# Copyright (c) 2009 Eric Wong # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Ruby. # # Ensure we stay sane in the face of signals being sent to us require 'test/test_helper' include Unicorn class Dd def initialize(bs, count) @count = count @buf = ' ' * bs end def each(&block) @count.times { yield @buf } end end class SignalsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @bs = 1 * 1024 * 1024 @count = 100 @port = unused_port tmp = @tmp = Tempfile.new('unicorn.sock') File.unlink(@tmp.path) n = 0 tmp.chmod(0) @server_opts = { :listeners => [ "", @tmp.path ], :after_fork => lambda { |server,worker| trap(:HUP) { tmp.chmod(n += 1) } }, } @server = nil end def test_response_write app = lambda { |env| [ 200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'X-Pid' => Process.pid.to_s }, Dd.new(@bs, @count) ] } redirect_test_io { @server = HttpServer.new(app, @server_opts).start } sock = nil assert_nothing_raised do sock = TCPSocket.new('', @port) sock.syswrite("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") end buf = '' header_len = pid = nil assert_nothing_raised do buf = sock.sysread(16384, buf) pid = buf[/\r\nX-Pid: (\d+)\r\n/, 1].to_i header_len = buf[/\A(.+?\r\n\r\n)/m, 1].size end read = buf.size mode_before = @tmp.stat.mode assert_raises(EOFError,Errno::ECONNRESET,Errno::EPIPE,Errno::EINVAL, Errno::EBADF) do loop do 3.times { Process.kill(:HUP, pid) } sock.sysread(16384, buf) read += buf.size 3.times { Process.kill(:HUP, pid) } end end redirect_test_io { @server.stop(true) } # can't check for == since pending signals get merged assert mode_before < @tmp.stat.mode assert_equal(read - header_len, @bs * @count) assert_nothing_raised { sock.close } end def test_request_read app = lambda { |env| [ 200, {'Content-Type'=>'text/plain', 'X-Pid'=>Process.pid.to_s}, [] ] } redirect_test_io { @server = HttpServer.new(app, @server_opts).start } pid = nil assert_nothing_raised do sock = TCPSocket.new('', @port) sock.syswrite("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") pid = sock.sysread(4096)[/\r\nX-Pid: (\d+)\r\n/, 1].to_i sock.close end sock = TCPSocket.new('', @port) sock.syswrite("PUT / HTTP/1.0\r\n") sock.syswrite("Content-Length: #{@bs * @count}\r\n\r\n") 1000.times { Process.kill(:HUP, pid) } mode_before = @tmp.stat.mode killer = fork { loop { Process.kill(:HUP, pid); sleep(0.0001) } } buf = ' ' * @bs @count.times { sock.syswrite(buf) } Process.kill(:TERM, killer) Process.waitpid2(killer) redirect_test_io { @server.stop(true) } # can't check for == since pending signals get merged assert mode_before < @tmp.stat.mode assert_equal pid, sock.sysread(4096)[/\r\nX-Pid: (\d+)\r\n/, 1].to_i sock.close end end