summary refs log tree commit
DateCommit message (Expand)
2013-01-13Bump version 1.4.4
2013-01-13Update README for release. Add security section.
2013-01-13Squash warnings in spec_auth
2013-01-13Reimplement auth scheme fix
2013-01-07Remove warnings: 'not used variable' and 'shadowing outer variable'
2013-01-07Add release announcements to README 1.4.3
2013-01-07Bump to 1.4.3
2013-01-07multipart/parser: avoid unbounded #gets method
2013-01-06Bump to 1.4.2 1.4.2
2013-01-06Update README based on master
2013-01-04Fix parsing performance for unquoted filenames
2013-01-04Fix parsing multiple ranges
2013-01-04.woff now has an official mime type!
2013-01-04Do not fail on cookies that are not URI escaped
2013-01-04Add a note in KNOWN-ISSUES regarding ECMA escape
2013-01-04Refactor spec_cascade and spec_head
2013-01-04Rack::Response now conforms to body.close SPEC
2013-01-04Rack::Head now conforms to body.close SPEC
2013-01-04Cascade now conforms to the body.close SPEC
2013-01-04Clarify the body.close spec section
2013-01-04fixes for 1.8
2013-01-04Ensure that deflater always closes bodies.
2013-01-04Rack::BodyProxy#each, fixes rack/rack#434
2013-01-04Prevent infinite recursions from Response#to_ary
2013-01-04Return a bad request for malformed basic auth
2013-01-04Rack::Static: Rename methods
2013-01-04Remove .rbenv-version from .gitignore
2013-01-04rescue Errno::ESRCH for windows, fixes #391
2013-01-04CommonLogger Documentation, fixes #412
2013-01-04Add redrawn logos by Zachary Scott
2013-01-04Make multipart parser work when there is no Content-Length header
2013-01-04Fix docs for Rack::Static http headers
2013-01-04Fix docs for Rack::Static http headers
2013-01-04Rack::Static: Provide custom HTTP header rules as array only and more concise...
2013-01-04Rack::Static: Refactor array of arrays implementation
2013-01-04- correct existing raise test
2013-01-04Only run header rules tests that use a hash on ruby 1.9 and above
2013-01-04Allow HTTP header rules to be provided in array of arrays (useful on Ruby 1.8.7)
2013-01-04Try to get headers working on Ruby 1.8.7
2013-01-04Allow Rack::Static to assign HTTP Headers based on rules
2013-01-04Fix script name escaping in Rack::Directory
2013-01-04Deprecation notice for cache_control parameter
2013-01-04Adjust Documentation
2013-01-04Allow Rack::File and Rack::Static to serve custom HTTP Headers
2013-01-04Use aref instead of merge!
2013-01-04load session data for merge!
2013-01-04Don't set blank Cache-Control header in Rack::ETag
2013-01-04Explicitly declare Enumerator
2013-01-04Update Rack::Deflater specs
2013-01-04Use const_defined? instead of defined? to check for Enumerator