# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 all contributors # License: GPL-3.0+ (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'server_helper' class TestBin < Testcase ENV["N"].to_i > 1 and parallelize_me! include ServerHelper alias teardown server_helper_teardown def setup server_helper_setup @cmd = %W(ruby -I lib bin/yahns) end def test_listen_fd3 return unless RUBY_VERSION.to_f > 2.3 # Fixed in ruby/trunk r51209, actually @srv.setsockopt(:SOL_SOCKET, :SO_KEEPALIVE, 0) host, port = @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] ru = tmpfile(%w(test_bin_daemon .ru)) ru.write("require 'rack/lobster'; run Rack::Lobster.new\n") cmd = %W(ruby -I lib bin/yahns-rackup -E none -p #{port} -o #{host} #{ru.path}) pid = fork do # emulate a systemd environment env = { 'LISTEN_PID' => $$.to_s, 'LISTEN_FDS' => '1', } exec env, *cmd, 3 => @srv, err: @err.path end Net::HTTP.start(host, port) do |http| req = Net::HTTP::Get.new("/") res = http.request(req) assert_equal 200, res.code.to_i assert_equal "keep-alive", res["Connection"] end assert_equal 1, @srv.getsockopt(:SOL_SOCKET, :SO_KEEPALIVE).int, 'ensure the inheriting process applies TCP socket options' ensure if pid Process.kill(:QUIT, pid) _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) assert status.success?, status.inspect end ru.close! if ru end def test_bin_daemon_noworker_inherit bin_daemon(false, true) end def test_bin_daemon_worker_inherit bin_daemon(true, true) end def test_bin_daemon_noworker_bind bin_daemon(false, false) end def test_bin_daemon_worker_bind bin_daemon(true, false) end def bin_daemon(worker, inherit) @srv.close unless inherit @pid = tmpfile(%w(test_bin_daemon .pid)) @ru = tmpfile(%w(test_bin_daemon .ru)) @ru.write("require 'rack/lobster'; run Rack::Lobster.new\n") cfg = tmpfile(%w(test_bin_daemon_conf .rb)) cfg.puts "pid '#{@pid.path}'" cfg.puts "stderr_path '#{@err.path}'" cfg.puts "worker_processes 1" if worker cfg.puts "app(:rack, '#{@ru.path}', preload: false) do" cfg.puts " listen ENV['YAHNS_TEST_LISTEN']" cfg.puts "end" @cmd.concat(%W(-D -c #{cfg.path})) addr = cloexec_pipe pid = fork do opts = { close_others: true } addr[0].close if inherit opts[@srv.fileno] = @srv ENV["YAHNS_FD"] = @srv.fileno.to_s else # we must create the socket inside the child and tell the parent # about it to avoid sharing @srv = TCPServer.new(ENV["TEST_HOST"] || "", 0) end @cmd << opts host, port = @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] listen = ENV["YAHNS_TEST_LISTEN"] = "#{host}:#{port}" addr[1].write(listen) addr[1].close # close/FD_CLOEXEC may be insufficient since the socket could be # released asynchronously, leading to occasional test failures. # Even with a synchronous FD_CLOEXEC, there's a chance of a race # because the server does not bind right away. unless inherit @srv.shutdown @srv.close end exec(*@cmd) end addr[1].close listen = Timeout.timeout(10) { addr[0].read } addr[0].close host, port = listen.split(/:/, 2) port = port.to_i assert_operator port, :>, 0 unless inherit # daemon_pipe guarantees socket will be usable after this: Timeout.timeout(10) do # Ruby startup is slow! _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) assert status.success?, status.inspect end end Net::HTTP.start(host, port) do |http| req = Net::HTTP::Get.new("/") res = http.request(req) assert_equal 200, res.code.to_i assert_equal "keep-alive", res["Connection"] end rescue => e warn "#{e.message} (#{e.class})" e.backtrace.each { |l| warn "#{l}" } raise ensure cfg.close! if cfg pid = File.read(@pid.path) pid = pid.to_i assert_operator pid, :>, 0 Process.kill(:QUIT, pid) if inherit _, status = Timeout.timeout(10) { Process.waitpid2(pid) } assert status.success?, status.inspect else poke_until_dead pid end @pid.close! if @pid end def test_usr2_preload_noworker; usr2(true, false); end def test_usr2_preload_worker; usr2(true, true); end def test_usr2_nopreload_worker; usr2(false, true); end def test_usr2_nopreload_noworker; usr2(false, false); end def usr2(preload, worker) yahns_mktmpdir { |tmpdir| usr2_dir(tmpdir, preload, worker) } end def usr2_dir(tmpdir, preload, worker) exe = "#{tmpdir}/yahns" # need to fork here since tests are MT and the FD can leak out and go to # other processes which fork (but do not exec), causing ETXTBUSY on # Process.spawn pid = fork do ruby = "#!#{`which ruby`}" File.open(exe, "w") { |y| lines = File.readlines("bin/yahns") lines[0] = ruby y.chmod(0755) y.syswrite(lines.join) } end _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) assert status.success?, status.inspect @pid = tmpfile(%w(test_bin_daemon .pid)) host, port = @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] @ru = tmpfile(%w(test_bin_daemon .ru)) @ru.puts("use Rack::ContentLength") @ru.puts("use Rack::ContentType, 'text/plain'") @ru.puts("run lambda { |_| [ 200, {}, [ Process.pid.to_s ] ] }") cfg = tmpfile(%w(test_bin_daemon_conf .rb)) cfg.puts "pid '#{@pid.path}'" cfg.puts "stderr_path '#{@err.path}'" cfg.puts "worker_processes 1" if worker cfg.puts "app(:rack, '#{@ru.path}', preload: #{preload}) do" cfg.puts " listen '#{host}:#{port}'" cfg.puts "end" env = { "YAHNS_FD" => @srv.fileno.to_s, "PATH" => "#{tmpdir}:#{ENV['PATH']}", "RUBYLIB" => "#{Dir.pwd}/lib", } cmd = %W(#{exe} -D -c #{cfg.path}) cmd << { @srv => @srv, close_others: true } pid = GTL.synchronize { Process.spawn(env, *cmd) } res = Net::HTTP.start(host, port) { |h| h.get("/") } assert_equal 200, res.code.to_i orig = res.body Process.kill(:USR2, pid) newpid = pid Timeout.timeout(10) do begin newpid = File.read(@pid.path) rescue Errno::ENOENT end while newpid.to_i == pid && sleep(0.01) end Process.kill(:QUIT, pid) _, status = Timeout.timeout(10) { Process.waitpid2(pid) } assert status.success?, status res = Net::HTTP.start(host, port) { |h| h.get("/") } assert_equal 200, res.code.to_i second = res.body refute_equal orig, second newpid = newpid.to_i assert_operator newpid, :>, 0 Process.kill(:HUP, newpid) third = second Timeout.timeout(10) do begin third = Net::HTTP.start(host, port) { |h| h.get("/") }.body end while third == second && sleep(0.01) end if worker Process.kill(0, newpid) # nothing should raise else poke_until_dead newpid end ensure File.unlink(exe) if exe cfg.close! if cfg pid = File.read(@pid.path) pid = pid.to_i assert_operator pid, :>, 0 Process.kill(:QUIT, pid) poke_until_dead pid @pid.close! end end