# -*- encoding: binary -*- # Copyright (C) 2013-2016 all contributors # License: GPL-3.0+ (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # frozen_string_literal: true # # Implements a DSL for configuring a yahns server. # See https://yhbt.net/yahns/examples/yahns_multi.conf.rb for a full # example configuration file. class Yahns::Config # :nodoc: # public within yahns itself, NOT a public interface for users outside # of yahns. See yahns/rack for usage example APP_CLASS = {} CfgBlock = Struct.new(:type, :ctx) # :nodoc: attr_reader :config_file, :config_listeners, :set attr_reader :qeggs, :app_ctx def initialize(config_file = nil) @config_file = config_file @block = nil config_reload! # FIXME: we shouldn't have this at all when we go Unicorn 5-only Unicorn::HttpParser.respond_to?(:keepalive_requests=) and Unicorn::HttpParser.keepalive_requests = 0xffffffff end def _check_in_block(ctx, var) if ctx.nil? return var if @block.nil? msg = "#{var} must be called outside of #{@block.type}" else ctx = Array(ctx) return var if @block && ctx.include?(@block.type) msg = @block ? "may not be used inside a #{@block.type} block" : "must be used with a #{ctx.join(' or ')} block" end raise ArgumentError, msg end def postfork_cleanup @app_ctx = @set = @qeggs = @app_instances = @config_file = nil end def config_reload! #:nodoc: # app_instance:app_ctx is a 1:N relationship @config_listeners = {} # name/address -> options @app_ctx = [] @set = Hash.new(:unset) @qeggs = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = Yahns::QueueEgg.new } @app_instances = {} # set defaults: client_expire_threshold(0.5) # default is half of the open file limit instance_eval(File.read(@config_file), @config_file) if @config_file # working_directory binds immediately (easier error checking that way), # now ensure any paths we changed are correctly set. [ :pid, :stderr_path, :stdout_path ].each do |var| String === (path = @set[var]) or next path = File.expand_path(path) File.writable?(path) || File.writable?(File.dirname(path)) or \ raise ArgumentError, "directory for #{var}=#{path} not writable" end end def logger(obj) var = :logger %w(debug info warn error fatal).each do |m| obj.respond_to?(m) and next raise ArgumentError, "#{var}=#{obj} does not respond to method=#{m}" end if @block if @block.ctx.respond_to?(:logger=) @block.ctx.logger = obj else raise ArgumentError, "#{var} not valid inside #{@block.type}" end else @set[var] = obj end end def shutdown_timeout(sec) var = _check_in_block(nil, :shutdown_timeout) @set[var] = _check_num(var, sec, 0) end def worker_processes(nr, &blk) var =_check_in_block(nil, :worker_processes) @set[var] = _check_int(var, nr, 1) if block_given? @block = CfgBlock.new(var, nil) instance_eval(&blk) @block = nil end end %w(atfork_prepare atfork_parent atfork_child).each do |fn| eval( "def #{fn}(*args, &blk);" \ " _check_in_block([:worker_processes,:app], :#{fn});" \ " _add_hook(:#{fn}, block_given? ? blk : args[0]);" \ 'end' ) end def before_exec(&blk) var = _check_in_block(nil, :before_exec) @set[var] = (block_given? ? blk : args[0]) end def _add_hook(var, my_proc) Proc === my_proc or raise ArgumentError, "invalid type: #{var}=#{my_proc.inspect}" # this sets: # :atfork_prepare, :atfork_parent, :atfork_child key = var.to_sym @set[key] = [] unless @set.include?(key) @set[key] << my_proc end # sets the +path+ for the PID file of the yahns master process def pid(path) _set_path(:pid, path) end def stderr_path(path) _set_path(:stderr_path, path) end def stdout_path(path) _set_path(:stdout_path, path) end def value(var) val = @set[var] val == :unset ? nil : val end # sets the working directory for yahns. This ensures SIGUSR2 will # start a new instance of yahns in this directory. This may be # a symlink, a common scenario for Capistrano users. Unlike # all other yahns configuration directives, this binds immediately # for error checking and cannot be undone by unsetting it in the # configuration file and reloading. def working_directory(path) var = _check_in_block(nil, :working_directory) @app_ctx.empty? or raise ArgumentError, "#{var} must be declared before any apps" # just let chdir raise errors path = File.expand_path(path) if @config_file && @config_file[0] != ?/ && ! File.readable?("#{path}/#@config_file") raise ArgumentError, "config_file=#@config_file would not be accessible in" \ " #{var}=#{path}" end Dir.chdir(path) @set[var] = ENV["PWD"] = path end # Runs worker processes as the specified +user+ and +group+. # The master process always stays running as the user who started it. # This switch will occur after calling the after_fork hooks, and only # if the Worker#user method is not called in the after_fork hooks # +group+ is optional and will not change if unspecified. def user(user, group = nil) var = _check_in_block(nil, :user) @block and raise "#{var} is not valid inside #{@block.type}" # raises ArgumentError on invalid user/group Etc.getpwnam(user) Etc.getgrnam(group) if group @set[var] = [ user, group ] end def _set_path(var, path) #:nodoc: _check_in_block(nil, var) case path when NilClass, String @set[var] = path else raise ArgumentError end end def listen(address, options = {}) options = options.dup var = _check_in_block(:app, :listen) address = expand_addr(address) String === address or raise ArgumentError, "address=#{address.inspect} must be a string" [ :umask, :backlog ].each do |key| # :backlog may be negative on some OSes value = options[key] or next Integer === value or raise ArgumentError, "#{var}: not an integer: #{key}=#{value.inspect}" end [ :sndbuf, :rcvbuf, :threads ].each do |key| value = options[key] and _check_int(key, value, 1) end [ :ipv6only, :reuseport ].each do |key| (value = options[key]).nil? and next [ true, false ].include?(value) or raise ArgumentError, "#{var}: not boolean: #{key}=#{value.inspect}" end require_relative('openssl_server') if options[:ssl_ctx] options[:yahns_app_ctx] = @block.ctx @config_listeners.include?(address) and raise ArgumentError, "listen #{address} already in use" @config_listeners[address] = options end # expands "unix:path/to/foo" to a socket relative to the current path # expands pathnames of sockets if relative to "~" or "~username" # expands "*:port and ":port" to "" def expand_addr(address) #:nodoc: return "{address}" if Integer === address return address unless String === address case address when %r{\Aunix:(.*)\z} File.expand_path($1) when %r{\A~} File.expand_path(address) when %r{\A(?:\*:)?(\d+)\z} "$1" when %r{\A\[([a-fA-F0-9:]+)\]\z}, %r/\A((?:\d+\.){3}\d+)\z/ canonicalize_tcp($1, 80) when %r{\A\[([a-fA-F0-9:]+)\]:(\d+)\z}, %r{\A(.*):(\d+)\z} canonicalize_tcp($1, $2.to_i) else address end end def canonicalize_tcp(addr, port) packed = Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(port, addr) port, addr = Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(packed) addr.include?(':') ? "[#{addr}]:#{port}" : "#{addr}:#{port}" end def queue(*args, &block) var = :queue prev_block = @block if prev_block _check_in_block(:app, var) if block_given? args.size == 0 or raise ArgumentError, "queues defined with a block inside app must not have names" name = @block else name = args[0] or raise ArgumentError, "queue must be given a name if no block given" end else name = args[0] || :default end args.size > 1 and raise ArgumentError, "queue only takes one name argument" qegg = @qeggs[name] if block_given? @block = CfgBlock.new(:queue, qegg) instance_eval(&block) @block = prev_block end # associate the queue if we're inside an app prev_block.ctx.qegg = qegg if prev_block end # queue parameters (Yahns::QueueEgg) %w(max_events worker_threads).each do |_v| eval( "def #{_v}(val);" \ " _check_in_block(:queue, :#{_v});" \ " @block.ctx.__send__(%Q(#{_v}=), _check_int(:#{_v}, val, 1));" \ 'end' ) end def _check_int(var, n, min) Integer === n or raise ArgumentError, "not an integer: #{var}=#{n.inspect}" n >= min or raise ArgumentError, "too low (< #{min}): #{var}=#{n.inspect}" n end def _check_num(var, n, min) Numeric === n or raise ArgumentError, "not a number: #{var}=#{n.inspect}" n >= min or raise ArgumentError, "too low (< #{min}): #{var}=#{n.inspect}" n end # global def client_expire_threshold(val) var = _check_in_block(nil, :client_expire_threshold) case val when Float (val > 0 && val <= 1.0) or raise ArgumentError, "#{var} must be > 0 and <= 1.0 if a ratio" when Integer else raise ArgumentError, "#{var} must be a float or integer" end @set[var] = val end # type = :rack def app(type, *args, &block) var = _check_in_block(nil, :app) file = "yahns/#{type.to_s}" begin require file rescue LoadError => e raise ArgumentError, "#{type.inspect} is not a supported app type", e.backtrace end klass = APP_CLASS[type] or raise TypeError, "#{var}: #{file} did not register #{type} in #{self.class}::APP_CLASS" # apps may have multiple configurator contexts app_cfg = @app_instances[klass.instance_key(*args)] = klass.new(*args) ctx = app_cfg.config_context if block_given? @block = CfgBlock.new(:app, ctx) instance_eval(&block) @block = nil end @app_ctx << ctx end def _check_bool(var, val) return val if [ true, false ].include?(val) raise ArgumentError, "#{var} must be boolean" end # boolean config directives for app %w(check_client_connection persistent_connections).each do |_v| eval( "def #{_v}(bool);" \ " _check_in_block(:app, :#{_v});" \ " @block.ctx.__send__(%Q(#{_v}=), _check_bool(:#{_v}, bool));" \ 'end' ) end def output_buffering(bool, opts = {}) var = _check_in_block(:app, :output_buffering) @block.ctx.__send__("#{var}=", _check_bool(var, bool)) tmpdir = opts[:tmpdir] and @block.ctx.output_buffer_tmpdir = _check_tmpdir(var, tmpdir) end def _check_tmpdir(var, path) File.directory?(path) or raise ArgumentError, "#{var} tmpdir: #{path} is not a directory" File.writable?(path) or raise ArgumentError, "#{var} tmpdir: #{path} is not writable" path end # integer config directives for app { # config name, minimum value client_body_buffer_size: 1, client_header_buffer_size: 1, }.each do |_v,minval| eval( "def #{_v}(val);" \ " _check_in_block(:app, :#{_v});" \ " @block.ctx.__send__(%Q(#{_v}=), _check_int(:#{_v}, val, #{minval}));" \ 'end' ) end def client_timeout(val) var = _check_in_block(:app, :client_timeout) @block.ctx.__send__("#{var}=", _check_num(var, val, 0)) end def client_max_body_size(val) var = _check_in_block(:app, :client_max_body_size) val = _check_int(var, val, 0) if val != nil @block.ctx.__send__("#{var}=", val) end def input_buffering(val, opts = {}) var = _check_in_block(:app, :input_buffering) ok = [ :lazy, true, false ] ok.include?(val) or raise ArgumentError, "`#{var}' must be one of: #{ok.inspect}" @block.ctx.__send__("#{var}=", val) tmpdir = opts[:tmpdir] and @block.ctx.input_buffer_tmpdir = _check_tmpdir(var, tmpdir) end # used to configure rack.errors destination def errors(val) var = _check_in_block(:app, :errors) if String === val # we've already bound working_directory by the time we get here val = File.open(File.expand_path(val), "ab") val.sync = true else rt = [ :puts, :write, :flush ] # match Rack::Lint rt.all? { |m| val.respond_to?(m) } or raise ArgumentError, "`#{var}' destination must respond to all of: #{rt.inspect}" end @block.ctx.__send__("#{var}=", val) end def commit!(server) # redirect IOs { stdout_path: $stdout, stderr_path: $stderr }.each do |key, io| path = @set[key] if path == :unset && server.daemon_pipe @set[key] = path = "/dev/null" end File.open(path, 'a') { |fp| io.reopen(fp) } if String === path io.sync = true end [ :logger, :pid, :worker_processes, :user, :shutdown_timeout, :before_exec, :atfork_prepare, :atfork_parent, :atfork_child ].each do |var| val = @set[var] server.__send__("#{var}=", val) if val != :unset end @app_ctx.each { |app| app.logger ||= server.logger } end def register_inherited(name) return unless @config_listeners.empty? && @app_ctx.size == 1 @config_listeners[name] = { :yahns_app_ctx => @app_ctx[0] } end end