { |fp| fp.syswrite(HI) } pid = xfork do redirect_test_io do exec($unicorn_bin, "-D", "-l#{@addr}:#{@port}", "-c#{ucfg.path}") end end wait_master_ready(log.path) File.truncate(log.path, 0) wait_for_file(pid_file) orig_pid = pid = File.read(pid_file).to_i orig_fds = `ls -l /proc/#{pid}/fd`.split(/\n/) assert $?.success? expect_size = orig_fds.size assert_nothing_raised do Process.kill(:USR2, pid) wait_for_file("#{pid_file}.oldbin") Process.kill(:QUIT, pid) end wait_for_death(pid) wait_master_ready(log.path) File.truncate(log.path, 0) wait_for_file(pid_file) pid = File.read(pid_file).to_i assert_not_equal orig_pid, pid curr_fds = `ls -l /proc/#{pid}/fd`.split(/\n/) assert $?.success? # we could've inherited descriptors the first time around assert expect_size >= curr_fds.size, curr_fds.inspect expect_size = curr_fds.size assert_nothing_raised do Process.kill(:USR2, pid) wait_for_file("#{pid_file}.oldbin") Process.kill(:QUIT, pid) end wait_for_death(pid) wait_master_ready(log.path) File.truncate(log.path, 0) wait_for_file(pid_file) pid = File.read(pid_file).to_i curr_fds = `ls -l /proc/#{pid}/fd`.split(/\n/) assert $?.success? assert_equal expect_size, curr_fds.size, curr_fds.inspect Process.kill(:QUIT, pid) wait_for_death(pid) end end if do_test