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From: Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>
To: mongrel-unicorn@rubyforge.org
Subject: [PATCH] unicorn_forever: new executable to respawn masters
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 03:11:51 +0000	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <20130724031151.GA14534@dcvr.yhbt.net> (raw)

Comments/reports of success/failure appreciated.

(Bcc-ing the user who contacted me privately about daemontools :)
From: Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>
Subject: [PATCH] unicorn_forever: new executable to respawn masters

Warning: lightly tested (and not under daemontools/systemd/etc)

This may be useful for daemontools and similar init replacements
which behave badly when the master process is replaced during the
normal SIGUSR2 && SIGQUIT routine.




  unicorn_forever unicorn -c /path/to/unicorn_config.rb config.ru

It can also be used to keep Rainbows! processes alive as long as
you check for "Rainbows!" constant references in your config file.

  unicorn_forever rainbows -c /path/to/rainbows_config.rb config.ru

Supported signals:

SIGKILL - really kill the unicorn_forever process (unblockable)

SIGSTOP - pause the process, this prevent unicorn_forever from detecting
          or respawning a dead master


SIGCONT - resumes a process stopped by SIGCONT

Those signals above were really implicit to everything, the following
two should be familiar to existing unicorn users.

SIGHUP  - reloads the config (just like regular unicorn).
          This does not touch the existing master process, but allows
	  future masters to be spawned with a different set of listen

SIGUSR1 - reopens existing log files, this signal is forwarded to the
          regular unicorn master (and thus any workers it has)

All other normal unicorn signals are logged and otherwise ignored.
They are not forwarded to the unicorn master.

To upgrade a unicorn application, just send SIGQUIT (not SIGUSR2) to the
existing master and unicorn_forever will automatically respawn.

There is no way to gracefully upgrade unicorn_forever without losing
connections.  Doing graceful upgrades of unicorn_forever would defeat
the purpose and cause parents (e.g. daemontools) to notice a child

unicorn_forever is probably unnecessary for systemd.  The use of cgroups
with systemd prevents daemons from "escaping" the control of systemd, so
a daemonized unicorn probably remains visible to systemd.


unicorn_forever is stripped down version of unicorn (and the
Unicorn::HttpServer class) which contains enough to:

* parse the config file for listeners (and general validation)
* bind listen sockets
* issue chdir for the working_directory
* set the UNICORN_FD environment variable
* exec the real process (unicorn/rainbows/whatever...)

It does not load nor validate the application.
 bin/unicorn_forever    | 126 +++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/unicorn/forever.rb | 289 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 415 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 bin/unicorn_forever
 create mode 100644 lib/unicorn/forever.rb

diff --git a/bin/unicorn_forever b/bin/unicorn_forever
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bef3a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/unicorn_forever
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# -*- encoding: binary -*-
+require 'unicorn'
+require 'unicorn/forever'
+require 'optparse'
+rackup_opts = Unicorn::Configurator::RACKUP
+options = rackup_opts[:options]
+op = OptionParser.new("", 24, '  ') do |opts|
+  cmd = File.basename($0)
+  opts.banner = "Usage: #{cmd} " \
+                "[ruby options] [#{cmd} options] [rackup config file]"
+  opts.separator "Ruby options:"
+  lineno = 1
+  opts.on("-e", "--eval LINE", "evaluate a LINE of code") do |line|
+    eval line, TOPLEVEL_BINDING, "-e", lineno
+    lineno += 1
+  end
+  opts.on("-d", "--debug", "set debugging flags (set $DEBUG to true)") do
+    $DEBUG = true
+  end
+  opts.on("-w", "--warn", "turn warnings on for your script") do
+    $-w = true
+  end
+  opts.on("-I", "--include PATH",
+          "specify $LOAD_PATH (may be used more than once)") do |path|
+    $LOAD_PATH.unshift(*path.split(/:/))
+  end
+  opts.on("-r", "--require LIBRARY",
+          "require the library, before executing your script") do |library|
+    require library
+  end
+  opts.separator "#{cmd} options:"
+  # some of these switches exist for rackup command-line compatibility,
+  opts.on("-o", "--host HOST",
+          "listen on HOST (default: #{Unicorn::Const::DEFAULT_HOST})") do |h|
+    rackup_opts[:host] = h
+    rackup_opts[:set_listener] = true
+  end
+  opts.on("-p", "--port PORT",
+          "use PORT (default: #{Unicorn::Const::DEFAULT_PORT})") do |p|
+    rackup_opts[:port] = p.to_i
+    rackup_opts[:set_listener] = true
+  end
+  opts.on("-E", "--env RACK_ENV",
+          "use RACK_ENV for defaults (default: development)") do |e|
+    ENV["RACK_ENV"] = e
+  end
+  opts.on("-N", "--no-default-middleware",
+          "do not load middleware implied by RACK_ENV") do |e|
+    rackup_opts[:no_default_middleware] = true
+  end
+  opts.on("-D", "--daemonize", "run daemonized in the background") do |d|
+    rackup_opts[:daemonize] = !!d
+  end
+  opts.on("-P", "--pid FILE", "DEPRECATED") do |f|
+    warn %q{Use of --pid/-P is strongly discouraged}
+    warn %q{Use the 'pid' directive in the Unicorn config file instead}
+    options[:pid] = f
+  end
+  opts.on("-s", "--server SERVER",
+          "this flag only exists for compatibility") do |s|
+    warn "-s/--server only exists for compatibility with rackup"
+  end
+  # Unicorn-specific stuff
+  opts.on("-l", "--listen {HOST:PORT|PATH}",
+          "listen on HOST:PORT or PATH",
+          "this may be specified multiple times",
+          "(default: #{Unicorn::Const::DEFAULT_LISTEN})") do |address|
+    options[:listeners] << address
+  end
+  opts.on("-c", "--config-file FILE", "Unicorn-specific config file") do |f|
+    options[:config_file] = f
+  end
+  # I'm avoiding Unicorn-specific config options on the command-line.
+  # IMNSHO, config options on the command-line are redundant given
+  # config files and make things unnecessarily complicated with multiple
+  # places to look for a config option.
+  opts.separator "Common options:"
+  opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do
+    puts opts.to_s.gsub(/^.*DEPRECATED.*$/s, '')
+    exit
+  end
+  opts.on_tail("-v", "--version", "Show version") do
+    puts "#{cmd} v#{Unicorn::Const::UNICORN_VERSION}"
+    exit
+  end
+  opts.parse! ARGV
+# ARGV[0] is usually "unicorn", but "unicorn_rails" or custom
+# BYOE wrappers work, too
+ru = ARGV[1] || 'config.ru'
+Unicorn::Configurator::RACKUP.merge!(:file => ru, :optparse => op)
+op = nil
+if $DEBUG
+  require 'pp'
+  pp({
+    :unicorn_options => options,
+    :daemonize => rackup_opts[:daemonize],
+  })
diff --git a/lib/unicorn/forever.rb b/lib/unicorn/forever.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f6c5fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/unicorn/forever.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+# -*- encoding: binary -*-
+# Normally the unicorn master process can handle all the restarting,
+# however with init replacements becoming process managers, we may want
+# to use something which never dies and restarts the master.
+class Unicorn::Forever
+  # :stopdoc:
+  include Unicorn::SocketHelper
+  attr_accessor :listener_opts, :init_listeners, :config, :logger
+  START_CTX = {
+    :argv => ARGV.map { |arg| arg.dup },
+  }
+  # We favor ENV['PWD'] since it is (usually) symlink aware for Capistrano
+  # and like systems
+  START_CTX[:cwd] = begin
+    a = File.stat(pwd = ENV['PWD'])
+    b = File.stat(Dir.pwd)
+    a.ino == b.ino && a.dev == b.dev ? pwd : Dir.pwd
+  rescue
+    Dir.pwd
+  end
+  def initialize(options = {})
+    @listeners = []
+    @self_pipe = []
+    @new_listeners = []
+    @init_listeners = options[:listeners] ? options[:listeners].dup : []
+    options[:use_defaults] = true
+    @config = Unicorn::Configurator.new(options)
+    @listener_opts = {}
+    @config.commit!(self, :skip => [:listeners])
+    @respawn = true
+    @self_pipe = Kgio::Pipe.new
+    @self_pipe.each { |io| io.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFD, Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC) }
+    # signal queue used for self-piping
+    @sig_queue = []
+  end
+  def setup_sighandlers
+      trap(s) { sig_handler(s.to_sym) }
+    end
+  end
+  # Runs the thing.  Returns self so you can run join on it
+  def start
+    # no inheriting, just start the default if needed
+    config_listeners = @config[:listeners].dup
+    if config_listeners.empty?
+      config_listeners << Unicorn::Const::DEFAULT_LISTEN
+      @init_listeners << Unicorn::Const::DEFAULT_LISTEN
+      START_CTX[:argv] << "-l#{Unicorn::Const::DEFAULT_LISTEN}"
+    end
+    @new_listeners.replace(config_listeners)
+    bind_new_listeners!
+    setup_sighandlers
+    do_exec
+    self
+  end
+  # replaces current listener set with +listeners+.  This will
+  # close the socket if it will not exist in the new listener set
+  def listeners=(listeners)
+    cur_names, dead_names = [], []
+    listener_names.each do |name|
+      if ?/ == name[0]
+        # mark unlinked sockets as dead so we can rebind them
+        (File.socket?(name) ? cur_names : dead_names) << name
+      else
+        cur_names << name
+      end
+    end
+    set_names = listener_names(listeners)
+    dead_names.concat(cur_names - set_names).uniq!
+    @listeners.delete_if do |io|
+      if dead_names.include?(sock_name(io))
+        IO_PURGATORY.delete_if do |pio|
+          pio.fileno == io.fileno && (pio.close rescue nil).nil? # true
+        end
+        (io.close rescue nil).nil? # true
+      else
+        set_server_sockopt(io, listener_opts[sock_name(io)])
+        false
+      end
+    end
+    (set_names - cur_names).each { |addr| listen(addr) }
+  end
+  def stdout_path=(path); redirect_io($stdout, path); end
+  def stderr_path=(path); redirect_io($stderr, path); end
+  # for Configurator compatibility:
+  def noop(arg = nil); end
+  alias client_body_buffer_size= noop
+  alias client_body_buffer_size noop
+  alias check_client_connection= noop
+  alias check_client_connection noop
+  alias pid= noop
+  alias pid noop
+  alias preload_app= noop
+  alias preload_app noop
+  alias timeout= noop
+  alias timeout noop
+  alias trust_x_forwarded= noop
+  alias trust_x_forwarded noop
+  alias rewindable_input= noop
+  alias rewindable_input noop
+  alias worker_processes= noop
+  alias worker_processes noop
+  alias after_fork= noop
+  alias after_fork noop
+  alias before_fork= noop
+  alias before_fork noop
+  alias before_exec= noop
+  alias before_exec noop
+  # add a given address to the +listeners+ set, idempotently
+  # Allows workers to add a private, per-process listener via the
+  # after_fork hook.  Very useful for debugging and testing.
+  # +:tries+ may be specified as an option for the number of times
+  # to retry, and +:delay+ may be specified as the time in seconds
+  # to delay between retries.
+  # A negative value for +:tries+ indicates the listen will be
+  # retried indefinitely, this is useful when workers belonging to
+  # different masters are spawned during a transparent upgrade.
+  def listen(address, opt = {}.merge(listener_opts[address] || {}))
+    address = config.expand_addr(address)
+    return if String === address && listener_names.include?(address)
+    delay = opt[:delay] || 0.5
+    tries = opt[:tries] || 5
+    begin
+      io = bind_listen(address, opt)
+      unless Kgio::TCPServer === io || Kgio::UNIXServer === io
+        IO_PURGATORY << io
+        io = server_cast(io)
+      end
+      @logger.info "listening on addr=#{sock_name(io)} fd=#{io.fileno}"
+      @listeners << io
+      io
+    rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE => err
+      @logger.error "adding listener failed addr=#{address} (in use)"
+      raise err if tries == 0
+      tries -= 1
+      @logger.error "retrying in #{delay} seconds " \
+                    "(#{tries < 0 ? 'infinite' : tries} tries left)"
+      sleep(delay)
+      retry
+    rescue => err
+      @logger.fatal "error adding listener addr=#{address}"
+      raise err
+    end
+  end
+  # reaps all unreaped processes
+  def reap_all
+    begin
+      pid, status = Process.waitpid2(-1, Process::WNOHANG)
+      pid or return
+      @logger.error "reaped #{status.inspect}"
+      @exec_pid = nil if pid == @exec_pid
+    rescue Errno::ECHILD
+      break
+    end while true
+  end
+  # Monitors child and receives signals forever (or until SIGKILL is sent).
+  # This handles signals one-at-a-time time.
+  # Send SIGSTOP to this process to prevent it from respawning
+  def join
+    begin
+      IO.select([@self_pipe[0]])
+      @self_pipe[0].kgio_tryread(11)
+      reap_all
+      sig = @sig_queue.shift
+      case sig
+      when nil # spurious wakeup
+      when :USR1 # rotate logs
+        @logger.info "unicorn-forever reopening logs..."
+        Unicorn::Util.reopen_logs
+        @logger.info "unicorn-forever done reopening logs"
+        # this is the only signal we always forward
+        Process.kill(sig, @exec_pid) if @exec_pid
+      when :HUP
+        # we only implement SIGHUP because we need to be aware of new
+        # sockets from updated configs
+        if @config.config_file
+          load_config!
+        else # exec binary and exit if there's no config file
+          @logger.info "SIGHUP received but config file not defined"
+        end
+      else
+        @logger.info "unhandled signal: SIG#{sig} received"
+        zero = START_CTX[:argv][0]
+        if @exec_pid
+          @logger.info("did you mean to signal `#{zero}' at PID:#@exec_pid?")
+        else
+          @logger.info("`#{zero}' not running")
+        end
+      end
+      unless @exec_pid
+        do_exec
+        # throttle, in case the master keeps dying, we don't want to burn
+        # cycles and fill up logs by constant respawning
+        sleep 1
+      end
+    rescue => e
+      Unicorn.log_error(@logger, "forever loop error", e)
+    end while true
+    # We don't go down easily, use SIGKILL
+  end
+  def sig_handler(s)
+    @sig_queue << s
+    @self_pipe[1].kgio_trywrite('^') # wakeup ourselves from IO.select
+  end
+  def do_exec
+    @exec_pid = fork do # This will become the unicorn master process
+      # Don't let actions on any TTY -forever may have influence us
+      Process.setsid
+      listener_fds = Hash[@listeners.map do |sock|
+        # IO#close_on_exec= will be available on any future version of
+        # Ruby that sets FD_CLOEXEC by default on new file descriptors
+        # ref: http://redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/5041
+        sock.close_on_exec = false if sock.respond_to?(:close_on_exec=)
+        [ sock.fileno, sock ]
+      end]
+      ENV['UNICORN_FD'] = listener_fds.keys.join(',')
+      Dir.chdir(START_CTX[:cwd])
+      cmd = START_CTX[:argv]
+      # avoid leaking FDs we don't know about, but let before_exec
+      # unset FD_CLOEXEC, if anything else in the app eventually
+      # relies on FD inheritence.
+      (3..1024).each do |io|
+        next if listener_fds.include?(io)
+        io = IO.for_fd(io) rescue next
+        IO_PURGATORY << io
+        io.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFD, Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC)
+      end
+      # exec(command, hash) works in at least 1.9.1+, but will only be
+      # required in 1.9.4/2.0.0 at earliest.
+      cmd << listener_fds if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9.1"
+      @logger.info "executing #{cmd.inspect} (in #{Dir.pwd})"
+      exec(*cmd)
+    end
+  end
+  def load_config!
+    @logger.info "reloading config_file=#{@config.config_file}"
+    @config[:listeners].replace(@init_listeners)
+    @config.reload
+    @config.commit!(self)
+    Unicorn::Util.reopen_logs
+    @logger.info "done reloading config_file=#{@config.config_file}"
+  rescue StandardError, LoadError, SyntaxError => e
+    Unicorn.log_error(@logger,
+        "error reloading config_file=#{@config.config_file}", e)
+  end
+  # returns an array of string names for the given listener array
+  def listener_names(listeners = @listeners)
+    listeners.map { |io| sock_name(io) }
+  end
+  def redirect_io(io, path)
+    File.open(path, 'ab') { |fp| io.reopen(fp) } if path
+    io.sync = true
+  end
+  # This binds any listeners we did NOT inherit from the parent
+  def bind_new_listeners!
+    @new_listeners.each { |addr| listen(addr) }
+    raise ArgumentError, "no listeners" if @listeners.empty?
+    @new_listeners.clear
+  end
Eric Wong

Unicorn mailing list - mongrel-unicorn@rubyforge.org
Do not quote signatures (like this one) or top post when replying

             reply	other threads:[~2013-08-02 13:37 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 3+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2013-07-24  3:11 Eric Wong [this message]
2013-08-03  7:55 ` [PATCH] unicorn_forever: new executable to respawn masters Jeremy Lecour
2013-08-03  8:31   ` Eric Wong

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