# -*- encoding: binary -*- # Copyright (C) 2013-2016 all contributors # License: GPLv2 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt) # frozen_string_literal: true # When processing uploads, Yahns may expose a StreamInput object under # "rack.input" of the (future) Rack (2.x) environment. class Yahns::StreamInput # :nodoc: # Initializes a new StreamInput object. You normally do not have to call # this unless you are writing an HTTP server. def initialize(client, request) @chunked = request.content_length.nil? @client = client @parser = request @buf = request.buf @rbuf = ''.dup @bytes_read = 0 filter_body(@rbuf, @buf) unless @buf.empty? end # :call-seq: # ios.read([length [, buffer ]]) => string, buffer, or nil # # Reads at most length bytes from the I/O stream, or to the end of # file if length is omitted or is nil. length must be a non-negative # integer or nil. If the optional buffer argument is present, it # must reference a String, which will receive the data. # # At end of file, it returns nil or '' depend on length. # ios.read() and ios.read(nil) returns ''. # ios.read(length [, buffer]) returns nil. # # If the Content-Length of the HTTP request is known (as is the common # case for POST requests), then ios.read(length [, buffer]) will block # until the specified length is read (or it is the last chunk). # Otherwise, for uncommon "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" requests, # ios.read(length [, buffer]) will return immediately if there is # any data and only block when nothing is available (providing # IO#readpartial semantics). def read(length = nil, rv = ''.dup) if length if length <= @rbuf.size length < 0 and raise ArgumentError, "negative length #{length} given" rv.replace(@rbuf.slice!(0, length)) else cur = @rbuf.size to_read = length - cur cur == 0 ? rv.clear : rv.replace(@rbuf.slice!(0, cur)) until to_read == 0 || eof? || (rv.size > 0 && @chunked) @client.yahns_read(to_read, @buf) or eof! filter_body(@rbuf, @buf) rv << @rbuf to_read -= @rbuf.size end @rbuf.clear end rv = nil if rv.empty? && length != 0 else read_all(rv) end rv end def __rsize @client ? @client.class.client_body_buffer_size : nil end def __tlsbuf Thread.current[:yahns_rbuf] end # :call-seq: # ios.gets => string or nil # # Reads the next ``line'' from the I/O stream; lines are separated # by the global record separator ($/, typically "\n"). A global # record separator of nil reads the entire unread contents of ios. # Returns nil if called at the end of file. # This takes zero arguments for strict Rack::Lint compatibility, # unlike IO#gets. def gets sep = $/ if sep.nil? read_all(rv = ''.dup) return rv.empty? ? nil : rv end re = /\A(.*?#{Regexp.escape(sep)})/ rsize = __rsize or return tlsbuf = __tlsbuf begin @rbuf.sub!(re, '') and return $1 return @rbuf.empty? ? nil : @rbuf.slice!(0, @rbuf.size) if eof? @client.yahns_read(rsize, @buf) or eof! filter_body(tlsbuf, @buf) @rbuf << tlsbuf end while true end # :call-seq: # ios.each { |line| block } => ios # # Executes the block for every ``line'' in *ios*, where lines are # separated by the global record separator ($/, typically "\n"). def each while line = gets yield line end self # Rack does not specify what the return value is here end def eof? if @parser.body_eof? rsize = __rsize tlsbuf = __tlsbuf while @chunked && ! @parser.parse @client.yahns_read(rsize, tlsbuf) or eof! @buf << tlsbuf end @client = nil true else false end end def filter_body(dst, src) rv = @parser.filter_body(dst, src) @bytes_read += dst.size rv end def read_all(dst) dst.replace(@rbuf) rsize = __rsize or return until eof? @client.yahns_read(rsize, @buf) or eof! filter_body(@rbuf, @buf) dst << @rbuf end ensure @rbuf.clear end def eof! # in case client only did a premature shutdown(SHUT_WR) # we do support clients that shutdown(SHUT_WR) after the # _entire_ request has been sent, and those will not have # raised EOFError on us. @client.shutdown if @client ensure raise Yahns::ClientShutdown, "bytes_read=#{@bytes_read}", [] end def close # return nil end end