# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 all contributors # License: GPL-3.0+ (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'helper' require 'timeout' class TestWbuf < Testcase ENV["N"].to_i > 1 and parallelize_me! def setup skip 'sendfile missing' unless IO.instance_methods.include?(:sendfile) end class KgioUS < UNIXSocket include Kgio::SocketMethods def self.output_buffer_tmpdir Dir.tmpdir end end def socketpair KgioUS.pair end def test_wbuf skip "sendfile not Linux-compatible" if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /linux/ buf = "*" * (16384 * 2) nr = 1000 [ true, false ].each do |persist| wbuf = Yahns::Wbuf.new([], persist) assert_equal false, wbuf.busy a, b = socketpair assert_nil wbuf.wbuf_write(a, "HIHI") assert_equal "HIHI", b.read(4) nr.times { wbuf.wbuf_write(a, buf) } assert_equal :wait_writable, wbuf.wbuf_flush(a) done = cloexec_pipe thr = Thread.new do rv = [] until rv[-1] == persist IO.select(nil, [a]) tmp = wbuf.wbuf_flush(a) rv << tmp end done[1].syswrite '.' rv end wait = true begin if wait r = IO.select([b,done[0]], nil, nil, 5) end b.read_nonblock((rand * 1024).to_i + 666, buf) wait = (r[0] & done).empty? rescue Errno::EAGAIN break end while true assert_equal thr, thr.join(5) rv = thr.value assert_equal persist, rv.pop assert(rv.all? { |x| x == :wait_writable }) a.close b.close done.each { |io| io.close } end end def test_wbuf_blocked a, b = socketpair skip "sendfile not Linux-compatible" if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /linux/ buf = "." * 4096 4.times do begin a.write_nonblock(buf) rescue Errno::EAGAIN break end while true end wbuf = Yahns::Wbuf.new([], true) rv1 = wbuf.wbuf_write(a, buf) rv2 = wbuf.wbuf_flush(a) case rv1 when nil assert_equal true, rv2, 'some kernels succeed with real sendfile' when :wait_writable assert_equal :wait_writable, rv2, 'some block on sendfile' else flunk "unexpected from wbuf_write/flush: #{rv1.inspect} / #{rv2.inspect}" end # drain the buffer Timeout.timeout(10) { b.read(b.nread) until b.nread == 0 } # b.nread will increase after this assert_nil wbuf.wbuf_write(a, "HI") nr = b.nread assert_operator nr, :>, 0 assert_equal b, IO.select([b], nil, nil, 5)[0][0] b.read(nr - 2) if nr > 2 assert_equal b, IO.select([b], nil, nil, 5)[0][0] assert_equal "HI", b.read(2), "read the end of the response" assert_equal true, wbuf.wbuf_flush(a) ensure a.close b.close end def test_wbuf_flush_close pipe = cloexec_pipe persist = true wbuf = Yahns::Wbuf.new(pipe[0], persist) refute wbuf.respond_to?(:close) # we don't want this for HttpResponse body sp = socketpair rv = nil buf = ("*" * 16384) << "\n" thr = Thread.new do 1000.times { pipe[1].write(buf) } pipe[1].close end pipe[0].each { |chunk| rv = wbuf.wbuf_write(sp[1], chunk) } assert_equal thr, thr.join(5) assert_equal :wait_writable, rv done = cloexec_pipe thr = Thread.new do rv = [] until rv[-1] == persist IO.select(nil, [sp[1]]) rv << wbuf.wbuf_flush(sp[1]) end done[1].syswrite '.' rv end wait = true begin if wait r = IO.select([sp[0],done[0]], nil, nil, 5) end sp[0].read_nonblock(16384, buf) wait = (r[0] & done).empty? rescue Errno::EAGAIN break end while true assert_equal thr, thr.join(5) rv = thr.value assert_equal true, rv.pop assert rv.all? { |x| x == :wait_writable } assert pipe[0].closed? sp.each(&:close) done.each(&:close) end end