# -*- encoding: binary -*- # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 all contributors # License: GPL-3.0+ (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'wbuf_lite' # loaded by yahns/proxy_pass, this relies on Yahns::HttpResponse for # constants. module Yahns::HttpResponse # :nodoc: # switch and yield def proxy_unbuffer(wbuf, nxt = :ignore) @state = wbuf wbuf.req_res = nil if nxt.nil? && wbuf.respond_to?(:req_res=) proxy_wait_next(wbuf.busy == :wait_readable ? Yahns::Queue::QEV_RD : Yahns::Queue::QEV_WR) nxt end def wbuf_alloc(req_res) if req_res.proxy_pass.proxy_buffering Yahns::Wbuf.new(nil, req_res.alive) else Yahns::WbufLite.new(req_res) end end # write everything in buf to our client socket (or wbuf, if it exists) # it may return a newly-created wbuf or nil def proxy_write(wbuf, buf, req_res) unless wbuf # no write buffer, try to write directly to the client socket case rv = String === buf ? kgio_trywrite(buf) : kgio_trywritev(buf) when nil then return # done writing buf, likely when String, Array # partial write, hope the skb grows buf = rv when :wait_writable, :wait_readable wbuf = req_res.resbuf ||= wbuf_alloc(req_res) break end while true end wbuf.wbuf_write(self, buf) wbuf.busy ? wbuf : nil end def proxy_err_response(code, req_res, exc) logger = self.class.logger # Yahns::HttpContext#logger case exc when nil logger.error('premature upstream EOF') when Kcar::ParserError logger.error("upstream response error: #{exc.message}") when String logger.error(exc) else Yahns::Log.exception(logger, 'upstream error', exc) end # try to write something, but don't care if we fail Integer === code and kgio_trywrite("HTTP/1.1 #{code} #{ Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES[code]}\r\n\r\n") rescue nil shutdown rescue nil @input = @input.close if @input # this is safe ONLY because we are in an :ignore state after # Fdmap#forget when we got hijacked: close nil # signal close of req_res from yahns_step in yahns/proxy_pass.rb ensure wbuf = req_res.resbuf wbuf.wbuf_abort if wbuf.respond_to?(:wbuf_abort) end def wait_on_upstream(req_res) req_res.resbuf ||= wbuf_alloc(req_res) :wait_readable # self remains in :ignore, wait on upstream end def proxy_res_headers(res, req_res) status, headers = res code = status.to_i msg = Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES[code] env = @hs.env have_body = !Rack::Utils::STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY.include?(code) && env['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'HEAD'.freeze flags = MSG_DONTWAIT alive = @hs.next? && self.class.persistent_connections term = false response_headers = req_res.proxy_pass.response_headers res = "HTTP/1.1 #{msg ? %Q(#{code} #{msg}) : status}\r\n".dup headers.each do |key,value| # n.b.: headers is an Array of 2-element Arrays case key when /\A(?:Connection|Keep-Alive)\z/i next # do not let some upstream headers leak through when %r{\AContent-Length\z}i term = true flags |= MSG_MORE if have_body && value.to_i > 0 when %r{\ATransfer-Encoding\z}i term = true if value =~ /\bchunked\b/i end # response header mapping case val = response_headers[key] when :ignore next when String value = val end res << "#{key}: #{value}\r\n" end # For now, do not add a Date: header, assume upstream already did it # but do not care if they did not # chunk the response ourselves if the client supports it, # but the backend does not terminate properly if alive && ! term && have_body if env['HTTP_VERSION'] == 'HTTP/1.1'.freeze res << "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n".freeze else # we can't persist HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/0.9 w/o Content-Length alive = false end end res << (alive ? "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n".freeze : "Connection: close\r\n\r\n".freeze) # send the headers case rv = kgio_syssend(res, flags) when nil # all done, likely res.clear break when String # partial write, highly unlikely flags = MSG_DONTWAIT res = rv # hope the skb grows when :wait_writable, :wait_readable # highly unlikely in real apps proxy_write(nil, res, req_res) break # keep buffering body... end while true req_res.alive = alive have_body end def read_len(len) max = 16384 max = len if len && len < max max end def proxy_read_body(tip, kcar, req_res) chunk = ''.dup if kcar.chunked? len = kcar.body_bytes_left rbuf = Thread.current[:yahns_rbuf] alive = req_res.alive wbuf = req_res.resbuf case tmp = tip.shift || req_res.kgio_tryread(read_len(len), rbuf) when String if len kcar.body_bytes_left -= tmp.size # progress for body_eof? => true elsif chunk kcar.filter_body(chunk, rbuf = tmp) # progress for body_eof? => true next if chunk.empty? # call req_res.kgio_tryread for more tmp = chunk_out(chunk) elsif alive # HTTP/1.0 upstream, HTTP/1.1 client tmp = chunk_out(tmp) # else # HTTP/1.0 upstream, HTTP/1.0 client, do nothing end wbuf = proxy_write(wbuf, tmp, req_res) chunk.clear if chunk if Yahns::WbufLite === wbuf req_res.proxy_trailers = [ rbuf.dup, tip ] if chunk && kcar.body_eof? return proxy_unbuffer(wbuf) end when nil # EOF # HTTP/1.1 upstream, unexpected premature EOF: msg = "upstream EOF (#{len} bytes left)" if len msg = 'upstream EOF (chunk)' if chunk return proxy_err_response(nil, req_res, msg) if msg # HTTP/1.0 upstream: wbuf = proxy_write(wbuf, "0\r\n\r\n".freeze, req_res) if alive req_res.shutdown return proxy_unbuffer(wbuf, nil) if Yahns::WbufLite === wbuf return proxy_busy_mod(wbuf, req_res) when :wait_readable return wait_on_upstream(req_res) end until kcar.body_eof? if chunk # tip is an empty array and becomes trailer storage req_res.proxy_trailers = [ rbuf.dup, tip ] return proxy_read_trailers(kcar, req_res) end proxy_busy_mod(wbuf, req_res) end def proxy_read_trailers(kcar, req_res) chunk, tlr = req_res.proxy_trailers rbuf = Thread.current[:yahns_rbuf] wbuf = req_res.resbuf until kcar.trailers(tlr, chunk) case rv = req_res.kgio_tryread(16384, rbuf) when String chunk << rv when :wait_readable return wait_on_upstream(req_res) when nil # premature EOF return proxy_err_response(nil, req_res, 'upstream EOF (trailers)') end # no loop here end wbuf = proxy_write(wbuf, trailer_out(tlr), req_res) return proxy_unbuffer(wbuf) if Yahns::WbufLite === wbuf proxy_busy_mod(wbuf, req_res) end # start streaming the response once upstream is done sending headers to us. # returns :wait_readable if we need to read more from req_res # returns :ignore if we yield control to the client(self) # returns nil if completely done def proxy_response_start(res, tip, kcar, req_res) have_body = proxy_res_headers(res, req_res) tip = tip.empty? ? [] : [ tip ] if have_body req_res.proxy_trailers = nil # define to avoid uninitialized warnings return proxy_read_body(tip, kcar, req_res) end # unlikely wbuf = req_res.resbuf return proxy_unbuffer(wbuf) if Yahns::WbufLite === wbuf # all done reading response from upstream, req_res will be discarded # when we return nil: proxy_busy_mod(wbuf, req_res) end def proxy_response_finish(kcar, req_res) req_res.proxy_trailers ? proxy_read_trailers(kcar, req_res) : proxy_read_body([], kcar, req_res) end def proxy_wait_next(qflags) Thread.current[:yahns_fdmap].remember(self) # We must allocate a new, empty request object here to avoid a TOCTTOU # in the following timeline # # original thread: | another thread # HttpClient#yahns_step | # r = k.app.call(env = @hs.env) # socket hijacked into epoll queue # | epoll_wait readiness # | ReqRes#yahns_step # | proxy dispatch ... # | proxy_busy_mod # ************************** DANGER BELOW ******************************** # | HttpClient#yahns_step # | # clears env # sees empty env: | # return :ignore if env.include?('rack.hijack_io') | # # In other words, we cannot touch the original env seen by the # original thread since it must see the 'rack.hijack_io' value # because both are operating in the same Yahns::HttpClient object. # This will happen regardless of GVL existence hs = Unicorn::HttpRequest.new hs.buf.replace(@hs.buf) @hs = hs # n.b. we may not touch anything in this object once we call queue_mod, # another thread is likely to take it! Thread.current[:yahns_queue].queue_mod(self, qflags) end def proxy_busy_mod(wbuf, req_res) if wbuf # we are completely done reading and buffering the upstream response, # but have not completely written the response to the client, # yield control to the client socket: @state = wbuf proxy_wait_next(wbuf.busy == :wait_readable ? Yahns::Queue::QEV_RD : Yahns::Queue::QEV_WR) # no touching self after proxy_wait_next, we may be running # HttpClient#yahns_step in a different thread at this point else case http_response_done(req_res.alive) when :wait_readable then proxy_wait_next(Yahns::Queue::QEV_RD) when :wait_writable then proxy_wait_next(Yahns::Queue::QEV_WR) when :close then close end end nil # signal close for ReqRes#yahns_step end # n.b.: we can use String#size for optimized dispatch under YARV instead # of String#bytesize because all the IO read methods return a binary # string when given a maximum read length def chunk_out(buf) [ "#{buf.size.to_s(16)}\r\n", buf, "\r\n".freeze ] end def trailer_out(tlr) "0\r\n#{tlr.map! do |k,v| "#{k}: #{v}\r\n" end.join}\r\n" end end