/* * completely stolen off mongrel_upload_progress and by somebody * with little JavaScript interest/knowledge */ var UploadProgress = { uploading: null, monitor: function(upid) { if(!this.periodicExecuter) { this.periodicExecuter = new PeriodicalExecuter(function() { if(!UploadProgress.uploading) return; new Ajax.Request('/files/progress?upload_id=' + upid); }, 3); } this.uploading = true; this.StatusBar.create(); }, update: function(total, current) { if(!this.uploading) return; if(!total) total = 2147483647; var status = current / total; var statusHTML = status.toPercentage(); $('results').innerHTML = statusHTML + "
" + current.toHumanSize() + ' of ' + total.toHumanSize() + " uploaded."; this.StatusBar.update(status, statusHTML); }, finish: function() { this.uploading = false; this.StatusBar.finish(); $('results').innerHTML = 'finished!'; }, cancel: function(msg) { if(!this.uploading) return; this.uploading = false; if(this.StatusBar.statusText) this.StatusBar.statusText.innerHTML = msg || 'canceled'; }, StatusBar: { statusBar: null, statusText: null, statusBarWidth: 500, create: function() { this.statusBar = this._createStatus('status-bar'); this.statusText = this._createStatus('status-text'); this.statusText.innerHTML = '0%'; this.statusBar.style.width = '0'; }, update: function(status, statusHTML) { this.statusText.innerHTML = statusHTML; this.statusBar.style.width = Math.floor(this.statusBarWidth * status); }, finish: function() { this.statusText.innerHTML = '100%'; this.statusBar.style.width = '100%'; }, _createStatus: function(id) { el = $(id); if(!el) { el = document.createElement('span'); el.setAttribute('id', id); $('progress-bar').appendChild(el); } return el; } }, FileField: { add: function() { new Insertion.Bottom('file-fields', '


') $$('#file-fields p').last().visualEffect('blind_down', {duration:0.3}); }, remove: function(anchor) { anchor.parentNode.visualEffect('drop_out', {duration:0.25}); } } } Number.prototype.bytes = function() { return this; }; Number.prototype.kilobytes = function() { return this * 1024; }; Number.prototype.megabytes = function() { return this * (1024).kilobytes(); }; Number.prototype.gigabytes = function() { return this * (1024).megabytes(); }; Number.prototype.terabytes = function() { return this * (1024).gigabytes(); }; Number.prototype.petabytes = function() { return this * (1024).terabytes(); }; Number.prototype.exabytes = function() { return this * (1024).petabytes(); }; ['byte', 'kilobyte', 'megabyte', 'gigabyte', 'terabyte', 'petabyte', 'exabyte'].each(function(meth) { Number.prototype[meth] = Number.prototype[meth+'s']; }); Number.prototype.toPrecision = function() { var precision = arguments[0] || 2; var s = Math.round(this * Math.pow(10, precision)).toString(); var pos = s.length - precision; var last = s.substr(pos, precision); return s.substr(0, pos) + (last.match("^0{" + precision + "}$") ? '' : '.' + last); } // (1/10).toPercentage() // # => '10%' Number.prototype.toPercentage = function() { return (this * 100).toPrecision() + '%'; } Number.prototype.toHumanSize = function() { if(this < (1).kilobyte()) return this + " Bytes"; if(this < (1).megabyte()) return (this / (1).kilobyte()).toPrecision() + ' KB'; if(this < (1).gigabytes()) return (this / (1).megabyte()).toPrecision() + ' MB'; if(this < (1).terabytes()) return (this / (1).gigabytes()).toPrecision() + ' GB'; if(this < (1).petabytes()) return (this / (1).terabytes()).toPrecision() + ' TB'; if(this < (1).exabytes()) return (this / (1).petabytes()).toPrecision() + ' PB'; return (this / (1).exabytes()).toPrecision() + ' EB'; }