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DateCommit message (Expand)
2010-04-21avoid direct require of "rack" to quiet warnings
2010-04-21test: fix Linux memory usage test
2010-04-08ext: preserve subclasses of Rack::Utils::HeaderHash
2010-04-08ext: use FIX macros instead of generic NUM macros if possible
2010-02-13clogger 0.3.2 v0.3.2
2010-02-13ext: fix memory leak when reentrant/multithreaded v0.3.1
2010-02-09clogger 0.3.0 v0.3.0
2010-02-08README: update examples for :reentrant
2010-02-08Allow :reentrant flag to be forced true/false
2010-01-06Fix minor build system bugs
2010-01-06clogger 0.2.0 v0.2.0
2010-01-06pure: use Rack::Utils.bytesize instead of String#size
2010-01-06pure: avoid unnecessary method dispatches
2010-01-06GNUmakefile: avoid deleting when uploading docs
2010-01-06Rakefile: raa_update task
2010-01-06README: use ::File in usage examples
2010-01-06ext: unpack response arrays unconditionally
2010-01-06GNUmakefile: NEWS depends on .manifest
2010-01-06GNUmakefile: modernize for Gemcutter
2009-10-06clogger 0.1.0 v0.1.0
2009-10-06cleanup packaging and website/rdoc
2009-10-06GNUmakefile: fix grammar FAIL in comment
2009-10-06gemspec: disable the license= field for older RubyGems
2009-10-06tests for subclassing
2009-10-06ext: ensure all objects we byte_xs are Strings
2009-10-06ext: convert non-Hashes #to_hash if possible
2009-09-09clogger 0.0.7 v0.0.7
2009-09-09handle bodies that do not respond to :close
2009-09-07README: fix some grammar peculiarities
2009-09-07README: document $status
2009-09-07Rakefile: preformatted text for history rdoc
2009-09-07Rakefile: Fix history with multi-paragraph tag messages
2009-09-07gemspec: license is LGPLv3
2009-09-07GNUmakefile: cleanup release notes generation
2009-09-07clogger 0.0.6 v0.0.6
2009-09-07ext: fix compiler warnings in the cpp "comment"
2009-09-07Don't bother creating HeaderHash unless we need it
2009-09-07README: note that it's multi-instance-safe
2009-09-07README: fix links
2009-09-07enable MRI C extension by default
2009-09-07Switch to hand-rolled packaging/distro scripts
2009-09-07ext: hack to prevent rdoc from finding Rack* namespace
2009-09-04ext: only duplicate frozen response arrays
2009-09-04use Rack::Utils::HeaderHash for $sent_http_* lookups
2009-09-04ext: store each response element explicitly
2009-09-04ext: more consistent function naming
2009-09-03add support for several more CGI variables
2009-09-03add output record separator option (:ORS)
2009-09-03CLOGGER_PURE forces the pure version to be loaded
2009-09-03Ensure underlying logger objects are sync=true