summary refs log tree commit
path: root/lib/rack/handler
DateCommit message (Expand)
2014-10-02Less allocated objects on each request
2014-07-05Monkey patch to fix WEBrick chunking semantics.
2013-04-22Merge pull request #514 from postmodern/localhost_development
2013-03-30Don't rely on ENV. Fixes #532
2013-03-28add partial rack hijack support for WEBrick
2013-02-27Determine the default value for Host, based on the environment.
2013-02-09Rack::Handler::Thin: default the host to localhost in development mode.
2013-02-09Rack::Handler::Mongrel: default the host to localhost in development mode.
2013-02-09Rack::Handler::WEBrick: default the host to localhost in development mode.
2013-01-05Add default port to webrick
2012-11-02fix passing addional options to thin versions below 0.8.0
2012-11-02passing additional options to thin handler
2012-01-27Use more distinct and faster form of Hash casting
2011-05-23fix whitespace errors
2011-05-03Merge pull request #92 from stormbrew/handler-options-2.1.
2011-03-09mongrel rack.url_scheme was hardcoded to http
2011-01-14fixing unused variable warnings in 1.9.3
2010-12-11Implemented handler-specific options in a way that allows them to be retrieve...
2010-12-11FastCGI Handler should not rebind to host/port if file is set.
2010-12-10Fixes REQUEST_PATH for WEBrick
2010-10-04release semantics of Rack::Chunked and Rack::ContentLength from handlers. thi...
2010-09-11Include all values for repeated response headers in WEBrick. Closes #52.
2010-06-17Merge branch 'master' of
2010-06-15FastCGI handler should respect :Host option
2010-06-13Make CGI handler obey rack spec by wrapping stdin in a rewindable
2010-06-12Fix Handler::CGI so it uses $stdin.binmode
2010-03-23Update all handlers to use Rack::VERSION instead of a hardcoded array for the...
2010-03-23Deprecate unused log object in Rack::Handler::SCGI
2010-03-23Move trap(:INT) to Rack::Server and support optional Handler protocol where h...
2009-12-26Bump version and release to 1.1
2009-12-10Don't delete PATH_INFO from env in fastcgi, mongrel, and webrick
2009-10-23Fix LSWS handler as suggested by George Wang
2009-09-08Pass more options to mongrel
2009-08-12Checking that the FCGI::Stream class exists, before trying to override the re...
2009-08-05Revert "Add common HTTP strings to Rack::Const"
2009-08-03Add common HTTP strings to Rack::Const
2009-08-03Mongrel handler should use rack_input var
2009-06-30Set correct external_encoding for handlers that don't use RewindableInput
2009-06-01Make sure WEBrick respects the :Host option
2009-04-30Bump remainder of rack.versions
2009-04-25Patch FCGI::Stream#read to use a buffer
2009-04-15Implement a Rack::RewindableInput utility class, for making any IO object rew...
2009-04-11Add #rewind noop for FastCGI
2009-03-12Handlers use ContentLength and Chunked middleware where needed
2009-03-11Force Litespeed input to be a proper IO object [#36 state:resolved]
2009-03-08WEBrick handler now sets the unescaped PATH_INFO
2009-02-06Handlers split header values on "\n" instead of using #each
2009-01-24Use $stdin and $stderr instead of STDIN and STDERR
2009-01-22Close #16: String#to_a breaks 1.9 compatibility
2009-01-04Fix webrick handler for ruby 1.9.1