# -*- encoding: binary -*- require 'test/unit' require 'digest/sha1' require 'unicorn' class TeeInput < Unicorn::TeeInput attr_accessor :tmp, :len end class TestTeeInput < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @rs = $/ @env = {} @rd, @wr = Kgio::UNIXSocket.pair @rd.sync = @wr.sync = true @start_pid = $$ end def teardown return if $$ != @start_pid $/ = @rs @rd.close rescue nil @wr.close rescue nil begin Process.wait rescue Errno::ECHILD break end while true end def test_gets_long r = init_request("hello", 5 + (4096 * 4 * 3) + "#$/foo#$/".size) ti = TeeInput.new(@rd, r) status = line = nil pid = fork { @rd.close 3.times { @wr.write("ffff" * 4096) } @wr.write "#$/foo#$/" @wr.close } @wr.close assert_nothing_raised { line = ti.gets } assert_equal(4096 * 4 * 3 + 5 + $/.size, line.size) assert_equal("hello" << ("ffff" * 4096 * 3) << "#$/", line) assert_nothing_raised { line = ti.gets } assert_equal "foo#$/", line assert_nil ti.gets assert_nothing_raised { pid, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) } assert status.success? end def test_gets_short r = init_request("hello", 5 + "#$/foo".size) ti = TeeInput.new(@rd, r) status = line = nil pid = fork { @rd.close @wr.write "#$/foo" @wr.close } @wr.close assert_nothing_raised { line = ti.gets } assert_equal("hello#$/", line) assert_nothing_raised { line = ti.gets } assert_equal "foo", line assert_nil ti.gets assert_nothing_raised { pid, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) } assert status.success? end def test_small_body r = init_request('hello') ti = TeeInput.new(@rd, r) assert_equal 0, @parser.content_length assert @parser.body_eof? assert_equal StringIO, ti.tmp.class assert_equal 0, ti.tmp.pos assert_equal 5, ti.size assert_equal 'hello', ti.read assert_equal '', ti.read assert_nil ti.read(4096) assert_equal 5, ti.size end def test_read_with_buffer r = init_request('hello') ti = TeeInput.new(@rd, r) buf = '' rv = ti.read(4, buf) assert_equal 'hell', rv assert_equal 'hell', buf assert_equal rv.object_id, buf.object_id assert_equal 'o', ti.read assert_equal nil, ti.read(5, buf) assert_equal 0, ti.rewind assert_equal 'hello', ti.read(5, buf) assert_equal 'hello', buf end def test_big_body r = init_request('.' * Unicorn::Const::MAX_BODY << 'a') ti = TeeInput.new(@rd, r) assert_equal 0, @parser.content_length assert @parser.body_eof? assert_kind_of File, ti.tmp assert_equal 0, ti.tmp.pos assert_equal Unicorn::Const::MAX_BODY + 1, ti.size end def test_read_in_full_if_content_length a, b = 300, 3 r = init_request('.' * b, 300) assert_equal 300, @parser.content_length ti = TeeInput.new(@rd, r) pid = fork { @wr.write('.' * 197) sleep 1 # still a *potential* race here that would make the test moot... @wr.write('.' * 100) } assert_equal a, ti.read(a).size _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) assert status.success? @wr.close end def test_big_body_multi r = init_request('.', Unicorn::Const::MAX_BODY + 1) ti = TeeInput.new(@rd, r) assert_equal Unicorn::Const::MAX_BODY, @parser.content_length assert ! @parser.body_eof? assert_kind_of File, ti.tmp assert_equal 0, ti.tmp.pos assert_equal Unicorn::Const::MAX_BODY + 1, ti.size nr = Unicorn::Const::MAX_BODY / 4 pid = fork { @rd.close nr.times { @wr.write('....') } @wr.close } @wr.close assert_equal '.', ti.read(1) assert_equal Unicorn::Const::MAX_BODY + 1, ti.size nr.times { |x| assert_equal '....', ti.read(4), "nr=#{x}" assert_equal Unicorn::Const::MAX_BODY + 1, ti.size } assert_nil ti.read(1) status = nil assert_nothing_raised { pid, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) } assert status.success? end def test_chunked @parser = Unicorn::HttpParser.new @buf = "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n" \ "Host: localhost\r\n" \ "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" \ "\r\n" assert_equal @env, @parser.headers(@env, @buf) assert_equal "", @buf pid = fork { @rd.close 5.times { @wr.write("5\r\nabcde\r\n") } @wr.write("0\r\n\r\n") } @wr.close ti = TeeInput.new(@rd, @parser) assert_nil @parser.content_length assert_nil ti.len assert ! @parser.body_eof? assert_equal 25, ti.size assert @parser.body_eof? assert_equal 25, ti.len assert_equal 0, ti.tmp.pos assert_nothing_raised { ti.rewind } assert_equal 0, ti.tmp.pos assert_equal 'abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde', ti.read(20) assert_equal 20, ti.tmp.pos assert_nothing_raised { ti.rewind } assert_equal 0, ti.tmp.pos assert_kind_of File, ti.tmp status = nil assert_nothing_raised { pid, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) } assert status.success? end def test_chunked_ping_pong @parser = Unicorn::HttpParser.new @buf = "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n" \ "Host: localhost\r\n" \ "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" \ "\r\n" assert_equal @env, @parser.headers(@env, @buf) assert_equal "", @buf chunks = %w(aa bbb cccc dddd eeee) rd, wr = IO.pipe pid = fork { chunks.each do |chunk| rd.read(1) == "." and @wr.write("#{'%x' % [ chunk.size]}\r\n#{chunk}\r\n") end @wr.write("0\r\n\r\n") } ti = TeeInput.new(@rd, @parser) assert_nil @parser.content_length assert_nil ti.len assert ! @parser.body_eof? chunks.each do |chunk| wr.write('.') assert_equal chunk, ti.read(16384) end _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) assert status.success? end def test_chunked_with_trailer @parser = Unicorn::HttpParser.new @buf = "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n" \ "Host: localhost\r\n" \ "Trailer: Hello\r\n" \ "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" \ "\r\n" assert_equal @env, @parser.headers(@env, @buf) assert_equal "", @buf pid = fork { @rd.close 5.times { @wr.write("5\r\nabcde\r\n") } @wr.write("0\r\n") @wr.write("Hello: World\r\n\r\n") } @wr.close ti = TeeInput.new(@rd, @parser) assert_nil @parser.content_length assert_nil ti.len assert ! @parser.body_eof? assert_equal 25, ti.size assert_equal "World", @env['HTTP_HELLO'] status = nil assert_nothing_raised { pid, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) } assert status.success? end def test_chunked_and_size_slow @parser = Unicorn::HttpParser.new @buf = "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n" \ "Host: localhost\r\n" \ "Trailer: Hello\r\n" \ "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" \ "\r\n" assert_equal @env, @parser.headers(@env, @buf) assert_equal "", @buf @wr.write("9\r\nabcde") ti = TeeInput.new(@rd, @parser) assert_nil @parser.content_length assert_equal "abcde", ti.read(9) assert ! @parser.body_eof? @wr.write("fghi\r\n0\r\nHello: World\r\n\r\n") assert_equal 9, ti.size assert_equal "fghi", ti.read(9) assert_equal nil, ti.read(9) assert_equal "World", @env['HTTP_HELLO'] end private def init_request(body, size = nil) @parser = Unicorn::HttpParser.new body = body.to_s.freeze @buf = "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n" \ "Host: localhost\r\n" \ "Content-Length: #{size || body.size}\r\n" \ "\r\n#{body}" assert_equal @env, @parser.headers(@env, @buf) assert_equal body, @buf @parser end end