summary refs log tree commit
path: root/lib/rack/response.rb
DateCommit message (Expand)
2022-05-25Fix various spelling issues. (#1897)
2022-04-28Add methods for HTTP status codes 406 and 408 (#1882)
2022-04-11Tidy up documentation and specs in relation to lower case headers. (#1855)
2022-04-09Rework Rack::Response#initialize documentation to be RDoc format. (#1861)
2022-03-02Allow header value to be an Array of String instances. (#1793)
2022-02-23Update lib/rack/response.rb
2022-02-23Correct handling of streaming body in `Rack::Response`.
2022-02-23Add deprecation warning to `Rack::Response#headers`.
2022-02-18Change SPEC to not allow uppercase header keys
2022-02-03Enable directly requiring Rack components
2020-09-24use @status instead of status.to_i
2020-02-05Prefer instance variables and use explicit returns.
2020-02-05Convenient cache and content type methods for `Rack::Response`.
2020-02-05Memoize header hash usage. Fixes #738.
2020-02-05Enable `Style/MethodDefParentheses` cop to avoid newly add no paren method de...
2020-01-29Fix Response#write calculation of Content-Length if initialized with a body
2020-01-28Revert moving attributes below `#initialize`.
2020-01-28Fix documentation type syntax.
2020-01-27Use require_relative and rely on autoload instead of using require
2020-01-24Document `Rack::Response#initialize` and `#finish`.
2020-01-22Enable `Layout/TrailingWhitespace` cop to prevent extra trailing space in future
2020-01-14Update lib/rack/response.rb
2020-01-14Add new `Response.[]` and `MockResponse.[]` which are very similar. Fixes #1094.
2020-01-11Ensure body is closed after buffering it. Fixes #877.
2020-01-08Don't propagate nil values.
2020-01-08Prefer parentheses.
2020-01-08Remove trailing whitespace.
2020-01-07Prefer `Hash#[]` which is about 20% faster and more logical.
2020-01-07Reuse `Rack::Utils::STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY`.
2020-01-07Lazily initialize the response body and only buffer it if required.
2020-01-06Remove `to_ary` from Response
2019-10-28Revert the introduction of SimpleBodyProxy
2019-04-02Merge pull request #1325 from jodosha/performance/remove-useless-header-merge
2019-01-23Ensure initialization of Utils::HeaderHash will dup given headers
2019-01-04Don't mutate given headers
2019-01-03Merge pull request #1328 from jodosha/performance/status-with-no-entity-body
2018-12-20Reduce the scope for Response
2018-12-20Transform Utils::STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY into a Hash
2018-12-19Introduce Rack::SimpleBodyProxy
2018-12-19Performance: remove useless header merge from Response
2018-07-29remove .freeze
2018-04-17RuboCop: enable Layout/Space* cops (#1259)
2018-04-13Add frozen_string_literal: true to remaining files
2016-12-14Revert "Add 205 Reset Content to the list of statuses without a message body" rfc7231-sec6.3.6-205
2015-10-06* Add `Rack::Response::Helpers#cache_control` and `cache_control=`.
2015-10-06* Add `Rack::Response::Helpers#etag` and `etag=`. Use this for
2015-10-03`Response#add_header` to add to a value to a multivalued header
2015-09-24use a response object when committing the session
2015-08-29Rack::Response::Helpers#redirect? would accept 308 status code
2015-08-29Remove any reference to 418 status code