# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: GPL-3.0+ Gem::Specification.new do |s| manifest = File.read('.gem-manifest').split(/\n/) s.name = %q{yahns} s.version = ENV["VERSION"].dup s.authors = ["yahns hackers"] s.summary = "sleepy, multi-threaded, non-blocking application server" s.description = File.read("README").split(/\n\n/)[1].strip s.email = %q{yahns-public@yhbt.net} s.executables = manifest.grep(%r{\Abin/}).map { |s| s.sub(%r{\Abin/}, "") } s.files = manifest s.required_ruby_version = '>= 2.0' s.add_dependency(%q, '~> 2.9') s.add_dependency(%q, '~> 3.2') s.add_dependency(%q, '>= 4.6.3', '< 7.0') # s.add_dependency(%q, '~> 1.2') # optional # minitest is standard in Ruby 2.0, 4.3 is packaged with Ruby 2.0.0, # 4.7.5 with 2.1. We work with minitest 5, too. 6.x does not exist # at the time of this writing. We should always be compatible with # minitest (or test-unit) library packaged with the latest official # Matz Ruby release. s.add_development_dependency(%q, '>= 4.3', '< 6.0') # for Rack::Utils::HeaderHash#each s.add_development_dependency(%q, '>= 1.1') s.homepage = 'https://yhbt.net/yahns.git/about/' s.licenses = "GPL-3.0+" end