event queues in yahns --------------------- There are currently 2 classes of queues and 2 classes of thread pools in yahns. While non-blocking I/O with epoll or kqueue is a cheap way to handle thousands of socket connections, multi-threading is required for many existing APIs, including Rack and standard POSIX filesystem interfaces. listen queue + accept() thread pool ----------------------------------- Like all TCP servers, there is a standard listen queue for every listen socket we have inside the kernel. Each listen queue has a dedicated thread pool running _blocking_ accept(2) (or accept4(2)) syscall in a loop. We use dedicated threads and blocking accept to benefit from "wake-one" behavior in the Linux kernel. By default, this thread pool only has thread per-process, doing nothing but accepting sockets and injecting into to the event queue (used by epoll or kqueue). worker thread pool ------------------ This is where all the interesting application dispatch happens in yahns. A descriptor returned by epoll_create1(2) (or kqueue(2)) is the heart of event queue. This design allows clients to migrate between different threads as they become active, preventing head-of-line blocking in traditional designs where a client is pinned to a thread (at the cost of weaker cache locality). The critical component for implementing this thread pool is "one-shot" notifications in the epoll and kqueue APIs, allowing them to be used as readiness queues for feeding the thread pool. Used correctly, this allows us to guarantee exclusive access to a client socket without additional locks managed in userspace. Idle threads will sit performing epoll_wait(2) (or kevent(2)) indefinitely until a socket is reported as "ready" by the kernel. queue flow ---------- Once a client is accept(2)-ed, it is immediately pushed into the worker thread pool (via EPOLL_CTL_ADD or EV_ADD). This mimics the effect of TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT (in Linux) and the "dataready" accept filter (in FreeBSD) from the perspective of the epoll_wait(2)/kevent(2) caller. No explicit locking controlled from userspace is necessary. TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT/"dataready"/"httpready" themselves are not used as it has some documented and unresolved issues (and adds latency). https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/134274 http://labs.apnic.net/blabs/?p=57 Denial-of-Service and head-of-line blocking mitigation ------------------------------------------------------ As mentioned before, traditional uses of multi-threaded event loops may suffer from head-of-line blocking because clients on a busy thread may not be able to migrate to a non-busy thread. In yahns, a client automatically migrates to the next available thread in the worker thread pool. yahns can safely yield a client after every HTTP request, forcing the client to be rescheduled (via epoll/kqueue) after any existing clients have completed processing. "Yielding" a client is accomplished by re-arming the already "ready" socket by using EPOLL_CTL_MOD (with EPOLLONESHOT) with a one-shot notification requeues the descriptor at the end of the internal epoll (or kevent) ready queue; achieving a similar effect to yielding a thread (via sched_yield or Thread.pass) in a purely multi-threaded design. Once the client is yielded, epoll_wait or kevent is called again to pull the next client off the ready queue. Output buffering notes ---------------------- yahns will not read data from a client socket if there is any outgoing data buffered by yahns. This prevents clients from performing a DoS sending a barrage of requests but not reading them (this should be obvious behavior for any server!). If outgoing data cannot fit into the kernel socket buffer, we buffer to the filesystem immediately to avoid putting pressure on malloc (or the Ruby GC). This also allows use of the sendfile(2) syscall to avoid extra copies into the kernel. Input buffering notes (for Rack) -------------------------------- As seen by the famous "Slowloris" example, slow clients can ruin some HTTP servers. By default, yahns will use non-blocking I/O to fully-buffer an HTTP request before allowing the Rack 1.x application dispatch to block a thread. This unfortunately means we double the amount of data copied, but prevents us from being hogged by slow clients due to the synchronous nature of Rack 1.x API for handling uploads.