# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 all contributors # License: GPL-3.0+ (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'server_helper' class TestServer < Testcase ENV["N"].to_i > 1 and parallelize_me! include ServerHelper alias setup server_helper_setup alias teardown server_helper_teardown def test_single_process err = @err cfg = Yahns::Config.new host, port = @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] cfg.instance_eval do ru = lambda { |_| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'2'}, ['HI'] ] } GTL.synchronize { app(:rack, ru) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" } } logger(Logger.new(err.path)) end pid = mkserver(cfg) run_client(host, port) { |res| assert_equal "HI", res.body } c = get_tcp_client(host, port) # test pipelining r = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n" c.write(r + r) buf = ''.dup Timeout.timeout(10) do until buf =~ /HI.+HI/m buf << c.readpartial(4096) end end # trickle pipelining c.write(r + "GET ") buf = ''.dup Timeout.timeout(10) do until buf =~ /HI\z/ buf << c.readpartial(4096) end end c.write("/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n") Timeout.timeout(10) do until buf =~ /HI.+HI/m buf << c.readpartial(4096) end end Process.kill(:QUIT, pid) "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n".each_byte do |x| sleep(0.01) c.write(x.chr) end buf = Timeout.timeout(30) { c.read } assert_match(/Connection: close/, buf) _, status = Timeout.timeout(10) { Process.waitpid2(pid) } assert status.success?, status.inspect c.close end def test_input_body_true; input_body(true); end def test_input_body_false; input_body(false); end def test_input_body_lazy; input_body(:lazy); end def input_body(btype) err = @err cfg = Yahns::Config.new host, port = @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] cfg.instance_eval do ru = lambda {|e|[ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'2'},[e["rack.input"].read]]} GTL.synchronize do app(:rack, ru) do listen "#{host}:#{port}" input_buffering btype end end logger(Logger.new(err.path)) end pid = mkserver(cfg) c = get_tcp_client(host, port) buf = "PUT / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\n\r\nHI" c.write(buf) IO.select([c], nil, nil, 5) rv = c.read(666) head, body = rv.split(/\r\n\r\n/) assert_match(%r{^Content-Length: 2\r\n}, head) assert_equal "HI", body, "#{rv.inspect} - #{btype.inspect}" c.close # pipelined oneshot buf = "PUT / HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\n\r\nHI" c = get_tcp_client(host, port) c.write(buf + buf) buf = ''.dup Timeout.timeout(10) do until buf =~ /HI.+HI/m buf << c.readpartial(4096) end end assert buf.gsub!(/Date:[^\r\n]+\r\n/, ""), "kill differing Date" rv = buf.sub!(/\A(HTTP.+?\r\n\r\nHI)/m, "") first = $1 assert rv assert_equal first, buf # pipelined trickle buf = "PUT / HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\r\nHIBYE" (buf + buf).each_byte do |b| c.write(b.chr) sleep(0.01) if b.chr == ":" Thread.pass end buf = ''.dup Timeout.timeout(10) do until buf =~ /HIBYE.+HIBYE/m buf << c.readpartial(4096) end end assert buf.gsub!(/Date:[^\r\n]+\r\n/, ""), "kill differing Date" rv = buf.sub!(/\A(HTTP.+?\r\n\r\nHIBYE)/m, "") first = $1 assert rv assert_equal first, buf ensure c.close if c quit_wait(pid) end def test_trailer_true; trailer(true); end def test_trailer_false; trailer(false); end def test_trailer_lazy; trailer(:lazy); end def test_slow_trailer_true; trailer(true, 0.02); end def test_slow_trailer_false; trailer(false, 0.02); end def test_slow_trailer_lazy; trailer(:lazy, 0.02); end def trailer(btype, delay = false) err = @err cfg = Yahns::Config.new host, port = @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] cfg.instance_eval do ru = lambda do |e| body = e["rack.input"].read s = e["HTTP_XBT"] + "\n" + body [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>s.size.to_s}, [ s ] ] end GTL.synchronize do app(:rack, ru) do listen "#{host}:#{port}" input_buffering btype end end logger(Logger.new(err.path)) end pid = mkserver(cfg) c = get_tcp_client(host, port) buf = "PUT / HTTP/1.0\r\nTrailer:xbt\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n" c.write(buf) xbt = btype.to_s sleep(delay) if delay c.write(sprintf("%x\r\n", xbt.size)) sleep(delay) if delay c.write(xbt) sleep(delay) if delay c.write("\r\n") sleep(delay) if delay c.write("0\r\nXBT: ") sleep(delay) if delay c.write("#{xbt}\r\n\r\n") IO.select([c], nil, nil, 5000) or raise "timed out" rv = c.read(666) _, body = rv.split(/\r\n\r\n/) a, b = body.split(/\n/) assert_equal xbt, a assert_equal xbt, b ensure c.close if c quit_wait(pid) end def test_check_client_connection tmpdir = yahns_mktmpdir sock = "#{tmpdir}/sock" unix_srv = UNIXServer.new(sock) unix_srv.close_on_exec = true msgs = %w(ZZ zz) err = @err cfg = Yahns::Config.new bpipe = cloexec_pipe cfg.instance_eval do ru = lambda { |e| case e['PATH_INFO'] when '/sleep' a = Object.new a.instance_variable_set(:@bpipe, bpipe) a.instance_variable_set(:@msgs, msgs) def a.each @msgs.each do |msg| yield @bpipe[0].read(msg.size) end end when '/cccfail' # we should not get here if check_client_connection worked abort "CCCFAIL" else a = %w(HI) end [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'2'}, a ] } GTL.synchronize { app(:rack, ru) { listen sock check_client_connection true # needed to avoid concurrency with check_client_connection queue { worker_threads 1 } output_buffering false } } logger(Logger.new(err.path)) end srv = Yahns::Server.new(cfg) # ensure we set worker_threads correctly eggs = srv.instance_variable_get(:@config).qeggs assert_equal 1, eggs.size assert_equal 1, eggs.first[1].instance_variable_get(:@worker_threads) pid = xfork do bpipe[1].close ENV["YAHNS_FD"] = unix_srv.fileno.to_s unix_srv.autoclose = false srv.start.join end bpipe[0].close a = UNIXSocket.new(sock) b = UNIXSocket.new(sock) b.close_on_exec = a.close_on_exec = true a.write("GET /sleep HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") r = IO.select([a], nil, nil, 4) assert r, "nothing ready" assert_equal a, r[0][0] buf = a.read(8) assert_equal "HTTP/1.1", buf # hope the kernel sees this before it sees the bpipe ping-ponging below b.write("GET /cccfail HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") b.shutdown b.close # ping-pong a bit to stall the server msgs.each do |msg| bpipe[1].write(msg) Timeout.timeout(10) { buf << a.readpartial(10) until buf =~ /#{msg}/ } end bpipe[1].close assert_equal msgs.join, buf.split(/\r\n\r\n/)[1] # do things still work? c = UNIXSocket.new(sock) c.write "GET /\r\n\r\n" assert_equal "HI", c.read c.close a.close rescue => e warn e.class warn e.message warn e.backtrace.join("\n") ensure unix_srv.close quit_wait(pid) FileUtils.rm_rf(tmpdir) end def test_mp pid, host, port = new_mp_server wpid = nil run_client(host, port) do |res| wpid ||= res.body.to_i end ensure quit_wait(pid) if wpid assert_raises(Errno::ESRCH) { Process.kill(:KILL, wpid) } assert_raises(Errno::ECHILD) { Process.waitpid2(wpid) } end end def test_mp_worker_die pid, host, port = new_mp_server wpid1 = wpid2 = nil run_client(host, port) do |res| wpid1 ||= res.body.to_i end Process.kill(:QUIT, wpid1) poke_until_dead(wpid1) run_client(host, port) do |res| wpid2 ||= res.body.to_i end refute_equal wpid2, wpid1 ensure quit_wait(pid) assert_raises(Errno::ESRCH) { Process.kill(:KILL, wpid2) } if wpid2 end def test_mp_dead_parent pid, host, port = new_mp_server(1) wpid = nil run_client(host, port) do |res| wpid ||= res.body.to_i end Process.kill(:KILL, pid) _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) assert status.signaled?, status.inspect poke_until_dead(wpid) end def run_client(host, port) c = get_tcp_client(host, port) Net::HTTP.start(host, port) do |http| res = http.request(Net::HTTP::Get.new("/")) assert_equal 200, res.code.to_i assert_equal "keep-alive", res["Connection"] yield res res = http.request(Net::HTTP::Get.new("/")) assert_equal 200, res.code.to_i assert_equal "keep-alive", res["Connection"] yield res end c.write "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" res = Timeout.timeout(10) { c.read } head, _ = res.split(/\r\n\r\n/) head = head.split(/\r\n/) assert_equal "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", head[0] assert_equal "Connection: close", head[-1] c.close end def new_mp_server(nr = 2) ru = @ru = tmpfile(%w(config .ru)) @ru.puts('a = $$.to_s') @ru.puts('run lambda { |_| [ 200, {"Content-Length"=>a.size.to_s},[a]]}') err = @err cfg = Yahns::Config.new host, port = @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] cfg.instance_eval do worker_processes nr GTL.synchronize { app(:rack, ru.path) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" } } logger(Logger.new(File.open(err.path, "a"))) end pid = mkserver(cfg) [ pid, host, port ] end def test_nonpersistent err = @err cfg = Yahns::Config.new host, port = @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] cfg.instance_eval do ru = lambda { |_| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'2'}, ['HI'] ] } GTL.synchronize { app(:rack, ru) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" persistent_connections false } } logger(Logger.new(err.path)) end pid = mkserver(cfg) c = get_tcp_client(host, port) c.write("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n") buf = Timeout.timeout(10) { c.read } assert_match(/Connection: close/, buf) c.close ensure quit_wait(pid) end def test_ttin_ttou err, cfg, host, port = @err, Yahns::Config.new, @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] ru = lambda { |_| b = "#$$" [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>b.size.to_s}, [b] ] } cfg.instance_eval do GTL.synchronize { app(:rack, ru) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" } } worker_processes 1 stderr_path err.path end pid = mkserver(cfg) read_pid = lambda do c = get_tcp_client(host, port) c.write("GET /\r\n\r\n") body = Timeout.timeout(10) { c.read } c.close assert_match(/\A\d+\z/, body) body end orig_worker_pid = read_pid.call.to_i assert_equal 1, Process.kill(0, orig_worker_pid) Process.kill(:TTOU, pid) poke_until_dead(orig_worker_pid) Process.kill(:TTIN, pid) second_worker_pid = read_pid.call.to_i # PID recycling is rare, hope it doesn't fail here refute_equal orig_worker_pid, second_worker_pid ensure quit_wait(pid) end def test_mp_hooks err = @err out = tmpfile(%w(mp_hooks .out)) cfg = Yahns::Config.new host, port = @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] cfg.instance_eval do ru = lambda {|_|x="#$$";[200,{'Content-Length'=>x.size.to_s },[x]]} GTL.synchronize { app(:rack, ru) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" persistent_connections false atfork_child { warn "INFO hihi from app.atfork_child" } } worker_processes(1) do atfork_child { puts "af #$$ worker is running" } atfork_prepare { puts "af #$$ parent about to spawn" } atfork_parent { puts "af #$$ parent done spawning" } end } stderr_path err.path stdout_path out.path end master_pid = pid = mkserver(cfg) c = get_tcp_client(host, port) c.write("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n") buf = Timeout.timeout(10) { c.read } c.close head, body = buf.split(/\r\n\r\n/) assert_match(/200 OK/, head) assert_match(/\A\d+\z/, body) worker_pid = body.to_i # ensure atfork_parent has run quit_wait(master_pid) master_pid = nil lines = out.readlines.map!(&:chomp!) out.close! assert_match %r{INFO hihi from app\.atfork_child}, File.read(err.path) assert_equal 3, lines.size, lines.join("\n") assert_equal("af #{pid} parent about to spawn", lines.shift) # child/parent ordering is not guaranteed assert_equal 1, lines.grep(/\Aaf #{pid} parent done spawning\z/).size assert_equal 1, lines.grep(/\Aaf #{worker_pid} worker is running\z/).size ensure quit_wait(master_pid) end def test_mp_hooks_worker_nr err = @err out = tmpfile(%w(mp_hooks .out)) cfg = Yahns::Config.new host, port = @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] cfg.instance_eval do ru = lambda {|_|x="#$$";[200,{'Content-Length'=>x.size.to_s },[x]]} GTL.synchronize { app(:rack, ru) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" persistent_connections false atfork_child { |nr| warn "INFO hihi.#{nr} from app.atfork_child" } } worker_processes(1) do atfork_child { |nr| puts "af.#{nr} #$$ worker is running" } atfork_prepare { |nr| puts "af.#{nr} #$$ parent about to spawn" } atfork_parent { |nr| puts "af.#{nr} #$$ parent done spawning" } end } stderr_path err.path stdout_path out.path end pid = mkserver(cfg) c = get_tcp_client(host, port) c.write("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n") buf = Timeout.timeout(10) { c.read } c.close head, body = buf.split(/\r\n\r\n/) assert_match(/200 OK/, head) assert_match(/\A\d+\z/, body) worker_pid = body.to_i lines = out.readlines.map!(&:chomp!) out.close! assert_match %r{INFO hihi\.0 from app\.atfork_child}, File.read(err.path) assert_equal 3, lines.size assert_equal("af.0 #{pid} parent about to spawn", lines.shift) # child/parent ordering is not guaranteed assert_equal 1, lines.grep(/\Aaf\.0 #{pid} parent done spawning\z/).size assert_equal 1, lines.grep(/\Aaf\.0 #{worker_pid} worker is running\z/).size ensure quit_wait(pid) end def test_pidfile_usr2 tmpdir = yahns_mktmpdir pidf = "#{tmpdir}/pid" old = "#{pidf}.oldbin" err = @err cfg = Yahns::Config.new host, port = @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] cfg.instance_eval do GTL.synchronize { app(:rack, lambda { |_| [ 200, {}, [] ] }) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" } pid pidf } stderr_path err.path end pid = mkserver(cfg) do Yahns::START[0] = "sh" Yahns::START[:argv] = [ '-c', "echo $$ > #{pidf}; sleep 10" ] end # ensure server is running c = get_tcp_client(host, port) c.write("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") buf = Timeout.timeout(10) { c.read } assert_match(/Connection: close/, buf) c.close assert_equal pid, File.read(pidf).to_i before = File.stat(pidf) # start the upgrade Process.kill(:USR2, pid) Timeout.timeout(10) { sleep(0.01) until File.exist?(old) } after = File.stat(old) assert_equal after.ino, before.ino Timeout.timeout(10) { sleep(0.01) until File.exist?(pidf) } new = File.read(pidf).to_i refute_equal pid, new # abort the upgrade (just wait for it to finish) Process.kill(:TERM, new) poke_until_dead(new) # ensure reversion is OK Timeout.timeout(10) { sleep(0.01) while File.exist?(old) } after = File.stat(pidf) assert_equal before.ino, after.ino assert_equal before.mtime, after.mtime assert_equal pid, File.read(pidf).to_i lines = File.readlines(err.path).grep(/ERROR/) assert_equal 1, lines.size assert_match(/reaped/, lines[0], lines) File.truncate(err.path, 0) ensure quit_wait(pid) FileUtils.rm_rf(tmpdir) end module MockSwitchUser def self.included(cls) cls.__send__(:remove_method, :switch_user) cls.__send__(:alias_method, :switch_user, :mock_switch_user) end def mock_switch_user(user, group = nil) $yahns_user = [ $$, user, group ] end end def test_user_no_workers refute defined?($yahns_user), "$yahns_user global should be undefined" err = @err cfg = Yahns::Config.new host, port = @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] cfg.instance_eval do ru = lambda do |_| b = $yahns_user.inspect [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>b.size.to_s }, [b] ] end GTL.synchronize { app(:rack, ru) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" } } user "nobody" stderr_path err.path end pid = mkserver(cfg) { Yahns::Server.__send__(:include, MockSwitchUser) } expect = [ pid, "nobody", nil ].inspect run_client(host, port) { |res| assert_equal expect, res.body } refute defined?($yahns_user), "$yahns_user global should be undefined" ensure quit_wait(pid) end def test_user_workers refute defined?($yahns_user), "$yahns_user global should be undefined" err = @err cfg = Yahns::Config.new host, port = @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] cfg.instance_eval do ru = lambda do |_| b = $yahns_user.inspect [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>b.size.to_s, 'X-Pid' => "#$$" }, [b] ] end GTL.synchronize { app(:rack, ru) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" } } user "nobody" stderr_path err.path worker_processes 1 end pid = mkserver(cfg) { Yahns::Server.__send__(:include, MockSwitchUser) } run_client(host, port) do |res| worker_pid = res["X-Pid"].to_i assert_operator worker_pid, :>, 0 refute_equal pid, worker_pid refute_equal $$, worker_pid expect = [ worker_pid, "nobody", nil ].inspect assert_equal expect, res.body end refute defined?($yahns_user), "$yahns_user global should be undefined" ensure quit_wait(pid) end def test_working_directory err, cfg, host, port = @err, Yahns::Config.new, @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] ru = lambda { |_| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>Dir.pwd.size.to_s }, [Dir.pwd] ] } yahns_mktmpdir do |tmpdir| begin pid = mkserver(cfg) do $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path("lib") cfg.instance_eval do working_directory tmpdir app(:rack, ru) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" } stderr_path err.path end end refute_equal Dir.pwd, tmpdir Net::HTTP.start(host, port) do |http| assert_equal tmpdir, http.request(Net::HTTP::Get.new("/")).body end ensure quit_wait(pid) end end end def test_errors tmpdir = yahns_mktmpdir sock = "#{tmpdir}/sock" err, cfg, host, port = @err, Yahns::Config.new, @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] re = tmpfile(%w(rack .errors)) ru = lambda { |e| e["rack.errors"].write "INFO HIHI\n" [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'2' }, %w(OK) ] } cfg.instance_eval do GTL.synchronize { app(:rack, ru) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" errors re.path } app(:rack, ru) { listen sock } } stderr_path err.path end pid = mkserver(cfg) Net::HTTP.start(host, port) do |http| assert_equal "OK", http.request(Net::HTTP::Get.new("/")).body end assert_equal "INFO HIHI\n", re.read c = UNIXSocket.new(sock) c.close_on_exec = true c.write "GET /\r\n\r\n" assert_equal c, c.wait(30) assert_equal "OK", c.read c.close assert_match %r{INFO HIHI}, File.read(err.path) ensure re.close! quit_wait(pid) FileUtils.rm_rf(tmpdir) end def test_persistent_shutdown_timeout; _persistent_shutdown(nil); end def test_persistent_shutdown_timeout_mp; _persistent_shutdown(1); end def _persistent_shutdown(nr_workers) err, cfg, host, port = @err, Yahns::Config.new, @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] pid = mkserver(cfg) do ru = lambda { |e| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'2'}, %w(OK) ] } cfg.instance_eval do app(:rack, ru) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" } stderr_path err.path shutdown_timeout 1 worker_processes(nr_workers) if nr_workers end end c = get_tcp_client(host, port) c.write "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n" assert_equal c, c.wait(30) buf = ''.dup re = /\r\n\r\nOK\z/ Timeout.timeout(30) do begin buf << c.readpartial(666) end until re =~ buf end refute_match %r{Connection: close}, buf assert_nil c.wait(0.001), "connection should still be alive" Process.kill(:QUIT, pid) _, status = Timeout.timeout(5) { Process.waitpid2(pid) } assert status.success?, status.inspect assert_nil c.read(666) end def test_slow_shutdown_timeout; _slow_shutdown(nil); end def test_slow_shutdown_timeout_mp; _slow_shutdown(1); end def _slow_shutdown(nr_workers) err, cfg, host, port = @err, Yahns::Config.new, @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] pid = mkserver(cfg) do ru = lambda { |e| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'2'}, %w(OK) ] } cfg.instance_eval do app(:rack, ru) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" } stderr_path err.path worker_processes(nr_workers) if nr_workers end end c = get_tcp_client(host, port) c.write 'G' 100000.times { Thread.pass } Process.kill(:QUIT, pid) "ET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n".each_byte do |x| Thread.pass c.write(x.chr) Thread.pass end assert_equal c, c.wait(30) buf = ''.dup re = /\r\n\r\nOK\z/ Timeout.timeout(30) do begin buf << c.readpartial(666) end until re =~ buf end c.close _, status = Timeout.timeout(5) { Process.waitpid2(pid) } assert status.success?, status.inspect end def test_before_exec err, cfg, host, port = @err, Yahns::Config.new, @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] ru = lambda { |e| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'2' }, %w(OK) ] } tmp = tmpfile(%w(exec .pid)) x = "echo $$ >> #{tmp.path}" pid = mkserver(cfg) do cfg.instance_eval do app(:rack, ru) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" } before_exec do |exec_cmd| exec_cmd.replace(%W(/bin/sh -c #{x})) end stderr_path err.path end end # did we start properly? Net::HTTP.start(host, port) do |http| assert_equal "OK", http.request(Net::HTTP::Get.new("/")).body end Process.kill(:USR2, pid) Timeout.timeout(30) { sleep(0.01) until tmp.size > 0 } buf = tmp.read assert_match %r{\A\d+}, buf exec_pid = buf.to_i poke_until_dead exec_pid # ensure it recovered Net::HTTP.start(host, port) do |http| assert_equal "OK", http.request(Net::HTTP::Get.new("/")).body end assert_match %r{reaped}, err.read err.truncate(0) ensure tmp.close! quit_wait(pid) end def test_app_controls_close err, cfg, host, port = @err, Yahns::Config.new, @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] pid = mkserver(cfg) do cfg.instance_eval do ru = lambda { |env| h = { 'Content-Length' => '2' } if env["PATH_INFO"] =~ %r{\A/(.+)} h["Connection"] = $1 end [ 200, h, ['HI'] ] } app(:rack, ru) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" } stderr_path err.path end end c = get_tcp_client(host, port) # normal response c.write "GET /keep-alive HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n" buf = ''.dup Timeout.timeout(30) do buf << c.readpartial(4096) until buf =~ /HI\z/ end assert_match %r{^Connection: keep-alive}, buf assert_raises(Errno::EAGAIN,IO::WaitReadable) { c.read_nonblock(666) } # we allow whatever in the response, but don't send it c.write "GET /whatever HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n" buf = ''.dup Timeout.timeout(30) do buf << c.readpartial(4096) until buf =~ /HI\z/ end assert_match %r{^Connection: keep-alive}, buf assert_raises(Errno::EAGAIN,IO::WaitReadable) { c.read_nonblock(666) } c.write "GET /close HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n" buf = ''.dup Timeout.timeout(30) do buf << c.readpartial(4096) until buf =~ /HI\z/ end assert_match %r{^Connection: close}, buf assert_equal c, IO.select([c], nil, nil, 30)[0][0] assert_raises(EOFError) { c.readpartial(666) } c.close ensure quit_wait(pid) end def test_inherit_too_many err = @err s2 = TCPServer.new(ENV["TEST_HOST"] || "", 0) cfg = Yahns::Config.new host, port = @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] cfg.instance_eval do ru = lambda { |_| [ 200, {'Content-Length'=>'2'}, ['HI'] ] } GTL.synchronize { app(:rack, ru) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" } } logger(Logger.new(err.path)) end pid = mkserver(cfg, @srv) do s2.autoclose = false ENV["YAHNS_FD"] = "#{@srv.fileno},#{s2.fileno}" end run_client(host, port) { |res| assert_equal "HI", res.body } th = Thread.new do c = s2.accept c.readpartial(1234) c.write "HTTP/1.0 666 OK\r\n\r\nGO AWAY" c.close :OK end Thread.pass s2host, s2port = s2.addr[3], s2.addr[1] Net::HTTP.start(s2host, s2port) do |http| res = http.request(Net::HTTP::Get.new("/")) assert_equal 666, res.code.to_i assert_equal "GO AWAY", res.body end assert_equal :OK, th.value tmpc = TCPSocket.new(s2host, s2port) a2 = s2.accept assert_nil IO.select([a2], nil, nil, 0.05) tmpc.close assert_nil a2.read(1) a2.close s2.close ensure quit_wait(pid) end def test_inherit_tcp_nodelay_set err = @err cfg = Yahns::Config.new host, port = @srv.addr[3], @srv.addr[1] @srv.setsockopt(:IPPROTO_TCP, :TCP_NODELAY, 0) assert_equal 0, @srv.getsockopt(:IPPROTO_TCP, :TCP_NODELAY).int cfg.instance_eval do ru = lambda { |_| [ 200, { 'Content-Length' => '2' } , [ 'HI' ] ] } GTL.synchronize { app(:rack, ru) { listen "#{host}:#{port}" } } logger(Logger.new(err.path)) end pid = mkserver(cfg, @srv) { ENV["YAHNS_FD"] = "#{@srv.fileno}" } run_client(host, port) { |res| assert_equal "HI", res.body } # TCP socket option is shared at file level, not FD level: assert_equal 1, @srv.getsockopt(:IPPROTO_TCP, :TCP_NODELAY).int ensure quit_wait(pid) end end