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authorzedshaw <zedshaw@19e92222-5c0b-0410-8929-a290d50e31e9>2006-06-18 04:55:32 +0000
committerzedshaw <zedshaw@19e92222-5c0b-0410-8929-a290d50e31e9>2006-06-18 04:55:32 +0000
commitcb6ad54564e136a7e92a5ff337449654e28482dc (patch)
parent54061207308c8057aec0d88f0778ea419d201603 (diff)
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://rubyforge.org/var/svn/mongrel/trunk@243 19e92222-5c0b-0410-8929-a290d50e31e9
21 files changed, 481 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/doc/site/src/attributions.page b/doc/site/src/attributions.page
index 1f53aee..fa12093 100644
--- a/doc/site/src/attributions.page
+++ b/doc/site/src/attributions.page
@@ -9,16 +9,10 @@ h1. Commercial Sponsorship
 Mongrel is a free open source web server and will always remain that way, but
 that doesn't mean that companies don't help to make it better.
-Mongrel now has sponsorship from "EastMedia":http://www.eastmedia.com
+Mongrel received sponsorship from "EastMedia Group":http://www.eastmedia.com
 in partnership with "VeriSign":http://www.verisign.com/ to make Mongrel
-fast and stable enough for enterprise class loads (meaning "gigantic",
-not "Java style").  Their sponsorship has made it possible to get large
-pools of test servers, payment to myself for work done, and a real
-application to use Mongrel on.  Everyone should toss out a thanks
-to them since this may mean I'll get to work on Mongrel full time
-in the near future and it will raise the quality of Ruby application
-hosting in general.  Not to mention the fact that they are letting all
-of my Mongrel work stay LGPL licensed and open source.  
+fast and stable enough for their "PIP":http://pip.verisignlabs.com/
+which should be a great Single Sign-On application and is being released open source.
 Other companies benefiting from Ruby should take this as an example.  I
 can think of quite a few things (Ruby 1.9 and a real virtual machine are
@@ -27,10 +21,6 @@ you're making cash off Ruby consider hiring a developer part-time,
 full-time, or posting a bounty for something you need as well as the
 community needs.  There's no better time for enlightened self-interest than now.
-The kind folks at "railsmachine.net":http://railsmachine.com/ have also donated
-three VPS accounts for testing various installations on their hosting service.  
-They plan to use Mongrel as the default hosting setup in the very near future.
 h1. The People Who Made It Possible
@@ -79,7 +69,8 @@ h2. Coding
 * "Rick Olson (aka technoweenie)":http://techno-weenie.net/ was the first to grab Mongrel
   and cram "Camping":http://redhanded.hobix.com/bits/campingAMicroframework.html into it.
 * "Why the lucky stiff":http://whytheluckystiff.net/ did work on getting the "Camping Framework":http://redhanded.hobix.com/bits/campingAMicroframework.html working with Mongrel more completely.
+* Dan Kubb hooked up sweet Conditional HTTP Response support for Mongrel making it pretty damn fast for static files.
+* Lots of other folks have sent in patches and tweaks.  Let me know if I missed you.
 h2. Tools
diff --git a/doc/site/src/default.template b/doc/site/src/default.template
index 74074bf..98e5258 100644
--- a/doc/site/src/default.template
+++ b/doc/site/src/default.template
@@ -46,9 +46,20 @@
+            <dt>Jun-16-2006</dt>
+            <dd>
+            <h5><a href="{relocatable: news.html}">Mongrel 0.3.13 Officially Released!</a></h5>
+            <p>It's finally out!  Mongrel 0.3.13 with all the goodies for both win32 and everyone else
+            in the whole world.
+            </p>
+            <a href="{relocatable: news.html}" title="Read About It">Read About It</a>
+            <a href="{relocatable: news.html}"><img src="{relocatable: images/li4.gif}" alt="more" /><br /></a></p>
+            </dd>
-            <h5><a href="{relocatable: news.html}">Mongrel 0.3.13 Pre-Release -- Kitana Suicide Concurrency</a></h5>
+            <h5><a href="{relocatable: news.html}">Mongrel 0.3.13 Pre-Release -- Katana Suicide Concurrency</a></h5>
             <p>Well, you asked for it.  Lots of fixes, days away from official release, and allow_concurrency
             can murder your children.
@@ -119,64 +130,6 @@
             <a href="{relocatable: news.html}"><img src="{relocatable: images/li4.gif}" alt="more" /><br /></a></p>
-            <dt>Mar-27-2006</dt>
-            <dd>
-            <h5><a href="{relocatable: news.html}">Mongrel 0.3.12 -- Pre-Release</a></h5>
-            <p>A pre-release of the 0.3.12 Mongrel which suppot tons of functionality, so it
-            needs more testing than normal.  Read the news for changes and install instructions.</p>
-            <a href="{relocatable: news.html}"><img src="{relocatable: images/li4.gif}" alt="more" /><br /></a></p>
-            </dd>
-            <dt>Mar-15-2006</dt>
-            <dd>
-            <h5><a href="{relocatable: news.html}">Mongrel 0.3.11 -- Edge Rails Compliant</a></h5>
-            <p>This release makes sure that Mongrel is edge Rails compliant, and fixes up
-            many little things with GemPlugins.  The <b>big</b> part of the release is
-            the mongrel_config plugin which support win32 and Unix.</p>
-            <a href="http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=1306" title="Downloads">Download</a>
-            <a href="{relocatable: news.html}"><img src="{relocatable: images/li4.gif}" alt="more" /><br /></a></p>
-            </dd>
-            <dt>Mar-12-2006</dt>
-            <dd>
-            <h5><a href="{relocatable: news.html}">Mongrel -- Big Release Day</a></h5>
-            <p>I normally do frequent little releases, but this
-            release involved lots of little touches all over the entire code base.  It
-            now has a ton of features and should have the best Rails support yet.  It's
-            even got <b>GemPlugin</b> to a level that anyone can use it.  Read the
-            news for the full scoop.
-            </p>
-            <a href="http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=1306" title="Downloads">Download</a>
-            <a href="{relocatable: news.html}"><img src="{relocatable: images/li4.gif}" alt="more" /><br /></a></p>
-            </dd>
-            <dt>Mar-06-2006</dt>
-            <dd>
-            <h5><a href="{relocatable: news.html}">Mongrel 0.3.9 -- Gem Based Plugins</a></h5>
-            <p>This release features not only gem based plugins, but a new sub-project
-            named <a href="/gem_plugin_rdoc">GemPlugin</a> to support it.  There's a
-            sample plugin you can try out as well.  Read the news for more info.
-            </p>
-            <a href="http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=1306" title="Downloads">Download</a>
-            <a href="{relocatable: news.html}"><img src="{relocatable: images/li4.gif}" alt="more" /><br /></a></p>
-            </dd>
-            <dt>Mar-04-2006</dt>
-            <dd>
-            <h5><a href="{relocatable: news.html}">Mongrel 0.3.8 -- Bug Fixes</a></h5>
-            <p>A small release to close off some of the bugs in the tracker.  This also
-            adds the ability to get at the RailsHandler from within a Rails application.
-            This is necessary to properly map URI's to their physical locations.
-            </p>
-            <a href="http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=1306" title="Downloads">Download</a>
-            <a href="{relocatable: news.html}"><img src="{relocatable: images/li4.gif}" alt="more" /><br /></a></p>
-            </dd>
         <hr noshade="noshade" size="1" />
diff --git a/doc/site/src/docs/apache.page b/doc/site/src/docs/apache.page
index f397a45..89466e8 100644
--- a/doc/site/src/docs/apache.page
+++ b/doc/site/src/docs/apache.page
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ directoryName: Apache
 h1. Apache Best Practice Deployment
+Coming soon...
diff --git a/doc/site/src/docs/camping.page b/doc/site/src/docs/camping.page
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fabf5a..0000000
--- a/doc/site/src/docs/camping.page
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-title: Camping Issues
-inMenu: true
-directoryName: Camping Issues
-h1. Camping Issues
-This is just a short list of issues people have encountered
-while using Camping with Mongrel.
-* Running Camping and Rails in the same Ruby interpreter
-  causes all sorts of problems with ActiveRecord. You either
-  run one or the other but not both.
diff --git a/doc/site/src/docs/choosing_deployment.page b/doc/site/src/docs/choosing_deployment.page
index 776b3a3..7a91e25 100644
--- a/doc/site/src/docs/choosing_deployment.page
+++ b/doc/site/src/docs/choosing_deployment.page
@@ -6,5 +6,173 @@ directoryName: Choosing Deployment
 h1. Choosing The Best Deployment
-Coming soon ...
+A major motivation for writing Mongrel was to make it easy to deploy Ruby web applications
+within existing infrastructures and organizations.  Most of the companies I tried to
+pitch "Ruby on Rails":http://www.rubyonrails.org/ to loved how fast and easy it was to develop,
+but ran screaming when I talked about FastCGI.
+Mongrel fixes this by just being a plain HTTP server that is still very fast.  It's easy to
+deploy, cluster, manage, and scale with existing web application technologies.  You can
+put it behind hardware load balancers, load balancing web servers, proxy servers, or just
+by itself.
+With this flexibility comes a bit of confusion though.  Many people start off wondering how best to
+deploy Mongrel and then get confused with all the different options available.  This document
+hopefully will help you pick the right deployment for your needs.  They are listed in order
+from smallest/simpler to largest/complex.
+h2. Deployment Considerations
+There are a few initial things you'll have to consider when picking a deployment:
+* Concurrency -- Rails is not thread safe, so if you have giant actions that take
+minutes to complete then take that into consideration.
+* Requests/Second -- Notice I didn't say "users"?  Users is a useless measurement of
+your performance requirements.  You want to know how many *requests per second* you have to process.
+* Content Size -- What's the size of the content you're serving.  Mongrel is pretty decent
+at static files, but it can't beat a good solid web server for pushing out big files.
+* Dynamic vs. Static -- Mongrel can serve static content for small sites, and of course do
+dynamic Ruby generated content, but you'll want to figure out what the mix is so you can scale it later.
+* Available Resources -- You can't cram a truck into a breadbox.  Make sure you have the right deployment
+for your resources such as memory, disk, CPU, etc.
+h3. Scalability Means Expansion Not Speed
+I'm not sure where the term "scalability" changed from it's original meaning, but you should
+throw out any notion of scalability meaning "high performance".  Scalability is about resources
+and how easy it is for you to expand those resources to meet new demand.  This does not mean
+how many resources you can buy now for *all* the demand you'll ever need.  It means the ability
+to start small now, and then *after* you're the next google you can expand.
+h3. Start Small
+Everyone immediately jumps to the end of this document and starts with the absolute most complex and
+"scalable" deployment they can muster.  What you really want to do is start with a very small and simple
+setup, and then expand as needed.  This mitigates the risk that you'll buy a bunch of stuff you really
+don't need and keeps your initial pain and costs low.
+h3. Automate, Automate, Automate
+You're a damn programmer.  You should be scripting the hell out of your deployment just like
+you do your testing.  Automation reduces human error, makes your setups consistent, and many
+times can become a project itself just like "Capistrano":http://manuals.rubyonrails.com/read/book/17
+h1. The Recommendations
+Once you've figured out all the basic things about your planned deployment you can start deciding
+which one you need at the moment, and what you might need in the future.
+Wait.  You did *plan* this deployment right?  Ok, go back and actually plan it.  This document
+is part of your planning, but you need to do your homework first to make a good decision.
+h2. Just Mongrel
+Mongrel is actually pretty fast even when compared with web servers like "Apache":http://httpd.apache.org/
+for serving static files.  If your web application is just starting out, doesn't need to coexist with
+things like PHP, and you don't need SSL, then consider just running Mongrel by itself.
+This is especially attractive if your application can utilize page caching.  Mongrel is pretty quick
+for page cached sites and is able to handle quite a few concurrent connections.
+h3. Disadvantages
+Mongrel will break down pretty quick if you have lots of people accessing Rails actions that are
+slow.  It can still perform like a champ for most small needs, but if you start getting more
+serious then you need one of the next solutions.
+h3. Advantages
+The easiest to manage, especially on win32.  You just turn it on and go home.  Maybe write a
+few /etc/init.d/ start-up scripts for your server if you're running a POSIX system.
+h2. Behind TCP Balancers
+You still don't need SSL, but you do need to make a small cluster of Mongrel servers.  If this
+is the case, then you can simply grab "mongrel_cluster":/docs/mongrel_cluster.html and either
+get "Pen":http://siag.nu/pen/ or "Balance":http://www.inlab.de/balance.html and do a simple
+h3. Advantages
+This configuration is very easy to setup, gives you decent throughput and concurrency, and is
+easy to manage.  Using mongrel_cluster gives you simple commands to control whole clusters of
+Mongrel servers and Pen or Balance simply accepts connections on one port and forwards them
+to one of the backend Mongrel ports.
+h3. Disadvantages
+No SSL and you're still relying on Mongrel to serve the files.  A cluster of Mongrel servers
+is no slouch though.  I think many sites that don't need SSL could run with this configuration
+happily for years.  A real good mix is to combine this with Rails' @asset server@ configuration
+and a simple "thttpd":http://www.acme.com/software/thttpd/ install to serve your static files.
+h2. Behind HTTP Balancers
+If you need something like the above, but you also need SSL, then simply swap out Balance or Pen
+and use "Pound":/docs/pound.html instead.  Pound is a very flexible HTTP balancer that
+also supports SSL.  This gives you the same advantages of simple deployment but adds the security
+you need.
+h3. Advantages
+The same as using a TCP balancer, except you now have SSL and you can do some more creative
+routing.  A good example is if your site has to use a PHP web app for serving ads.  You can
+have pound take requests for the advertising URIs and route them to the PHP application, and
+then transmit everything else to your Mongrels.  It's very flexible and much easier to install.
+h3. Disadvantages
+You're still relying on Mongrel to serve the files and passing that through Pound, but as
+mentioned before Mongrel is pretty quick with static files.  Don't underestimate it.
+h2. Behind Web Servers
+If you have complex static file serving needs, need to host a PHP application at the same time,
+or have complex authentication requirements, then you should use a regular web server.  Mongrel
+has good instructions for quite a few web servers and supports any server that has some form
+of @mod_proxy@ style support.
+* "Apache":/docs/apache.html
+* "Litespeed":/docs/litespeed.html
+* "Lighttpd":/docs/lighttpd.html  *not recommended*
+Each of the above documents describe how to get an initial configuration of Mongrel running behind
+that type of web server.  You should also combine this with "mongrel_cluster":/docs/mongrel_cluster.html
+to manage the cluster of mongrel servers.
+h3. Advantages
+Since you have a real web server handling the initial HTTP traffic you can easily do page caching
+and other magic to speed things up and avoid even talking to Mongrel.  It also means you can put
+in authenticators, other web platforms, and extensions that your application might need.  Many
+web servers are also installed and configured by default on most platforms and you just need
+to add the Mongrel specifics to get it going.
+h3. Disadvantages
+This configuration can quickly descend into madness with complexity.  Apache is
+notorious for having a horribly complex configuration file.  Another
+disadvantage of real web servers is they almost always start of as web servers,
+and then proxy support is bolted on as an extra.  Apache's latest proxy support is
+really good as well as Litespeed's, but Lighttpd's proxy support is really bad (as of Mongrel 0.3.13).
+h2. Behind Hardware
+If you are getting really really serious about your web application and you need to
+serve up lots of Mongrels then you should take a look at a hardware load balancer.
+They're really expensive, but they're usually worth it if you're in the big leagues.
+h3. Advantages
+Big big big loads and the ability to handle the SSL in hardware for many products.
+Also things like smart virus filtering, routing and other goodies, but you'll
+pay for it.
+h3. Disadvantages
+Expensive, Expensive, Expensive.  Did I mention Expensive.  One more time Expensive.
+They're also a royal pain to setup properly, but then that's why their Expensive.
diff --git a/doc/site/src/docs/frameworks.page b/doc/site/src/docs/frameworks.page
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a55edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/site/src/docs/frameworks.page
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+title: Frameworks
+inMenu: true
+directoryName: Frameworks
+h1. Framework Issues
+As known issues specific to different frameworks are reported they get
+posted here.  Problems reported here aren't a sign that a framework is
+worse or better than others, just a reflection of people's experiences.
+h2. Rails
+* Rails is not thread safe so if you have long running actions then you can potentially
+block the server.  Keep in mind that this is the case for *any* server, it's just more
+pronounced for Rails.
+* You can easily kill a Rails server by not closing files.  Always open files in blocks.
+* If you turn on @allow_concurrency@ them Mongrel will run your application without any thread locking.
+This can be dangerous so test it first, and I'm pretty sure it won't work for most complex applications.
+* Mongrel will honor a HUP request and try to do an internal reload, but this usually doesn't work the
+way you think.  Mongrel's shutdown process is very nice and safe, so just restart.
+h2. Camping
+* Running Camping and Rails in the same Ruby interpreter
+causes all sorts of problems with ActiveRecord. You either run one or the
+other but not both.
+h2. Nitro
+* None reported yet.
diff --git a/doc/site/src/docs/gem_plugin.page b/doc/site/src/docs/gem_plugin.page
index 40586bf..70debf1 100644
--- a/doc/site/src/docs/gem_plugin.page
+++ b/doc/site/src/docs/gem_plugin.page
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ inMenu: true
 directoryName: Documentation
+* Jun 16: These docs are out of date and will be updated soon. *
 h1. Writing Mongrel Plugins with GemPlugin
diff --git a/doc/site/src/docs/howto.page b/doc/site/src/docs/howto.page
index b86657e..ac8c010 100644
--- a/doc/site/src/docs/howto.page
+++ b/doc/site/src/docs/howto.page
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Address to bind to when listening for connections.
 <dt>-l, --log (:log_file)</dt>
-Where to dump log messages in daemon mode.
+Where to dump log messages in daemon mode.  Use an *absolute* paths.
 <b>No Win32.</b>
 <ul><li><b>Default:</b> log/mongrel.log</li></ul>
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Where to dump log messages in daemon mode.
 <dt>-P, --pid (:pid_file)</dt>
 Where to write the PID file so <b>start</b> and
-<b>stop</b> commands know the Process ID.
+<b>stop</b> commands know the Process ID.  Use *absolute* paths.
 <b>No Win32.</b>
 <ul><li><b>Default:</b> log/mongrel.pid</li></ul>
@@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ This option makes Mongrel <b>very</b> slow.
-<dt>-c, --config (NONE)</dt>
+<dt>-C, --config (NONE)</dt>
 Specifies a configuration YAML file that sets options you're
 reading about right now.  Read "Command Line Settings" below
-for more information.
+for more information.  Use *absolute* paths.
 <ul><li><b>Default:</b> You can't set this.</li></ul>
@@ -184,7 +184,25 @@ possible.
 When you need to run Mongrel in production (or if you're doing
 wicked fancy stuff) then you'll need to start using a few
-configuration files.
+configuration files.  Problem is the configuration file is in
+this weird YAML syntax that most people just hate.  Rather than
+describe the file's syntax and all possible options, Mongrel has
+a -G (generate) feature that will take any command line options
+you give it, generate the YAML file to replicate those options, and
+then exit.  For example, you could make a config file like this:
+  @mongrel_rails start -G mongrel_8080.yml -e production -p 8080@
+And it'll write all the options possible to mongrel_8080.yml, but
+with your specific changed for environment (-e production) and
+port (-p 8080).
+When you run a configuration file with -C, don't pass other options.
+Rather than have complex rules about whether a configuration file or
+command line option wins, mongrel_rails just uses configuration file
+and defaults, or command line options and defaults.   Basically don't mix,
+it won't work.
 h2. MIME Types
diff --git a/doc/site/src/docs/litespeed.page b/doc/site/src/docs/litespeed.page
index de4d96e..bf8c3e2 100644
--- a/doc/site/src/docs/litespeed.page
+++ b/doc/site/src/docs/litespeed.page
@@ -1,8 +1,84 @@
-title: Litespeed
+title: LiteSpeed
 inMenu: true
-directoryName: Litespeed
+directoryName: LiteSpeed
-h1. Litspeed Best Practice Deployment
+h1. LiteSpeed Best Practice Deployment
+h3. by "Alison Rowland":http://blog.alisonrowland.com
+LiteSpeed makes setting up a reverse proxy to Mongrel a snap with its excellent, web-based control panel. LiteSpeed has a built-in load balancer, so it also works well in conjunction with the "Mongrel_Cluster":mongrel_cluster.html plugin.
+h2. Requirements
+These instructions assume you have already completed the following steps:
+* installed the LiteSpeed Webserver, version 2.1.16 or greater[1] (note: not available for Windows),
+* set up your application as a virtual host[2],
+* installed and configured Mongrel,
+* and confirmed that you can start Mongrel and access your app by appending Mongrel's port number to your domain (e.g. mysite.com:8000).
+If you've done all that, then continue reading!
+h2. Configuring Mongrel as an External App
+# Enter your LiteSpeed Administration Panel (usually yourdomain:7080).
+# Go to *Server Configuration*.
+# Select your app under *Virtual Hosts* in the sidebar at left.
+# Go to the *External Apps* tab and click *Add*.
+# Choose *Web Server* for the *Type* and click *Next*.
+Fill in the following fields:
+* *Name*: Give this instance of Mongrel a name, such as @myapp-1@.
+* *Address*: This should be @, where @XXXX@ is the port number your mongrel instance is running on.
+The other fields are up to you. Here are some values to start you off with a workable setup:
+* *Max Connections*: 20
+* *Connection Keepalive Timeout*: 1000
+* *Environment*: __leave blank__
+* *Initial Request Timeout (secs)*: 1
+* *Retry Timeout (secs)*: 0
+* *Response Buffering*: No
+Finally, click *Save*. If you're only running a single instance of Mongrel, skip down to the instructions on *Configuring a Context.* Otherwise, read on.
+h2. Load Balancing across Multiple Mongrel Instances
+If you're running more than one instance of Mongrel, or are using Mongrel_Cluster, you'll need to repeat the above directions for every instance of Mongrel, changing the name and port number as appropriate for each. Next, you need to set up a load balancer.
+# Back on the *External Apps* tab, click *Add*.
+# Choose *Load Balancer* for *Type* and click *Next*.
+# Give it a *Name*, such as @MyApp@
+# In the *Workers* field, enter all of the mongrel instances you set up, using the names you gave them, like so: <br />
+@proxy::myapp-1, proxy::myapp-2, proxy::myapp-3@
+# *Save*.
+h2. Configuring a Context
+Configuring a context prevents LiteSpeed from displaying Mongrel's port number in the URL.
+# Go to your virtual host's *Context* tab, and click *Add*.
+# If you're set up to run on just a single Mongrel instance, select *Proxy*. Otherwise, select *Load Balancer*.
+# Enter @/@ in *URI*.
+# Make sure your *Web Server* or *Load Balancer* is selected in the next field's drop-down menu.
+# The other settings are up to you. Most can be left blank.
+# *Save*.
+h2. Finishing Up
+The only thing left is to make sure Mongrel is fired up, and, in your LiteSpeed admin panel, click *Apply Changes*, then *Graceful Restart*. You should be good to go!
+h2. References
+Thanks go to Bob Silva[2] and Rick Olson[3], for their trailblazing articles on LiteSpeed deployment for Rails.
+fn1. "LiteSpeed Technologies":http://litespeedtech.com
+fn2. "Launching Rails at the Speed of Lite with LiteSpeed Webserver":http://www.railtie.net/articles/2006/01/21/up-and-running-in-the-speed-of-light
+fn3. "Setting up LiteSpeed with Mongrel":http://weblog.techno-weenie.net/2006/4/11/setting-up-litespeed-with-mongrel
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-title: Nitro
-inMenu: true
-directoryName: Nitro
-h1. Nitro Issues
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@@ -6,3 +6,48 @@ directoryName: Pen/Balance
 h1. Pen/Balance Best Practice Deployment
+Using "Pen":http://siag.nu/pen/ or "Balance":http://www.inlab.de/balance.html to serve
+a cluster of Mongrel servers is a simple way to get good concurrency without
+going wild on your deployment complexity.  What these two programs do is listen on one
+port and then proxy the requests to one of the Mongrel servers in your cluster.
+h2. Requirements
+First up, you should learn to use "mongrel_cluster":/docs/mongrel_cluster.html to manage
+a cluster of Mongrel servers.  It's a simple GemPlugin that simplifies things and also
+works better with Capistrano.
+Second, you need to install wither Pen or Balance.  Either use your package management
+system or install from source.
+Finally, you probably can't do this on win32 unless you use Cygwin.
+h2. Pen
+Once you get Pen installed you just use it like this:
+# Make sure that you can run your application like normal and then
+setup "mongrel_cluster":/docs/mongrel_cluster.html so that all of the running Mongrels work.
+# Run this command: pen ...
+# Check port 4000 to make sure that Pen is proxying correctly.
+As with the Balance instructions below you'll want to create a start-up script so that
+Pen gets started on machine reboots.
+h2. Balance
+Balance is pretty simple:
+# Make sure that you can run your application like normal and then
+setup "mongrel_cluster":/docs/mongrel_cluster.html so that all of the running Mongrels work.
+# Run this command:  balance -p 4000 localhost:3001 localhost:3002 ...
+# Hit port 4000 with a browser to see if it's working.
+That's all there is to it.  You might want to write a little start-up script that
+starts balance on machine reboots.  Balance has many other options available if
+you need to do more complex stuff, but this is usually all people need.
+h2. Limitations
+We found that Balance has an upper limit of 15 backend servers.  I haven't heard much
+about Pen.
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-title: Performance
-inMenu: true
-directoryName: Performance
-h1. Performance Measurement, Tuning, Tweaking (in that order)
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-title: Rails To Handlers
-inMenu: true
-directoryName: Rails To Handlers
-h1. Writing Handlers to Speed Rails
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-title: Rails Issues
-inMenu: true
-directoryName: Rails Issues
-h1. Ruby On Rails Issues
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--- a/doc/site/src/docs/security.page
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@@ -6,3 +6,31 @@ directoryName: Security
 h1. Web Application Security Issues
+Mongrel takes a different approach to security than most web servers.  Rather than
+relying on massive human efforts to audit all possible code, Mongrel is implemented
+using algorithms and methods that are difficult to subvert.  There is still auditing
+and checks, but Mongrel simply tries to avoid errors by not doing things that cause them.
+Read the "Iron Mongrel Security page":/security.html for information on how security
+is done in Mongrel.  The main points to remember with Mongrel's security are:
+* Mongrel uses a "Ragel":http://www.cs.queensu.ca/home/thurston/ragel/ generated parser
+instead of a hand coded HTTP handler.  The grammar is very close to the ABNF specification, so
+if you see "BAD CLIENT" errors in your logs, that probably is a bad client.
+* Security tests have found that Mongrel stops most security attacks at the protocol level due to
+it's correctly written parser *and* it's explicit limits on the sizes of everything.
+* The Mongrel reaction to a protocol violation is to close the socket immediately.  It doesn't waste
+time and resources on bad clients since this is *always* a hack attempt.  If it isn't then it's a
+poorly written client and the author should learn to write a correct one.
+* Mongrel works with all the main clients out there, and ones it doesn't work with are crap living
+in a tiny tiny niche of the internet designed by horrible programmers.
+* While Mongrel is more strict than other servers, it isn't draconian.  The clients that can't get
+through are typically skating on the edge of the HTTP grammar where they do not belong.
+Mongrel isn't infallible, but if Mongrel complains about something then you should investigate it.
+If you think Mongrel is wrong then shoot a message to the mailing list detailing what it should do
+and we'll consider adjusting the grammar.  If you think Mongrel should violate the grammar so that
+your little WebDAV++ Social Network Book Mark Chat Web 2.0 monstrosity can see the light of day, then
+you "should write your own web server":/not_mongrel.html instead.
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@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ get picked up for some people as a dependency.  You'll need to do this instead:
  $ gem install win32-service (pick the most recent one)
  $ gem install mongrel (pick the win32 pre-built)
+ $ gem install mongrel_service
 Now you're installed.  "Read the Win32 HOWTO for more instructions.":win32.html
@@ -79,4 +80,4 @@ Before you start asking for features you should read about
 "bikeshedding":http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/B/bikeshedding.html and
 understand that we're really nice, but sometimes code speaks better than rhetoric.
-Finally there's lots of other "documentation.":index.html \ No newline at end of file
+Finally there's lots of other "documentation.":index.html
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--- a/doc/site/src/docs/upload_progress.page
+++ b/doc/site/src/docs/upload_progress.page
@@ -6,3 +6,8 @@ directoryName: Upload Progress
 h1. Mongrel Upload Progress Plugin
+There's a plugin for Rails that gives folks a fancy "upload progress" but which really
+only works with FastCGI.  There's plans in the works to create a similar system
+for Mongrel, but until that's made official you're pretty much on your own.
diff --git a/doc/site/src/docs/win32.page b/doc/site/src/docs/win32.page
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--- a/doc/site/src/docs/win32.page
+++ b/doc/site/src/docs/win32.page
@@ -13,24 +13,38 @@ pre-compiled gems available for people to use.
 *Before reading this document you need to read "Getting Started.":started.html and make sure it works.*
-h2. Stopping The mongrel_rails Script
+h2. Installing Service Support
+Mongrel used to have a separate mongrel_rails_service script but this
+caused problems and has since been unified into just mongrel_rails
+and a special GemPlugin that gives you a set of service:: commands.
+To install the mongrel_service GemPlugin you simply install mongrel and
+then do:
+  > gem install mongrel_service
+This will give you a set of service commands that you can find out about
+by just running mongrel_rails and then passing each one the -h option to
+get help.
-Just like in POSIX systems, you use CTRL-C to exit the mongrel_rails script.
 h2. Running The Service
 After you do the gem install, find a Rails application you want to run
 and do:
- $ mongrel_rails_service install -n myapp \
+ $ mongrel_rails service::install -N myapp \
      -r c:\my\path\to\myapp -p 4000 -e production
- $ mongrel_rails_service start -n myapp
+ $ mongrel_rails service::start -N myapp
 Now hit the port and poof, works (or should).
 The application will stop if you use:
- $ mongrel_rails_service stop -n myapp
+ $ mongrel_rails service::stop -N myapp
+@NOTE: Stop reports an exception but does stop the service.@
 Now the really great thing is that you can just do all this from
 the Services control panel like your Rails application is a regular
@@ -47,37 +61,37 @@ subversion check-out and run my tests again.
 h2. Other Service Commands
-There is a full set of service control commands in the mongrel_rails_service script.
+There is a full set of service control commands in the mongrel_service plugin.
 This lets you use either the Services control panel or a command line script to
 manage your Rails applications.  What's also nice is that you can register as many
 applications as you want, and even the same one with different names.
-h3. install
+h3. service::install
-If you want to run the same app in different modes then use the *-n* option to the *install*
+If you want to run the same app in different modes then use the *-N* option to the *install*
- $ mongrel_rails_service install -n myapp_dev \
+ $ mongrel_rails service::install -N myapp_dev \
      -r c:\my\path\to\myapp -p 4000 -e development
- $ mongrel_rails_service start -n myapp
+ $ mongrel_rails service::start -N myapp
 You can also use the *-d* option to give the service a different display name in the
 Services console.
-h3. start
+h3. service::start
 Pretty much just takes a service name to start up.  It will run and print a message
 until the service finally starts, which sometimes can take 10-60 seconds.
-h3. stop
+h3. service::stop
-Sort of works right now and also only takes a -n parameter.  It has a few errors
+Sort of works right now and also only takes a -N parameter.  It has a few errors
 when it tries to stop a service so we're working on making it cleaner.
-h3. delete
+h3. service::remove
-Takes the name (-n) of the service to delete and then removes it from the list.
+Takes the name (-N) of the service to remove and then removes it from the list.
 *This would be how you'd remove a service so you can change it's start-up options.*
@@ -92,7 +106,7 @@ It's pretty easy to use, just pass the *-c or --cpu* option to the *install*
 command and give a CPU of 1-X.  That means if you have 4 CPUs and you want
 Mongrel on #4 then do:
- $ mongrel_rails_service install -n myapp \
+ $ mongrel_rails service::install -N myapp \
      -r c:\my\path\to\myapp -p 4000 -e production -c 4
 Pretty much the same command, just one more option and you're done.
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--- a/doc/site/src/index.page
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@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ FastCGI or SCGI.  It is framework agnostic and already supports
 "Ruby On Rails":http://www.rubyonrails.org, "Og+Nitro":http://www.nitroproject.org/,
 and "Camping":http://camping.rubyforge.org/files/README.html frameworks.
+@You need Ruby 1.8.4 just like the gem says you do.@
 h2. Getting Started
@@ -36,7 +37,13 @@ for information on getting started.
 The main thing with Win32 support is that there is no *fork*
 API for Ruby, so you have to use the services features to
-get persistent servers running.
+get persistent servers running.  You can get this services
+support by doing:
+  > gem install mongrel_service
+And then just run @mongrel_rails@ to see what @services::@ commands
+are available.
 h1. Next Steps
diff --git a/doc/site/src/news.page b/doc/site/src/news.page
index 16a8de2..bfd4632 100644
--- a/doc/site/src/news.page
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@@ -7,6 +7,45 @@ ordering: 2
 h1. Latest News
+h2. Jun 16: Mongrel 0.3.13 -- Finally Out!
+After a huge push, tons of delays to fix bugs and add enhancements, and lots of
+feedback and contributions from many great people, I'm happy to announce the
+official *release of Mongrel 0.3.13*.
+This release features lots of documentation, cleaned status output, improved IO processing,
+a major bug fix for a thread leak, and an improvement in the win32 support.
+Read below from past news for all the stuff that was fixed.  The main change that *win32* folks
+should be aware of is they have to install a second little gem to get the services support.
+This is slightly annoying, but the change makes it possible to work independently on the services
+support and not hold back future Mongrel releases.
+h3.  Getting The Release
+For normal people you should do this:
+  $ sudo gem install mongrel
+Of use update.  If update don't work then remove mongrel and re-install.
+h3. Win32: Getting The Release
+For *win32* people, you just do this:
+  $ gem install mongrel
+  $ gem install mongrel_service
+When you do the install, pick the mswin32 version.  After you install the
+mongrel_service you now just use @mongrel_rails@ like everyone else, but
+you get some new fancy @service::@ commands.
+h3.  Reporting Bugs
+Send them to the mailing list and make sure you have your OS, versions, web server,
 h2. Jun 5: Mongrel 0.3.13 Pre-Release -- Katana Suicide Concurrency
 We are *days* away from the official 0.3.13 release, which will be followed
diff --git a/doc/site/src/plugins.page b/doc/site/src/plugins.page
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@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ and will answer your questions.
 * mongrel_cluster -- Very sweet plugin that lets you manage a
   pack of Mongrels easily as well as dealing with Capistrano issues.
 h2. Getting Your Plugin Listed
 Just shoot a message to the "mailing list":http://rubyforge.org/mail/?group_id=1306